Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You too, champ. Hit me up when you want that tutoring.

a wild sock-puppet appears.


I’m sure this will totally age well.


I have just under 10k bgs done. You have… what again?

You don’t PvP and you’re telling people who do PvP that the problem doesn’t exist. To that, you’re saying it’s good for the game? How is pugs getting stomped good for the game?

It’s the organized groups that are larger than 6. This isn’t an issue of 5 mans.

They are mostly neutral and more agree with me than you.

There isn’t a challenge when facing 30-40 players in an epic BG. There is just losing.

Nah but okay.

Trolls don’t even attempt to be clever anymore. It’s just low-effort bait because they don’t have a single original bone in their body.

It might have something to do with the fact that everyone who disagrees with you isn’t trolling. I know that’s a hard thing for some people to accept since they like to think that their opinion is the only real one but welcome to life.

Yeah, but you’re not just disagreeing. You’re being dismissive and are unwilling to engage with the points made. You don’t actually have an argument, so you resort to dropping buzzwords that get a rise out of people.

At the very best, you’re just someone incapable of providing meaningful discourse over something and truly believe what you’re saying is valid. At the very worst, you’re a troll, and at this point I’m more inclined to believe the latter.


Excuse me? I toil for 10 to 15 seconds on almost all my jokes.

Maybe you should read some of the 50 comments I have in this thread.

Everyone doesn’t deserve the same amount of engagement. You aren’t entitled to anything from anyone here.

You popped up on the forum a month ago, as I said above, everyone doesn’t deserve the same amount of engagement. Without even needing to check for any of your alts it’s pretty easy to spot the fact that you’re just a sockpuppet.

I’ve read them. They read exactly as I described. Your very first comment in this thread was dismissive from the jump.

Maybe you think what you’re saying is insightful. I suppose that would say more about you than it does about me.

People are entitled to respect. That’s what you agree to when you agree to the Code of Conduct. You don’t have to engage with everyone in full capacity, but if you’re not doing anything except attempt to rile people up, then it’s pretty clear you don’t respect anyone here.

If Blizzard’s moderation team were actually decent at their job, you would have been silenced by now. Unfortunately, such things hardly occur in threads this large.

Sorry for speaking the truth. Maybe do some self-reflection if it hurts to hear.

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Not giving you the engagement that you think you deserve isn’t disrespect.

Practice what you preach, champ.

Of course not, but dropping buzzwords like “cope” or to act patronizing towards others is certainly disrespectful and illustrates that you’re not here in good faith.

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I don’t think they’d want the same scrutiny applied to their posters. So long as their thoughts are independent of experience I don’t care if they’re posting on a level 10 hidden achievements DK, if they’re sock puppeting Blizzard will know and it’d just weaken their case. We don’t need such tactics, it’s pretty obviously fubar’d.

Do you ever wonder if Blizzard is intentionally destroying pvp? May be why we don’t know who’s in charge of it.

Please find me the post where they say pug stomping is fine. I’ll wait. We have a post saying pug stomping is bad for the game. We have another post saying queueing at the same time as someone else is allowed. That isn’t saying stacking a bg with 30-40 players is fine.

Seems I couldn’t find one where they said it wasn’t okay, looks like it’s fine.

Seems you didn’t look.

Radical idea. Kill that premade in the face.

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Link to original post, please and thanks. All you did was quote a player.

If you actually were arguing in good faith, you would’ve seen I linked to the archived posts 3 weeks ago in this thread.

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