Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Maps like av use grave yard trapping for map control. In a battle where you want to wear down enemy forces trapping your enemy and controlling the mines make a huge difference especially during capping situations for towers.

Running out the clock isn’t going for the win.

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It’s farming honor which is what BGs are designed to do.

On top of that I find it amusing that every single point I make you ignore.

Must be hard being wrong and unable to refute points.

Which points have I ignored? I’m sorry, were your bad faith comments in need of a response?

You said BGs were…

Now you’re saying they are…

So it’s not about winning. Got it.

Amazing responses.

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They aren’t bad faith just because you don’t like reality.

You do realize they can be both right?

People normally do BGs to win and farm honor.

And you talk about me being bad faith rofl

I asked you what point I have ignored and you didn’t respond with anything.

Literally all of them. You just come back with some bad faith feelings statement that’s not even applicable.

All of what? What points did you make that I ignored?

All of them.

Point to one of them that I didn’t respond to.

Is that so? Hmm :crazy_face:

Reality is, Blizzard only action players who exploit if it affects areas of the game that “matter.”

That is, Rated PvP, Mythic+, Mythic Raiding, Economy, etc.

They rarely will punish players who exploit in areas of the game that don’t “matter” as much, such as Random BGs, WPvP, Pet Battles, and World Content.

Ask me how I know.

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In normal epic battlegrounds such as Alterac Valley or Ashran, you typically won’t be farmed for “hours”, but in a battleground like Isle of Conquest, it’s certainly possible to be camped for hours and is typically only able to be done if you’re in a premade because a pug group doing this would end the battleground by killing the boss, eventually atleast since boss HP wouldn’t regen.

One commonly used tactic by a certain Alliance premade community was to allow the Horde pug team to capture Quarry and Refinery for the passive reinforcement regeneration. They’d lock down the game pretty quickly by capturing Workshop first, using the sieges from there to capture Hangars and would likely have Docks as well, destroy the Horde keep walls and capture the base. What this dude was move the Horde default graveyard in base (that had the invincibility bubble) to the shores, which weren’t protected by an invincibility bubble.

Alliance premade community would surround the shores with vehicles and group where the new Horde GY was and just spam the vehicle ability and AoE to kill Horde who resurrected there. Game wouldn’t end because Quarry and Refinery generated reinforcements for the faction that owned it and they also chose to not kill the Horde’s boss to continue farming the Horde.

Alright, so the Horde can choose not to resurrect, but there’s no time limit on Isle of Conquest. You can’t wait the game out as the only win conditions are kill boss and defeat other factions reinforcements to 0.

Hm, well, surely they could leave the game right? Okay, they leave the game and now have to wait 15 minutes for deserter. No big deal right? Queue for next game after that. Queues for epic random BG, queue pops, great! Oh wait it’s the same Isle of Conquest game they just left that’s still being camped.

It’d go on for hours. Typically, I don’t think camping the graveyard is considered griefing. Under normal circumstances, it’s just part of the game and eventually the game will end due to reinforcements or has an internal time limit (like in WSG.) But something like this, which is really only possible with a premade who have all decided beforehand that they want to endlessly camp with no determined time limit, could be considered griefing. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Let me break this down for you.

If you are getting farmed for hours you only have yourself to blame.

Statement still stands.

Oh, I’m not getting farmed don’t worry, I don’t do epic BGs. But I can certainly understand why pug players would get stomped by a full premade.

If you can’t see that you’re just being obtuse lol

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Pug players get stomped by other pug players.

Someone has to lose.

Bruh you wrote three whole novels over nothing.

If you read what I said, I’m not talking about pug players vs pug players. :stuck_out_tongue:

Normally, yes, graveyard camping is whatever, but in certain scenarios like the one I mentioned, it’s not.

Holy, if you consider those novels you must’ve not done a lot of reading in your life.

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You’re using pugs getting stomped by premades.

I’m dismissing your qualifier.

Stop being obtuse.

Sarcasm clearly isn’t you’re strong suite.

I mean I’d say the neglect and stagnation to pvp from blizzard abandoning it to anything other than a niche playstyle now is why it fails now.

Too much time investing to get competitive, not enough focus on games in it, bugs, arena, or issues.
Become nothing but a who can CC the most game.
It’s a dead part of the game only played by the die hards who can’t let go. Hell even war mode isn’t even acknowledged anymore.

theyre r thousands of pvp players blzz can dedicate atleast a handful of human game masterz 2 monitor games enforce rulez n gathur feedback bgs n ebgs largely unplayable for ppl who want sumwut faire games n dont exploit around ingame limitations on group size

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You call people bad so I challenge you and this is your response,

“Rofl this is why no one takes the old gods seriously.”

You have made several posts calling others bad at PvP, I mean if you are as good as you claim to be stop changing the subject and duel me.