Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Well it’s on you if you think premades are or are not selfish. I’ll assume you think they aren’t and are good for the game.

i think that’s what i need to do with this thread.

it’s disappointing that people claim they want to see change, but instead of putting the focus on the change they say they want, all the effort is going to the wrong place.

by now, there should be 3 comprehensive bullet point lists.

  • what they think the problem is
  • how the problem is impacting people
  • the types of changes which could help

instead, we’re 4000 posts in, and still learning the meaning of exploit.

undead. I don’t get acne. I haven’t exploited a zit in like 150 years.

I mean

You’re the one who brought up the terminology again. It seems to me that everyone moved on from that point days ago.


Why is there a 5 player limit when queuing for bgs?

Circumventing their restriction seems to be against their intended limitations.

Argue semantics on whether or not its an exploit all you want. At the end of the day its still intentionally bypassing a restriction blizzard put in place.


is all that needed to be said, but you’re currently arguing with one of the single most bad faith posters on this entire forum.

I’ve been reading this as Epic BG’s were the most fun of all the BG’s until it got to such a bad state you simply can not play a round that isn’t in some way broken.

When put into a Pre-made’s side, I hate it, it’s the most fun devoid experience of the whole pvp side of the game… tab 1 tab 1 tab 1.

When put against a Pre-made it’s near always 5-10vs40 in the first 13 seconds of a match, most of the ones left expressing their dissatisfaction in /i pretty ardently, no doubt buying themselves some silences and squelches.

Yet to argue about it with people who only came here to derail the thread, to insult you, to talk down to you and to post for no other reason than to see their own words on the screen isn’t going to help anyone.

This post is big enough now that you’d be a fool to think Blue’s haven’t read it, at least summarized it, and have / will chat about it around their digital water cooler in a slack channel or whatever it is they use nowadays, yet they aren’t here to actually discuss the topic.

Save your energy, don’t let them keep derailing it.


Yeah, that’s probably the bigger takeaway from this thread.

There’s no doubt it’s something on Blizzard’s radar/white board right now. This thread has been alive on the front page for well over a month now, and there’s clearly enough support behind what OP is saying. I would be shocked if Blizzard didn’t, at the very least, make a revised statement about it sooner rather than later


Even kids down the street know the meaning of exploit.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Odd of you to say considering you have put forward no debate, but sure I don’t want to discuss the actual topic.

Is there an echo in here? Didn’t we already go over the it’s not about fair it’s about fun and good game design?

These weird binary choices you put forward are so funny. It’s better to be in a super fast roflstomp than to be in a competitive game that takes longer? Haha jeez. You are so incredibly full of it.

No point in talking to you, to the pile of bs you go.


That has been put forward so many times in this thread it’s hilarious…also not even past 3k. The truth is hard I guess? Ah man getting off this idiocy.

This is present in this thread in at least 400 of them.

Maybe if you weren’t so busy arguing over a word.


If they were not so busy trying to derail the conversation by arguing over a word.

Maybe that is Bill Clinton…he did not have exploitive relations with that battleground! Now it all makes sense!



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But what does the word, ‘random’ really mean, anyways? Or are we back to pretending that bypassing the lack of raid queuing option isn’t an exploit because Blizzard didn’t explicitly call it one?

No, no, you don’t get it. Blizzard said people ending up in the same BG isn’t a reportable offense so when they turned off the option to raid queue they didn’t actually mean you shouldn’t raid queue, they meant that you should sync 4 parties queue timing to get into epic BG’s as a raid sized premade. /s

People are bringing 20-30+ people as a premade into epic BG’s that don’t allow premade groups of that size by utilizing an exploit in how match making works.

This leads to a terrible user experience regardless of which side you’re on. The premade has zero interest in playing the BG and wants the fastest win possible. If you’re on the other team, you’re basically screwed because most people will just up and quit which leaves you at a massive disadvantage. Likewise if two premades end up in the same BG one will almost always quit, leaving you with a 40 V 10 differential until backfills start.

Matchmaking needs to be improved. Ideally just remove the ability for premade groups to queue in PUG games. Matchmaking should also preferentially split people up.

But Blizzard has repeatedly said they don’t want specific feedback and advice like that. All I know is that we should put premades in matches against premades and pugs against pugs. PUGs are paying customers and have more of a right to a fair match than the premades do to an easy win.


We’re at the point of them telling us what we are and are not allowed to think what is or isn’t fair.

It boils down to “I haven’t been banned for it so Blizzard approves it.”

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until they stated that they were using a word incorrectly for leverage.

weird how nobody was able to provide an answer when i asked why the game was changed to prevent these long games which people claim they want.

i’m not going to apologize for peoples literacy issues.

is that a can of worms you really want to open?

asking these folks to explain what they think words mean, is a lost cause.

Premades create long games. If you’re going to troll, can you at least be better at it?

Indeed you are.


i’m starting to wonder if people know what premades are, or if “premade” suddenly has a new definition.

but i’m genuinely curious, what are these players doing to create long games?

Are you though? I mean, you’re responding a lot in this topic for not understanding the issue.

In AV they take both mines for resources and take all but one GY. They then proceed to camp that GY for hours. Have seen something similar in Isles, but even with both resources, killing at normal rates the game might last 45’ish minutes. WG on defense they don’t kill the towers.

etc. etc.


Now we’re going to pretend that these premade raids in bg’s aren’t extending the games to prolong their farm. ZzZzZz