Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Again, you got your head-cannon.

you mean headcanon?

what are you planning to do with a boatload of lace bugs?

I can’t believe people are still engaging with him. That said good job in toughing it out for the thread bumps. I salute you.


now spamming the bug report forum.

after already being told to quit it when spamming CS.

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Nothing wrong with premade. There’s a premade groups finder and community feature for a reason. This is an online game for people to get together and play.

The problem is when people coordinate to drop queues 5 seconds before the prompt to enter BG expires, sabotaging the people who are already inside the battleground.

It’s a thread for a good cause, the health of PVP



Blizzard doesn’t agree with you, your opinion means squat tbh.

Blizzard doesn’t agree with you either.

If a small group of players were harming a large group of players then Blizzard would simply not allow it. I guess you’re wrong here.

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I’m not part of any premade community, I’m a solo player, I don’t feel harmed when facing premades. I like challenge.

Your subjective opinion. You don’t speak for me.

Nor do you speak for premades. People have various reasons to be part of one, maybe they enjoy the company, maybe they enjoy easy win, maybe they want to get carried, who knows.

Again, you don’t speak for me. As a solo player, I don’t feel “griefed”. Maybe when I enter a battleground where there’s only 10 of us against a full team because some premade community decided not to enter, yeah, I hate that.

I’m having a blast with this “dying” game mode, whether it is against a premade or non-premade team. If anything, facing these premades will only make me more motivated to get better at the game.

Yeah i don’t que epic bgs anymore. Its just not a fun experience constantly queuing into 40 man premades.


I don’t do them anymore myself less there is a quest.


Ah the crystal ball defense. You have a view into the soul of blizzard and can glean…whatever the hell you want by cherry picking what they have said to fit your ideas.

I honestly don’t care what Blizzard thinks. The only thing it changed is how I ask them to fix it. If they disagree I will tell them they are wrong. If they agree I will ask why they haven’t fixed it. If they say they will I will ask when and how and offer my ideas.

If you don’t have a valid argument for or against premades you are just …well you know

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Good for you. It’s still a stacked deck though and policy for communities should be about the common good. Not individuals feelings. Premades are worse for the common good than not having them.

Also, how is it a challenge to be gy farmed? How is it a challenge to get pugstomped 8 or 9 times out of 10? That doesn’t sound like a challenge to me that sounds like insurmountable frustration. Why not get a challenge from a fair chance? How is it better then a deck that isn’t stacked?

More people does not mean all people. When i say anything it is just me expressing my opinion…you as well by the way.

I won’t respond directly to the rest of it as you just say the same thing over and over.

Now do you think premades make it better or worse?


I guess you missed the memo where Blizzard stated that premades aren’t against any rules.

They don’t care what you think either. Premades aren’t going anywhere, cope.

Thank you for very clearly highlighting what I said you would do. Cherry pick the parts you like from their statements and ignore the others.

Well at least I can just ignore you and move on. What’s the point of posts like this? You didn’t say anything that can be discussed you just told someone their opinion doesn’t matter on a forum. It’s so odd. Anyway, buh bye alt

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In the same boat. Sucks because they have such a different feel. When reasonably balanced they can really give you a solid war vibe with the feeling of holding a line and trying not to go to far. Lot’s of fun…just ruined by people who want to win more than they want to compete.

if that’s your coping mechanism then go for it, bud.

Literally nobody cares. lol

I don’t solo queue Epics, queue takes too long to bother.

Being against the rules or not, it’s not good for the game… it only deters people from doing those supposedly “random” battlegrounds.


Are you talking about the countdown queue response by the CS rep who refuses to own up to their own post? That’s quite different than you’re trying to represent it as saying.


That’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it.

I know this may come as a surprise to you but that CS rep doesn’t owe you or anyone else justification for their responses. I’m sure they have better things to deal with than a few players who don’t like rules. This is something that you’ll need to just accept.