Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I have a feeling you are talking to snoz in two forms. We need battletag forums so badly.


Forums would be magnitudes better if the low level trolls with hidden profiles were removed. The forums used to police themselves. Now need a mob to get anything done.

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You mean what one random person that’s not a developer said in 2007? When it was a completely different game?

Do the math – how old are children born in 2007? You think it’s acceptable to use a source from that long ago – even when we have more updated info?

No, I mean the circle of you not understanding how things work, me having to simplify them down for you, and then you saying something to the effect of “well you’re floundering” (now spiraling) because you’ve been made to look foolish.

You might not have. I am speaking in general because its been used to say that.

They actually say they dont want automation.

While they do say they would PREFER it does not mean that premades in random bgs is agaisnt the rules.

Theres nothing to spoon feed. The thing you quoted says that the would PREFER not that its agasint the rules.

I just wish with all my heart they would admit why they like it. I don’t buy any of this “oh I’m playing with my friends” kumbaya BS and I certainly don’t think they are at all competitive. They just want to curbstomp randos and that’s it.

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It’s that and then some.

The ones that corner you into a single GY in AV and proceed to just farm players for hours are looking for more than just HKs. They are actively enjoying ruining the game.


Yeah, it’s so pathetic and sad really. Unfortunately I think Blizzard has mostly written off the pvp community but I hope someday they will find a solution.


“One random person” and it’s literally a blue post LOL

Also, it was from 2012, not 2007, but alright.

The only updated info we have is that Blizzard won’t take action on premades that manually queue sync. There could be several reasons for why they won’t do that, whether it’s because they can’t or because they don’t care to. To presume it’s because premades make it more fun would be self-fulfilling validation on your part, which you clearly need a lot of right now lol

Sweetie, read the room. Nobody’s laughing at me. We’re all laughing at you.

The copium is real LOL

Another short sighted pov some people probably have a lot of fun playing by themselves.

No, they state they don’t want coordinated groups in randoms.

Any addon that enables a full, organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage. That is not in the spirit of the experience we want to provide in the normal Battleground queue

In this circumstance, manual queue syncing and automated queue syncing are creating the same exact scenario, so again, why shouldn’t something be done about it?


Trap the front guy then explosive trap them, see how many you can toss off the bridge. Then tar trap one of the back guys so they can’t run, so long as you don’t have a team of vegetables it breaks the camp and gives everyone an opportunity for pay back.

You can break their bunker with a good healer playing peek-a-boo los games, when you pop out they almost invariably try for the kill rather than CC but keep some CDs open if they try to play smart. The team that usually does that doesn’t play smart, when they’re on you it gives the dps a chance to run in.

From someone that doesn’t even work at Blizzard anymore?

Stating for the record, it was 12 years ago your honor, not 17.

Nope – Blizzard has specifically said that it’s not against the rules either.

Well, if it was the unfun, if it was that game ruining, they definitely would’ve done something, yes?

After you read something, literally anything lol.

Sure, and Blizzard and I are laughing at you as you continue to pay for the game I want lol.

If you got to the point where you are gy capped, you won’t break through. That is the whole problem with the premade thing. Their coordination and likely high gear level breaks most counters.

And that matters… why?

I mean, you’re the one who brought up the age of the post. If you’re going to be that pedantic, then yeah, I’m going to be point out when you’re wrong lol

Sorry not sorry

Yes…I know…

That’s what “They won’t take action against queue syncing” means lol

No. There are plenty of things about this game that are unfun that Blizzard hasn’t done anything about lol

Just a testament to how long ago this is and how worthless it is.

And yet you hold onto it like its your bible. That’s desperate.

The sarcasm there was used to indicate that it doesn’t matter if it was 12 years ago or 17 years ago. The point is, it’s very old and irrelevant.

Nothing gets past you Ratherin. I’ll put on my extra fuzzy kitty gloves.

Nope – Blizzard could fail to take action against something even though it’s against the rules. Your language is wholly inaccurate, but I’m glad that you at least grasp the concept that it’s not against the rules this time, even if you are incapable of communicating it and seeing the nuance of it.

If you truly think this, perhaps you should find a different game lol. Or hey, keep paying for mine, whatever suits you.

Well, if Bloomsday says it’s worthless lol

Pretty terrible sarcasm. Sarcasm should be funny, not contrived and done because you don’t have a single original thought to make on the matter.

Maybe try harder next time :man_shrugging:

Yes, but considering how obsessed you are with details and “nuance,” I didn’t think I needed to spell that out for you. For someone with a clear superiority complex, you seem to be incapable of following along unless it’s explicitly stated.

Nothing a trend here, almost like…projection or something. :blush:


You seem to be hyper fixated on me lol. You realize it’s not just me right? It’s half the thread and Blizzard themselves.

Not my fault it went over your head. Lash out if you need to.

Well, you certainly do, given your history on not being able to wrap your head around even the most basic thoughts, I have to ensure that you are adequately following behind me.

Show your work, certainly you remember it from your teachers?

Fine, pay for mine then lol. Appreciate it. :smiley_cat:

I’ve only back filled into camps in AV, I don’t think I’ve ever been camped when I start in it.

You kind of ran your mouth. Of course they are gonna shut it down.

There’s like three people in disagreement who have kept this thread alive. Mostly everyone coming through this thread have expressed their agreement with OP, so no, it’s not half the thread. Sorry to burst your bubble lmao

It kind of is, but that’s okay. Sarcasm is hard to pull off. It’s not for everyone.

I don’t even know you beyond this thread, chief lol
