Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

He’s literally paid to explain the rules.

He literally isn’t.

Then by what authority can he make his initial comment about countdown queuing? Be careful, you’re about to invalidate your sole justification.

Because he was answering a question from an angry player claiming that players were using an exploit for premades. He verified that there was no exploit being used. Either way, he’s allowed to state what is and isn’t allowed. His job isn’t to coddle you with answers to the rules of the game, you’re expected to know the rules since you agreed to them before you could even play the game.

I’m not worried about some goTCha moment when I’m in the right. lol

So his job IS to explain rules.

We can repost things all day.

He doesn’t have to answer you just because you post on the forum.

His job isn’t to explain the rules of the game to you.

He’s not supposed to explain rules to customers? So then why are we using him as a justification? He doesn’t even say what you’re saying he says.

Cope, premades aren’t going anywhere.

I’ll take that as a win.

Yeah, huge win, champ. Everyone here doesn’t have the care to go back and forth with someone like you. This is like arguing with a toddler.

I know exactly how you feel.

Willful ignorance is your argument? It’s not opinion, it’s an observation… participation has dipped for a reason, you can pretend it’s something else all you want.

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It’s an opinion because it isn’t a fact.

You not knowing the difference is on you bud… suggestion? Pay attention.

You not having a grasp on what the terms fact and opinion are is the issue at hand. A fact can be verified, you can’t verify your claim. Your claim is nothing more than a little opinion.

What did you win? Queue syncing is still allowed.

They changed subject, couldn’t defend their reference. Countdown queuing isn’t the same as queue syncing.

I said observation… which is clearly something you don’t do, kinda like reading comprehension. It’s always been this way with people like you, you are only focused on how you benefit… not at how effects the games negatively… but you know, you keep deluding yourself.

You still can’t grasp the term opinion. If you need some friends you’re welcome to join our group runs, while we’re in group I can give you a run down on some definitions.

Lol, typical :troll:

Have a good night little guy, open your eyes and pay attention to the game.