Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It feels like the same issue twinks were when leveling. They never addressed it directly but rather added xp then the option to turn off leveling.

Once it became twink vs twink the whole thing vanished. With solo rated battlegrounds I could see them disabling queuing with a group and passively solving the issue much the same way.

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Winning a bg isnt griefing.

I mean you’re the one using words incorrectly

That’s actually not true.

There were multiple brackets that actually thrived for a long time.

60s were very popular brackets and had a lot of good premade versus premade communities.

What ended up killing twinking was the level reduction from 120 which messed up a lot of characters and people didn’t want to start over from scratch again.

I highly doubt that. It also wouldn’t change anything.

It would change it completely as the premade even with synced queues would be divided in the match

Only if they removed the faction barriers and I don’t see that happening.

I am pretty sure they have… haven’t they? They did for rated I know so it seems absurd if they haven’t for random.

Then again as I type this I do recall the mercenary npc being a thing in df.

Is it really still faction locked…? I just wait for the catch up conquest boxes and gear my mains via healer in solos i legit dont know.

They haven’t removed the faction barriers for randoms. Only rated.

It still is.

It’s still a thing for randoms.

But it is happening. It is happening everywhere in the game and they said before we’ll get more cross-faction and cross-realm changes. They’ll definitly change random as well once they fix the faction specific BG’s/Toys. Some things are still clunky with Merc mode.

The spaghetti code lives forever in Alterac Valley.

Camping a GY with no intention of going for the win is griefing.

Again I highly doubt that since merc mode is a thing.

That’s not limited to premades. It’s also still not griefing.

It’s literally griefing.

Griefing: A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, annoys or trolls other players within the game.

It’s not. The other team can literally stop spawning.
Mon top of that it’s not limited to only premades that do that.

Farming honor by killing people as they spawn isnt griefing. Especially when they have the choice to not spawn.

It’s griefing. Imagine telling the other team to stop spawning because they… are getting farmed in the gy.

Anyways, thanks for continuing to bump this thread. The more eyes on this topic the better. Showcasing responses like yours also helps to highlight the issues and mindset of these players.

It’s not. Your feelings don’t magically make something just because that’s how you feel.

I have been farmed in the GY and stopped spawning.

It happens. It’s a part of PvP.

Nah. The fact that the only ones bumping this are mostly people telling you that you’re wrong shows way more than you think it does.

My guy, pre-mades have been a thing since vanilla. This isn’t anything new.

Yeah, it sucks. But there isn’t much you can do about it other than bring friends of your own.

No one is arguing otherwise. They weren’t much of an issue in the past, now they are. The game has changed a lot.

You can try to change or deny the definition of words all you want. Farming a GY for hours is griefing.

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In not changing anything.

If people are getting farmed in a graveyard for “hours” they have their self to blame.

Getting beat isn’t getting griefed

They aren’t going for wins, they are farming the GY.

Thanks for the bump.

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They go for wins by farming the GY. Just like people farm the GY in WSG to make
Capping the flag easier.

Running out the clock isn’t going for the win.