Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Defending is a very generous term for what’s happening in this thread.

I just did a cursory glance of this thread (what I could do, anyway, since it’s over 4k posts), and most of the responses don’t even begin to describe why premades should be allowed. They’re mostly bad faith drivel about why it’s not cheating because “Blizzard says so,” which is the most asinine stance one could take when discussing anything relating to WoW.

Sorry your thread got hijacked by trolls, OP. Hopefully Blizzard will be able to trim through the fat and recognize the issue for what it is. If it’s any consolation, they’re only helping your argument by keeping it visible.


the op has intentionally taken a very specific statement out of context, in order to fan the flames.

this is due to a group of people who were (again) trying to take something out of context, creating spam threads all over the board about how there is “no clarity”.

Not fast enough.

The team that started the game with half of their players missing will lose the first fight. The other team quickly gains an early lead and seizes control of the map.

You may try to downplay this as a small inconvenience, but this is yet another random bg that was ruined by premade raids mass dropping their queue pops.


How has she taken it out of context? Exploiting is a very generic and broad term that has versatility in application. Can you actually describe why it’s out of context?

They want to equate “exploit” with “hacking” or something.

Taking advantage of a weakness is exploiting. You can exploit loopholes and bugs.

But they know this. They’re only in it to win it. Just like how they only que in premades. They’re trolling.


The word has meaning. We are using the word as it’s intended. The level of misunderstanding is on you.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

It’s literally describing the action. It’s obvious to all of us.

Well said!

They refuse to defend it because they are essentially defending pug stomping, which has already been shown to be frowned upon. They’re saying that farming pugs in the grave yard is good. Crazy stuff.

And yea, I’ll take the increased visibility for sure. :slight_smile:

No I haven’t. The word has meaning and it’s being used to describe the behavior of the premade groups.

I can’t believe this is at 4k replies

I have never seen such crazy semantics on these forums–guys, it’s a friggin exploit by every definition of the word :dracthyr_lulmao:

Maybe if silo/individual realms and battlegroups were a thing, the premade groups would be fine. But at the level things are currently operating…this is more disruptive and calculated than win-trading. The major difference is that epic battlegrounds are low stakes and not competitive. It’s still an exploit though.


True, Some of them have crazy win ratio. How is it possible to win all the time? No one is that good. Not even me. and trust me. I’m good.

BG Games Wins Ratio
Ashran 287 174 60%
Isle of Conquest 285 158 55%
Battle for Wintergrasp 281 159 56%
Alterac Valley 264 163 61%

Win ratio of a community leader :

BG Games Wins Ratio
Alterac Valley 747 645 86%
Isle of Conquest 639 589 92%
Ashran 515 484 93%
Battle for Wintergrasp 463 428 92%

it’s not though.
it’s quite specific.

because that’s the specific context used by blizzard, in one of the posts which people were claiming lacked clarity.

no wonder people think it lacks clarity, when they choose their own meanings for words.

that is not how blizzard used the word.
i’m pretty sure you must all know this…
people have been attempting to explain it for a while now.

the “exploit” wasn’t peoples feelings.
the exploit, was an addon doing something it shouldn’t have.

And by the “taking something out of context,” I’m assuming you’re referring to the Code of Conduct?

If the Code of Conduct has language that supports the notion that queue syncing should be an actionable consequence, then I don’t know why that shouldn’t be taken into consideration in this discussion.

Regardless, I still struggle to understand why the blue post matters there, because again, since when have we ever assumed the belief that Blizzard is right about everything?

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I think it is a mistake for BlizZard to abandon/remove Rated BGs. This is is what happens where people that want coordinate groups and to gear gravitate toward randoms.

But that creates major issues for quality of games for randoms where 3 out of 4 games are short on people. And that 1 other game out of 4 can be a premade vs premade, premade, vs partial premade or premade vs pug.

All around a bad experience.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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is this language something else which was re-tailored to suit the agenda?

You tell me. You’re the one accusing people of taking things out of context. It falls on you to explain why.

Otherwise, those accusations are what we call “baseless.”

Yea, when we lost battlegroups, it made the ‘pool’ of potential players larger, but it did have its drawbacks. I miss being able to see the same people from time to time in bgs. The addition of communities made the issue grow pretty quickly.

It doesn’t matter how Blizzard uses the word. I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with another warm bodied human being.

My guy, the word has a real meaning to it. How you or Blizzard or anyone else uses the word or what you think it means doesn’t matter. The word is being used to highlight exactly what the premades are doing. They are exploiting the game and other players. Whether you think what these premades doing is selfish or not is an opinion. In MY opinion and the majority of players here is that it is a selfish action.

It is worse than exploiting. Disruption of multiple games because you drop queues in a timely, coordinated fashion is worse than exploiting.

Disrupting multiple instances is a bannable offense.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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The definition you gave literally had three unique use cases alone for the term lol

But okay, dude.

If you wanna know why people view you as a troll, it’s because you supply people with definitions that are open to broad use and make up phony rules about those terms to match your narrative.

so it’s Schrodinger’s exploit?


omg. That could be anything! I’m hoping for a gold dupe!

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but is it a dupe, or a dupe?

i need clarity.

I don’t know anymore. I expected to be ignored.