Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That’s silly. It ruins the game for people on the losing side that get roflstomped and you know it. The idea that it doesn’t cause any harm is ridiculous.

Tell me how a pvp match with one side made up mostly of a premade vs a team with no pre coordination is better than having premade vs premade (ie rated) or random group vs random group. Anything other than that debate is pointless here.


a quick loss, so they can queue again and get into another game?

nobody is harmed.

I have consistently said that the entire debate about blue posts is pointless. I have engaged a bit at first but realized the pedantry is useless because the issue still stands no matter what Blizzard has said. They can say this is perfect, and I will say they are crazy.

The core debate is are premades in random bgs better for random bgs than not having them in random bgs. That’s it. Everything else is lawyer tricks, pedantry, and trolling really.

Where do you stand on that? Which way is better?

If you want fair pvp, go play Team Fortress. WoW PvP has never been or never was at any point fair.

Queue time lost, frustration that you can’t win Epic BGs because the game is being trolled, game time lost. It’s definetly more harm than good. If you can’t see that ruining someone’s experience in a game/game mode is a bad thing then I don’t think we can have a conversation. That is a fairly hard line of being divorced from reality.


Or we can push for Blizzard to make it better. What’s wrong with that?

It’s not even about being fair it’s about being bad. Right now allowing this makes a whole lot of random bgs just bad experiences. It doesn’t need to be fair, it needs to be better.

Yes and no.

I find that the 2012 post does give precedence for taking action and appropriately outlines why premades are an issue.

The 2019 post, on the other hand, does nothing except confirm what we’ve already known for awhile now and why this post was made to begin with.

Doesn’t really further the discussion unlike the 2012 post, which people have seemingly misconstrued and/or ignored.

It’s pointless because even if they are right and Blizzard has ok’d it…it is still a problem. It doesn’t matter what the law says if people are being taken advantage of…the only difference is whether it is an issue with enforcement or rules changes.

The root problem of Blizzard not acknowledging the problem is ongoing and not giving any direction for a fix is the real issue. When you get into the “what does Blizzard say” it turns into a law debate instead of an issue debate.

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For the record, I 100% agree with your take and believe this matter would be better addressed by discussing the issues.

I’m just saying that one blue post is definitely FAR more useful in discussing this matter because it gives insight into the design philosophy from Blizzard itself on premades.

But yes, I do agree that, overall, the focus should be on the issue itself. Right now, several people have addressed why it’s bad for the game. Nobody has been able to adequately address why it’s better.

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I was just listening. Im not an active pvp’er and even I know what group syncing is. You’re not convincing anyone on here that it doesn’t exist. I was doing this back in WoTLK. Just let it go.

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It’s not about fair.

We expect it to be random. We have good matches and bad ones. It’s the luck of the draw. Premades disrupt that. We expect the opposing team to have the same set of rules as we do. We expect the opposing team to be formed in the same way our team was. A random group of players.


I see a huge number of people liking what the OP said versus everyone else against it. The OP’s likes should be enough for blizzard to look into this. Blizzard has been doing good listening to the community and this is one they should address.


So you want things to be fair?


Where is fair in my response. No. I want things to be random. Random isn’t fair. Random is random. Random means you have a chance at a good game or an awful one.

These players don’t want random. THEY want fair. They are the ones rigging the system so only THEY win.


Well…I would say we want random, and the premade side wants always unfair for themselves. The term fair is weird because in anything competitive their is always an advantage to some degree.

The truth is premades are an attempt to take advantage of a system to rig it. They take it from who knows who will win, and tilt the table massively. A tilted table is not as much fun as a balanced one in pvp.

This is already feeling like another pedantic what does fair mean bs debate again. So many people don’t want to debate which is better, they just want to win/dunk on people. That is pretty much exactly the issue with the premade tricks. No honest competition.

Why would I? I don’t care what the rules are, I’m not arguing any of that… I wouldn’t even call it arguing. I just want to see PVP not continue to be abused by bad behavior and see blizzard actually show some initiative to make PVP the best it can be and currently; we don’t truly have random BGs and partially because of that is a large reason PVP has been in decline for SEVERAL expansions.

One sides bad behavior is above the rules, but not the response to the bad behavior… players with your thought process only hurt PVP.

can you explain this?

the game is being played.

one of the complaints seems to be “but one team is left with hardly any players!”
…those slots fill quickly, and this should be an ADVANTAGE to the opposing team.

over reacting.

Genuine question:

Can you actually name one upside/benefit to the broader game that having premades in randoms benefits?

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Time waiting to play the pvp match you want is lost.

Are you being obtuse on purpose here? If the deck is stacked against you then it is no fun…ie you can’t win…these debates go so silly because I really feel like you are all just trolling and do understand perfectly but like having lopsided roflstomp games.

Not reacting enough!

So silly.


“the match you want”?

so you only want long drawn-out turtle farms, instead of fast games?

i feel like you’re in the minority there.

(and no time is lost, you can still play while you’re waiting for a queue)

so take the quick loss, and move on with life?
or enjoy getting farmed, because apparently that’s what you’re into.

to the broader game?
as in …outside bgs?

communities and friendships formed seem to be a pretty big selling point of MMOs

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