Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

… no that’s the user agreement…

All product ToS were deprecated some time ago. Blizzard now uses a standard EULA for all their products.

Inaction isn’t proof of acceptance.

It’s still an exploit. It’s clearly unfair and selfish.

That isn’t what an exploit is.

No, you’re disagreeing with simple facts… with reality. Again, you’re either a troll or you’re ignorant.

Someone who is arguing that ‘thing isn’t happening’ will be called out if they aren’t very active.

Things that aren’t happening.

That isn’t what was said. Quit lying.

What? This has nothing todo with my response.

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I am talking about the in-game TOS. That’s what we are talking about.

There is no in-game ToS, it is now the EULA.

No, it’s the Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct.

Then why did you keep referring to the ToS?

Because it’s pretty much the same thing. Go read it.

It really isn’t. CoC is nowhere near ToS.

And the CoC is vague. Which is why you want to use it.

And I’m reading from the End User License Agreement.

Which is far more specific. Which is why you don’t want to use it.

Read the in game CoC.

It still agrees with me so not sure what you are even talking about. The End User License Agreement applies to all blizzard games. We are talking about World of Warcraft and that is why I am using World of Warcraft in game CoC.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Rogues using Stealth degrades my gaming experience, I shall now make hundreds of post trying to have all Rogues banned from the game.

It’s not because it’s part of the game. Raids in randoms is not, you have to manipulate the queue system in order to do what you are doing. Stop using this baseless argument.

Clicking queue is part of the game.

Manipulating the queue in order to get larger then intended group size is not. Stop pretending the only thing you do is click the queue button.

Clicking queue is in no way manipulating the queue.

It’s the only thing that is required for a successful sync.

Again, stop pretending clicking the queue button is the only thing you do. Anyways back on track bud.

Stop lying already lol everyone knows this isn’t true. Anyways did you read the in game CoC?

we’ve already been told to stop talking about the meaning of exploit.
(even though you still don’t understand what it means)

“unfair and selfish” is NOT an exploit.

but you’re happy for people to jump on your bandwagon, even if they have zero bg history.

that is exactly what was said.
quit trying to twist words.

if you’re not “trying” to twist words, at least understand that the way you’re interpreting very clear language, is incorrect.

the US constitution has nothing to do with anything.

Yes, I read the CoC.

It says that Rogues using Stealth are cheating.

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Where? Show your proof.