Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yes, why wouldn’t they? It’s the correct answer lol.

What a silly comment.

Hey, dumb question here. Where is thr Warbank?

I went to the actual bank in Dalaran today and didnt see a way to access it. What am i missing?

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I understand that, but what does that have to do with anything about what I said with there always being rules to make something as fair as possible, regardless of how small or large that thing may be?

The stakes of those rules will change depending on the brevity and intensity of the competition, but there are always rules in place with competitive play.

I don’t think you actually understood my initial point. You should go back and reread it lol

Or don’t. I’m sure the outcome will be the same either way :blush:

And there are several blue posts against premades in randoms, so I’m not sure what the point is other than people are unwilling to look at anything that doesn’t further their points here.

As has been pointed out above, Blizzard’s inconsistency on the matter warrants them making a revised statement, at the very least.

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I guess I really have to break this down further for you. Try following along this time.

This part is not true. There are not always rules to make something as fair as possible. This thread is proof of that. Fairness is often disregarded in favor of other things, like fun, community, etc.

You don’t even know what your point is or you are failing to communicate it. Take your pick.

You should go back and rethink it lol

There havent been any actually. The only one that mentions anything is talking about them deleting the ability to use an automated addon in 2012.

That post says that while they prefer organized groups to go into rated they never say anything about it being agaisnt the rules.

Feel free to link these multiple blue posts. If its the one from 2012 it doesnt actually say what people think it says.

They havent been inconsistent though. They have maintained its not cheating in multiple blue posts and idk what else is needed for state that.

And when that sort of thing occurs, it is often communicated as much.

As far as I’m concerned, Blizzard hasn’t communicated anything about premades not being actioned because they believe it’s more fun that way. In fact, they’ve more often stated that premades in randoms make it not fun, which is why you can’t do a single queue with a premade.

So unless you have insider information and are about to drop a massive bombshell on this entire thread, that is literally just an assumption; one that you have put forth as fact without anything to back it up :upside_down_face:

What was their reasoning for doing it?

Using anything automated in game is against the user agreement.


Automated or not, the end effect is still the same.

So explain to me why it’s not okay for automated queue syncing but manual queue syncing is even if the intent and effect are the same?


Ah, you’ve never played a sport in your life. Actually, it sounds like you’ve never done anything competitive in your life at all.

It’s an assumption that playing with more friends in an MMORPG is more fun than playing alone?

Do you have an honest bone in your body or is everything just lousy logic/bad faith?

If you want a competitive BG mode you can do with friends, do I have news for you! It’s called rated BGs and they came out in Cata. Now you and your friends can go make teams and play against other coordinated teams competitively! If that is what really matters to you, of course.


People will stick to random BGs, thanks for the reply though Kate. It sure was a great one.

Aw thank you! I do have my moments. Perhaps you can tell all your friends about rated BGs. You don’t even need a fancy addon or any tricks to bypass anything, you can just make teams and go do them!

Questioning my real-life experience is just a long-winded way of admitting that you don’t actually have anything worthwhile to add to the conversation. Thanks for confirming to us our suspicions that you’re just a deeply unserious person :rofl:

This had literally nothing to do with what I said LOL. Nice try interjecting your own false interpretations into the discourse. It was certainly a worthwhile attempt.

As I’ve already said, they’re gonna stick to random BGs Kate. Thank you though.

Nope, it’s my way of saying that you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about because you are inexperienced with the topic, which is why, drumroll, no one is taking you seriously.

You’re lost at sea my friend. You can’t even follow your own ideas. I can see why you’ve failed to convince. Please, read things:

Do I need to walk you through this entire conversation with kitten gloves?

Not incorrect.

This is not them saying its cheating to que sync.

Thats irrelevant. The reason the addon was destroyed was because it automatically que synced everyone with the addon.

No where in that entire paragraph does it say that queing in multiple groups of 5 is cheating.

The only thing it says is that they would PREFER people do that in rated BG ques not randoms.

Because the intent isnt why they destroyed the addon. The addon was destroyed because it automatically qued people into the bg.

Anything that automates gameplay is agaisnt the rules.

And even if everything I sad wasnt true, its overwritten by the 2019 blue post that confirms its not cheating.

They are going to stick to the kids playground of PvP when they have a premade which is equivalent to a group of grown men… classy.

Not exactly a attack you can use when you are posting on a classic alt to hide your retail profile.

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All of your arguments can be boiled to different variations of “What are you, stupid?”

It was cute the first few times, but now it’s just boring :yawning_face:


Where is Blizzard’s statement that premades make random BGs more fun?

Because all we have right now is the opposite :man_shrugging:

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Correct, nothing you can do about it.

Sure it is – I use my words. That’s why you read them lol.

No, those are side commentaries, but they are not my arguments. Do you know what an argument is?

You’ll always read them though lol.

Again, does it need to be said that people have more fun playing with their friends? Specifically in an MMORPG?

We’ve done a full circle now that you’re caught up to speed:

Let me know when I can take the kitten gloves off.

Never said they did say that.

In fact, my whole point is that they contradict themselves.

It’s not irrelevant. They explicitly state the reason why was because they don’t want premades in randoms. They even suggested that premades do rated BGs instead.

Blizzard didn’t state “We did this because third party software is against TOS.”

They stated “We did this because we don’t want premades in randoms, as it ruins the experience for everyone else.”

It is. Read the quotes again. I’m not going to spoonfeed you lol

If Blizzard is on record stating that premades make the game worse for others pugging in randoms, then yes, it does need to be said.

Especially in the face of decisions that flagrantly go against that design philosophy.

You mean the spiral you keep spinning yourself into because you can’t actually argue a single original, coherent point?

Sure lol