Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

This right here, is the best course of action.

I do not have many people in my ignore bin, this is one of them, as I have never seen them post a single thing in good faith, even when lurking in the support forums they only seem to exist to talk down to people and I’m not sure why the Blues have let it go on as long as they have.

There is a discussion to be had here, letting people do this, destroying the cadence of the discussion for the purpose of causing unrest and to ruin the thread is quite clearly against the code of conduct for these forums, and should be treated as such.

I’d rather see this topic be fleshed out properly, instead of letting the 4~ people who have hijacked it, run rampant astroturfing it into non-existance.

This is a topic that affects far, far more people than the 4 trying to shut it down for selfish means.

Please, everyone, stop engaging with them and allowing them to derail it further than they already have.


The game does not allow players to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

Premade raiders are circumventing the system to bring their premade raids into random bgs.

Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hope that helps.

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omg… i hope it wasn’t you who was allegedly vouching for me :grin:
are you one of my alts?

that isn’t a “rule”, it’s a limitation of the built in group queue

I am! wanna talk to myself some more on here and really ham it up?

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@blizzard If you intend for this type of play to be normal, then simply remove the restriction so players can form raid groups for bg’s IN GAME.

it’s already been very clearly stated, that the way the method of queueing isn’t breaking any rules.
the players aren’t the ones who get to decide that.

there are two teams in each game.
both teams are able to spam macros and assign roles and play a strategic game.
a one sided roflstomp, is a fast outcome for all players.
the players who get pugged into the premade team, learn stuff
…the next time they play a game, they might not just engage in random road battles, because they learned something about strategy.

the second bullet point, was two issues.
one was “one team starts half empty” … ok, they can go do some pve stuff while the team fills, or they can go position themselves somewhere. it’s not as if there’s nothing to do.

the second part of the second point, is you trying to pretend that rules are being broken.

this person loses a few games because they are bad and every team is a premade…

I play lots of BG’s as a solo player and a concern for premades is not even a thing


Seems to me like there is a concern considering how many people agree with OP and how many do not.


sorry my comment meant “I” don’t have a concern for premades, ya I run into them here and there but i dont sweat it and move on

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No, the rules are clear. You’re the one arguing with the majority here.

Your GENERAL questions have been answered and you’re still disagreeing.

You play lots of bgs? Your honor level disagrees. You can just take a glance at the BG forum to get a better grasp of the issue.

These premade groups spam Tich chat all the time. There are a bunch of them and they are very active.

They didn’t used to be an issue. I didn’t mind them until I started facing them in back to back matches. I didn’t mind them until 30+ people started dropping bgs.

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It should be noted that this problem isn’t new. And it didn’t come out of nowhere. It just grew to become the big problem it is today. They became noticeable around Legion-BFA and has become more and more noticeable every year since. And it doesn’t seem to be because it is more popular. It’s the same few groups doing it. It has become more noticeable because the que pool is severely diminished so the odds of going against these groups are high.

It shows no signs of “working itself out” or going away without intervention.


I would recommend playing a class that has perma stealth, that way if you encounter these lame premades that farm pugs you can just stealth it out the entire game

I used to take advantage of that on one of my rogues but the subterfuge bug really makes that not as reliable anymore. Plus, it feels nasty to be sitting by and watching my teammates get farmed.

I get your point and agree that it helps but it’s an iffy temporary solution for the one player. Ultimately you just end up watching a ridiculous slaughter or running off to tag nodes and hope too many don’t come to defend.

I see, so if people bypass limitations put in the game that would be called…? We don’t have to agree but you have to admit there’s a reason why we were asking for clarification of the rules. Certainly if you’re as unknowledgeable about the workings of sync queue groups as you claim you might allow that people who are more involved with them would have questions that might be more important than your feelings on a subject you claim to not know.

Sure, but not much to gain even if you get away from the gy. =/

Still a loss and you’re still doing nothing lots of matches.

Non-participation is actually a reportable offense. A loophole in the rules is that you’re required to get farmed.

Blizzard specifically turned off the option to queue as a raid. If the intention was for people to be able to queue as a raid, why’d they turn it off? Why is the intended method so convoluted?

In my opinion, it is allowed, because the system lets pugs join the game, rather than blocking them out of a side.

Usually, you aren’t facing a full premade raid, there’s quite often only 15-20 players from the premade, the rest is made up of pugs.

But when you could queue as a raid, you could get 40 players together and block players from playing games.

I think Mohz is agreeing with you here but saying even though they can end them in 5 minutes or less every time…they choose to do otherwise.

It makes no sense so any answer that you will now get to that idea will make no sense.

The truth is they want to have it maxed at a 5 mans on each side but people circumvented it and they didn’t think it would be a huge problem. They were wrong. Now they are stuck because of conflicting comments, and the difficulty of blocking the 1 2 3 queue method. They don’t see an ROI on fixing it even though it is messing up a game mode.

I don’t think it will be fixed or solved till they have a zero loss fix…and I am not sure that will ever happen. Blizzard should just say that at the very least but they get real political with the PR sometimes.

Also, with guild banks disappearing and a launch incoming with a ridiculous number of bugs because they did too many changes at once this gets back burnered. I bet it is on the list of issues somewhere though. Just has a high level of difficulty without causing other issues and what they view as a low ROI.

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Yea, my mistake on that. Misread who I was responding to. :slight_smile:

Then they would have left raids in bgs alone. Clearly unintended.

Literally no difference to what you’re doing now.

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