Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yea, my issue with them started in NazJatar. I was working on the crab mount between arena queues and there was a number of boomi multiboxers that had a farm path near one of the rares I was working on. EVERY TIME they would pass by they would kill me. Then I started seeing them in other areas everyday. The PVP quests in Nazjatar were almost impossible todo.

I think the simplest route to start is just to limit the number of groups that can get into a single BG. That would disrupt this by quite a bit. Sure, solo players might still be able to get together if they all queue at the same time, but it would be a much smaller group.

The best solution though is permanent cross faction. Even ignoring the premade stuff, it would make queues faster for everyone and the potential for balance games could be awesome. Divide players up by ilvl and aim for both sides having a similar level of gear. Also would prevent one side having 3-4 heals and the other having none. That would be awesome.

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People being punished for ruining the game and abusing and exploit is realistic. You just don’t like it. If you don’t want someone to reoffend you get rid of every change they have to reoffend. You don’t slap them on the wrist and expect them to stop doing it.

But it is currently, as far as Blizzard is concerned, not an exploit.


Incorrect. Why do you guys keep making this baseless claim?

You can claim that it is incorrect as much as you want.

But communicating that you are clicking the queue button via voice or chat is not cheating, thus it is not an exploit.

Define exploit in gaming terms. Until you do that you can’t claim it’s not an exploit.

It doesn’t matter what definition you or I want to use, it matters what definition Blizzard uses.

Blizzard uses the same definition everyone does and the one I do. So, try again.

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They very obviously don’t.

Round and round we go.

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Only because they want people punished, they won’t accept that no one will be punished and anything short of punishment isn’t the answer they want.

How do you know? Do you work for blizzard? What do you think blizzard considers exploiting?

Well, if it was exploiting, then it would be cheating and since it’s not cheating, it can’t be exploiting.

Not siding with Hirav on much of anything but Cross faction would lower queue times so we can implement other things and would increase the chance of getting into the same BG but not being on the same team. So you wouldn’t know by the queue popping if you were going to be on the same side or not.

I think if you couple that with a system to try to keep people from being on the same team or even in the same BG on subsequent games, as well as a queue drop delay penalty you might see this go down.

This is a kitchen sink issue. It’s not going to be easy to fix but there are a lot of ways it can be mitigated.

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You should be a politician… you are great and saying a lot of nothing.

Shameless self requote.

they are.

…but people are choosing to manipulate the wording, to try and pretend they’re not.

everyone else got sick of banging their head against a brick wall trying to explain the very clear rules which “need more clarification”.

it’s ok for people to disagree.

it’s weird how you’re trying to use this as leverage against people, when most of the people making the argument are posting on accounts with very little pvp activity.

it would be called “need more information”, because there are ways to do things which are fine, and ways to do things which aren’t.

as has already been clarified, voice queue is fine.
using an addon to manipulate the queue system, not fine… which is why they broke the addon.

i don’t ever recall a time when people could take full raids into 40s.
i’m sure there was a time, maybe back in vanilla.
this isn’t vanilla, a lot of stuff has changed.

so is creating your own interpretation of the rules.

…when using an addon to facilitate the queue process.

They made it very clear that a countdown queue is fine.

so now you’re wanting to pretend blizzard are breaking the law by actioning accounts for things which people have said?

this thread just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Blizzard is using exploit very specifically:

exploits of any in-game bugs

Exploiting in general isn’t cheating. Exploiting in-game bugs is cheating.

Clicking queue at the same time is not a bug. Therefore it isn’t cheating.

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Read the TOS bud.

That is the ToS. That’s why I linked it.