Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

well now i know you’re just making stuff up.

…and camping gys doesn’t seem like something a premade would do.
in fact, it sounds very much like standard pug behaviour.

And now we all know you’re 100% trolling.

Thanks for playing and keeping this topic alive.


are you talking about classic?
or retail?

The timing was priceless. So choice!

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i love the constant screams of “wE n3Ed cLar|Ty”

…but when i request clarity on the weird claims being made,


How are premades artificially extending games?


It’s been provided constantly.

This has already been explained.


there were words.
…but they didn’t make sense.

did bodies stop becoming resources at some point?

Hope you know that arguing word choice rather than the messaging and broader points of a discussion doesn’t make you look as smart as you think it makes you look. Maybe that works over on Reddit where all users are debate lords, but it just kind of makes you look dense and unwilling to concede a point because you feel some sense of superiority over the matter.


i’m not trying to “look smart”.
i was attempting to understand why people kept claiming that there had been “no clarification”, when there had been heaps.

the word was the issue.

which point?

i’m always happy to admit when i’m wrong.
it doesn’t hurt me.

the point was that blizzard use words in specific ways, and people were intentionally taking it out of context as some sort of goofy leverage.


uʍolq sᴉ ɹǝʌoɔ ʎɯ

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First, you have every right to post in any thread you want even if I disagree. Second, a lot of people are confused by the situation so why wouldn’t Blizzard just state their intentions beyond some off the cuff response that doesn’t encompass all activities?. I don’t even trust being on the same team as a premade though the main reason I drop when I get them is it usually puts them down a healer.

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And yet despite that, you still haven’t bothered to explain how it’s been taken out of context. You just say it has, and then you provide no further elaboration.

Accusing people of taking things out of context is one thing. To accuse them and fail to explain why is simply you fanning the flames without any proper discourse.

None of this changes the fact, by the way, that nobody was talking about word choice or what the term “exploit” means until you brought it up. That’s on you.

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there’s nothing to be confused about.
they’ve been very clear on their stance.

which one was that?

pretty sure they have their own healers

i did explain.

maybe you’re late to the subject as a whole.
i’ll fill you in.
these threads were getting spammed here, and in CS.
people constantly claiming there was “no clarity” about rules in regards to premades, then linking to a blue post which used the word “exploit” in regards to an addon which they broke.
…however, the angry/confused mob were claiming that it wasn’t clear, because they think the word “exploit” is a reference to their feelings.
they feel like they’re being “exploited” by their team mates and/or people who drop queue.
…so anything someone doesn’t like, is a now apparently an exploit.

that’s about it.
you’re caught up now :grin:

Yes, I understand that.

But what does that have to do with the current discussion as of right now?

Because from my observations, nobody’s really talking about highly arbitrary phrases and terms anymore. Mostly everyone has moved on and has shifted the focus to the broader discussion, which is “Premades are bad for BGs and Blizzard should do something to stop them.” We’re actually weeks removed from discussing what an exploit means, so I’m not sure why you’re still bringing it up other than a means to derail the conversation again.


Are you familiar with the phrase “begging the question”? Just because they haven’t enforced a rule doesn’t mean it’s not a rule, it’s like saying people believed the world was flat for thousands of years therefore it must be flat.

Then science got good again and we were able to use a stick, twine to prove it’s flat again.

It’d be really wild if the planet is slowly going from flat to round and back without us knowing. wow… just wow.

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I wouldn’t attempt to engage with his line of reasoning or argumentation because none of it matters. He’s trying to deflect back onto something that isn’t relevant.

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I know, but at least he’s not just insulting trying to derail like some of them so he deserves some measure of respect for his opinion.

Sure, but frankly I fail to understand why it matters. He’s still being disingenuous.

Even if OP was abysmally wrong and the term exploit was a misnomer, it would be a completely miserable move on anyone’s part to hyper focus on its application here, because the fact remains that premades are still ruining the random/epic BG experience. They are disrupting other player’s games, and that alone should be enough for Blizzard to do something about it, exploit or not.

Word choice matters, but only where higher stakes are at play. It matters in academia and legal discourse because the use of a phrase can completely shift the meaning of someone’s argument into a different direction. It certainly doesn’t matter on a video game forum, where the most severe action is getting your account silenced, which doesn’t even apply here. Using the improper diction and syntax won’t do anything unless your word choice is deliberately volatile and inflammatory.

He’s being disingenuous and acting as a pseudo-intellectual, and in doing so hasn’t afforded OP’s opinion the respect it deserves. He hasn’t offered a reason that aptly counters OP’s opinions, and has instead attempted to discredit her through other means.

Therefore, I see no reason as to why anyone should respect his opinion at all.