Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

With their overwhelming advantage over random pugs, a premade raid can go to the NPC raid boss in epic bgs and immediately win the game. Instead of doing this, premade raids will hang back and farm HKs until the pugs’ reinforcement count hits zero.

Well, now you know.

that’s exactly what it means.
they can’t enforce something which doesn’t exist.

i’d moved on.

i was wanting to know if bodies no longer counted as resources.

someone above was saying that the premades are farming hks and making bg’s “last for hours”…

this doesn’t seem like it’s possible
(and when i pointed this out, they said i was trolling)

A BG can last anywhere from 3 minutes to 1 hour… even with a hyper grind farm, unless both teams are an equal premade, even then the fatigue sets in after constant team fight for 45 minutes, one team will end-up losing through objective points and mistakes.

To Holycow’s point, Premade can easily end BG’s in 5 minutes, every single time.

How is it not possible?

What can happen is people start leaving or stop spawning which slows down the amount of people being killed. That you’re saying it’s not possible is you trolling. If you’re not trolling and seriously don’t understand how it happens, then why are you even commenting in this thread. So pick one, are you a troll or do you have no idea what the issue is despite it being explained repeatedly.

You don’t understand.

They largely aren’t going for wins. Winning is secondary to farming HKs are just generally ruining the bg for other players. Again, I know this because I have joined these communities. The end goal isn’t winning, that’s a given.

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yeah i knew they were embellishing about the games lasting for hours.
that hasn’t been a thing for yonks.

yep, and that’s what they usually aim to do.
it seemed weird that someone said they were using bgs as HK farms

half the time i think someone just says “it’s a premade”… without having any idea, and nobody cares enough to say otherwise

eg: “playing objectives? MUST BE A PREMADE!”

and now we’ve also got… “not playing objectives? MUST BE A PREMADE!”


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You clearly don’t play the game. You’re a troll and I’ll start flagging you as such.

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asking you for information, isn’t trolling.

…you’re welcome to put me on ignore if it helps.

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You didn’t. That’s why you brought it up again when no one else had.

Your memory seems abnormally selective for something that just happened yesterday.

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You’re trolling because we are stating obvious things if you play the game. You clearly don’t play or you’re trolling. Which is it? Why are you continuing to argue with everyone in this thread when you clearly don’t even have the slightest clue what’s happening?

So are you a troll or do you not play?

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yes, i brought it up in here.
apparently you were the only one who couldn’t get past it, and STILL wants to talk about it.

and it still looks like there are terminology issues, when someone says something like:

“Just because they haven’t enforced a rule doesn’t mean it’s not a rule”

I’m sure we all understand that a rule needs to exist before it can be broken, it didn’t seem too outrageous to point that out.

One of his friends/alts/whatever tried to vouch for him and said he doesn’t even do epic bg’s. So going by that, no, he doesn’t play what he is commenting on.

But that’s doubtful. There’s a pattern of people relentlessly defending behavior that they claim they don’t engage in.

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yeah… that didn’t happen.

well, to be clear. I do, in fact, eat people. just to be clear.


The rules are in the CoC and in the opinion of many players in this thread, those rules have been broken. That something hasn’t been enforced doesn’t mean it doesn’t break the rules.

You’re honor level is 32. You clearly have no idea what’s going on here and you’re just here to troll and argue.

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Brother, I know you’re not deflecting the problem back onto me. I’ll remind you that you responded to me initially, and I’m allowed to respond back. I’m literally just following your flow through the thread here.

Every post you make makes it clearer how little you seem to be able to follow even your own logic and points. If you can’t comprehend your own arguments, then I’m not sure how anyone can reasonably expect you to comprehend their own.

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Don’t you patronize me!

You mean like a 5 person queue limit as imposed by the queue system?

this is because ‘many players’ aren’t understanding the rules as written, or are attempting to apply their own meaning to unrelated things.

this keeps coming full circle.


and yes, i haven’t pvpd for ages, i’m not making a secret of that… it’s one of the reasons i’m asking a lot of questions.

you’re posting in GENERAL discussion here.

expect people with GENERAL questions in your discussion thread.

people want to understand the issue, and the impacts.