Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Sure. But you are using a part that doesn’t apply to what we were talking about. Good luck bud.

I quoted both, before you ever said that I hadn’t.

Cool, you are manipulating to gain an unfair advantage. Good day.


Communicating that the queue is going to be clicked is not cheating.

It is not unfair, you can do it too. You just choose not to.

Which is fine, but if I choose to not use chat, that doesn’t allow me to claim that anyone who does is cheating.

It doesn’t require any special abilities, in fact it’s more benign than Rogues using Stealth.

There are lots of things we don’t do in life because it’s selfish. You’re… selfish. You, enjoy exploiting other players, the game, etc.

Begin selfish also, isn’t cheating.

But it is exploitative.

I.E. exploit.

This has been fun. Thanks for playing.

But, it isn’t, for the purposes of what Blizzard considers exploitation. If it were, then it would be cheating.

No, the two don’t mean the same thing. It’s why in the EULA they define exploits.

We are calling it an exploit, because it is. It’s clearly selfish, you just admitted to that, and it’s clearly unfair. Neither is debatable.

If you want to argue… it’s totally fair, have at it, but we obviously disagree. You’re a bottom of the barrel player who likes stomping pugs. You’re the worst this game has to offer up and I look forward to a fix being made to prevent you and your ‘friends’ any opportunity to ruin the game for others.

It’s not unfair.

You know how it’s done. You are allowed to do it. It isn’t cheating.

You might not like it. But choosing not to do it, doesn’t make it unfair.

I do too, believe it or not. I wish that it was likely to include a fix for pugs leaving games too though.

You can say that until you’re blue in the face and the majority of us will disagree. You take enjoyment by ruining the game for others.

Any decent person would understand that.

That you try and equate the two is just laughable.

It’s predominantly the reason I’m in a community at all.

i just went to look at one of the threads in the bg forum.
it seems people over there disagree with your opinion.
…probably why you needed to bring it here.

Help me understand how your brain works.

when i was farming wsg rep, people would leave if the opposing team capped the first flag.
are the people who leave a bg in process exploiting?

if someone hates your transmog/race/mount and decide to fixate on you and follow you around murdering you… are they exploiting?

if someone dc’s, are they exploiting?


Bad faith question. Not an ounce of sincerity. Thanks for helping keep this thread active.


how is it a bad faith question?
you’re trying to redefine the term “exploit”.

if words suddenly have new meanings, people deserve to know.

Okay, last response for the night mr. troll.

No, I’m not redefining it. Not everything that is selfish is also an exploit. Just like every exploit isn’t cheating.

Leaving a match isn’t…

use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

Nothing is being used here by you leaving. Now if you want to argue it’s selfish to leave a match, I’d agree, but that alone doesn’t make it an exploit.

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just like leaving a match isn’t exploiting, neither is leaving a queue.

oh boy.

This thread is wild. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One side decides the other side is just a buncha trolls and they shouldn’t engage them, then spend 300+ posts/day doing nothing but engaging those trolls.

Just shameful, really.

Said using an alt account that is private. Easy one to block…unfortunately I need to copy and paste and go through five clicks to do it. At least you label yourself real clear. Just another post to prove we need account wide ignore and a fix to private accounts being harder to ignore.

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Wonder why you can’t manage to do that with all the posters in here you like to call trolls. You should show your friends how to do it, too; this thread would be sooo much less ridiculous without the pointless circular arguments.