Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I don’t believe you thought this is what I meant at all. Completely disingenuous bs post. Stop this stuff and actually debate or just go away. I can really see how much you like premades and why. You are totally afraid to play fair or debate honestly.

The random battle ground you picked to play. You don’t get to play it because it is being tilted. You instead get to play a rigged game. No idea why you are bringing up all the other things that can happen

You can’t really be honestly debating that way. That’s ridiculous.

Literally saying give the bully your lunch money and just don’t eat lunch.

This is completely disingenuous. Gonna stop talking to you shortly and add you to the long list of bs posters on here if you push this idea.

Premades don’t need to ruin the games for people in randoms to do this. They have rated. You are making very disingenuous posts.

While premades do have a place to go that wouldn’t cause issues, and would get their community and friendship…haha please. The people trying to learn pvp and get some honor and get into it are disuaded by bullies ruining their games.

Your idea is backwards. They are actually breaking the communities, and you know it.


you don’t want a debate.
you want an echo chamber.

i haven’t participated in premades for yonks.
how is it “unfair” to have team-mates who want to focus on objectives, instead of dragging out the game until people start afking out?

Sweet sweet irony.

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why would i want an echo chamber?
…or do you not understand what irony means?

it seems like you’re more interested in derailing the thread, rather than debating any pros or cons, or floating ideas of how the game could be improved.

…that seems like irony.

Can’t have any honest conversation on issues anymore because people aren’t intellectually honest. It’s only black or white, can’t be anything in between. You’re just pegged either being “for premades” or “against premades” as if the P-word is what matters.

The problem is not premades, communities, or syncing.
It’s the MATCHMAKING. And that’s entirely on blizz to fix.

IMO anyone for cross faction BGs is on the right track.

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Anyone who defends bad behavior is clearly searching for as large as echo chamber as possible.

Your inability to read and comprehend what is read isn’t my fault, I stated why it’s bad for the game and bad for the growth of PVP… remember 3800+ posts here.

Seems you don’t know the meaning.

the behaviour is fine.
you simply don’t like it.
that’s ok, you don’t have to like everything.

that’s how the current hivemind thinks.
there is no in between.
if you’re not for something, you’re against it.

throwing a new issue into the mix?

do you remember when bgs wouldn’t start without a certain number of healers?
…who then promptly changed roles once they were inside the bg?

What was sad was healer queues weren’t faster, at least horde side. It was a little fun when they changed it and people threw tantrums because they couldn’t switch to dps.

A defender of bad behavior, defending bad behavior.


there is no bad behaviour.

choosing to not like a thing, doesn’t mean the thing is wrong.

You’re entitled to that opinion, I won’t defend bad behavior, you’re free to do as you will… I don’t expect you to go against something that harms the PVP more than it will ever help it.

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if people love the 40 player turtle playstyle, why was the game designed to prevent games for dragging on for hours?

when a game gets to “farm” status, people afk out.

how is that helping the game?

there was a claim that peoples time was wasted if they wait in queue, and end up against a premade.
surely their time is wasted even more, when they queue into a game where the options are:

  • get serial unalived
  • protect the cave
  • afk out

You’re focusing on the reaction rather then why they’re reacting that way… no one wants to deal with being ran down by a bunch of :clown_face:s who made a group prior to farm other players, I don’t care if it’s against the rules for not… all it does is HURT PVP, you can pretend it doesn’t all you want.

That’s about as cringe as one can get… offering options so you can continue your abysmal behavior. If blizzard was a smart company, they’d come in and remove premades altogether or give them their own que, so they can play against like-minded :clown_face:s… I’d love to see them make random BGs actually random.

They made a whole new game mode to fix the problems. Yay!


is that what they’re doing?
seems a bit pointless.
i was under the impression that premades played objectives for fast games.

now i’m wondering if you know what a premade looks like, or how they perform.

sounds like you’ve just jumped on a bandwagon, and are along for the ride.

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Just curious, what would be your idea for improving the current situation?

Also, it would be worth knowing if Blizz sees the need to provide a fair match for unrated games, even if they don’t, knowing this will help form an appropriate argument.

based on what people are posting, they can’t even seem to clarify what the “situation” is.
it’s just made up stuff which doesn’t really make sense.

mostly sounds like one faction needs to step it up and get some premades of their own happening, to level out the playing field :woman_shrugging:

Such a thing already occurs with or without premades in randoms. The game’s social factors are not contingent on this particular facet, and there’s already a mode that allows for premades into BGs.

Anything else?

maybe back when battlegroups were a thing.

i don’t know, i’m just trying to get a straight story.

the goalposts are flinging around like paddles in a game of pong

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Well no, because you can still group up with people and form communities around random BGs. It’s not like the formation of communities relies entirely on your ability to form a premade and queue sync.

It’s a simple question. Yes or no?

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