Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There’s like 3 in agreement too. Therefore, half.

Nope – you’d miss a watermelon if it was thrown your way lol. That’s on you.

I’m exclusively talking about our conversation in this thread alone. You have already managed to have an extensive history showing that simple concepts escape you, you have no understanding of nuance, etc.


In this circumstances you’re reading something that isn’t there.

You’re also not understanding WHY the addon was fixed.

They literally state that it’s not the intended design but there isn’t any statement that says they deleted the addon because of quing.

OP has 180 likes.

The very next comment has 54.

So no, not half. Math is hard, I guess?

Ah, projecting again.

It’s okay, Bloomsday. One day, you will finally get that forum W. I believe in you.

They literally state that the addon enables the queuing of large coordinated groups that give premades a significant advantage against random pugs. That’s why they removed it. It’s in the quote I provided for you.

So unless you don’t know how causation works, or you didn’t read the quote or any of the other quotes, I’m not even sure why I’m continuing this discussion lol


In point of fact, you don’t actually know whether he still works at Blizzard or not. And in fairness, it wouldn’t matter; the fact is, he worked for Blizzard when he said it. His current employment status is irrelevant.


The addon enabled big groups to AUTO Que.

That’s why it was bricked.

The statement you quoted doesn’t make any comment on group quing is cheating or not.

If it was they would have also commented on that. Instead they stated they prefer those people to go into rated.

In the end it’s irrelevant because the post from 2019 would overwrite it either way.

The issue is you’re reading intent that isn’t there based on your subjective opinion on the subject.

The quote literally doesn’t say what you think it says.

Okay, so you didn’t actually read it.

Got it. Then this conversation is over until you do, or until you learn to read better. Like, there really isn’t much else to say lol

Maybe Bloomsday IS your alt. At this rate, I truly wouldn’t be surprised lmao

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I did read it. Because I have broken it down multiple times.

You’re reading something in there that isn’t actually in there.

The addon was broken because it was automated.

They state that they do not like people doing premades and they want them into rated BGs but no where do they say that what they are doing is breaking any rules.

That is the reality.

The only one that can’t read here is you. Let me know when you stop reading things that aren’t there.

Nope. I don’t post on alts because I’m not scared.

I’m reading it exactly as it’s stated.

Blizzard removed auto queueing because it hampered the experience of pugs in randoms. There is literally no other way to interpret that than exactly as it’s been written, and there’s no way to not point out how the current state of queue syncing is having the same outcome.

You’re just shadowboxing, at this point, because I’ve already recognized this point several times over. You’re making arguments against something I never actually stated lol

If you can quote the post and break down why how I’ve interpreted it is incorrect, then I might actually listen to you. Until then, you’re just making arguments about something you clearly didn’t care to understand/read lmao

Ran my mouth? okay dude. Why don’t you stick to camping pugs.


No where does it say that Que syncing is cheating.

Even if it did.

It’s overwritten by the most recent post in 2019.

So it’s irrelevant.

I already did that when the original person linked it.

I didn’t even state that. I didn’t even utter the word cheating.

What are you talking about, my guy.

Queue syncing wasn’t as big of a problem in 2019 as it is in 2024.

So maybe their stance needs to be revised, and there’s precedence for doing so considering they did as much in 2012.

That’s why people are talking about it more now.

Obviously not lol

I didn’t read the thread but I can guess what happened based on my experience there.

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If only. It’s an intellectual stalemate. It’s been weeks since either side has done anything but troll the other.


I would be more than happy to have a discussion on this matter that actually amounted to something, but this entire thread I’ve been fed either:

A. People misinterpreting/ignoring what I said to make their points
B. People wielding the infamous 2019 blue post as a cudgel for shutting down this conversation
C. People just straight up trolling

I probably could have done a better job fielding some of that positive discourse, but it’s insanely difficult to do so when the people in disagreement are literally just contrarians and are clearly informed by their self-interests instead of what’s better for the game.

You don’t have the high ground. Your side has done the same. The only difference is your blue cudgel is from 2012.


Nah, because even the opposing side argues that in bad faith.

Sorry, but both sides aren’t the same. One is fueled by a motivated interest for the betterment of the game, the other doesn’t care to hear it and doesn’t want to listen to anything that doesn’t align with their personal interests.


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is this satire?

it doesn’t harm anyone.

No, yeah… You’re still describing both sides.

Yea, the hall monitors got their jimmies ruffled. Customer Support is apparently not customer support. Weird.

One side is trolling.


How centrist of you lol