Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Solo queue is just easier. Its random battlegrounds there shouldn’t be groups to start with.

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I mean, that’s not how language works, but it’s not important enough to me to be caught in an infinite loop with you over.

Can you?

If Blizzard doesn’t see it as an exploit then it’s not an exploit. Blizzard says what is and isn’t intended gameplay, not you.

I mean… armory is linked ive hit elite multiple times this expansion

I don’t mind friends playing together. 5 people can still be dealt with in a group of 15, though I do think they could do more to make even random bgs more fair. =/

I would argue even that is an extreme advantage. Just bring back 5s. There are rated bgs i can’t really find a compelling argument for why the lowest bracket should allow that level of overgearing and coordination

For sure, I think it’s a reasonable argument. There is plenty of group content. That said, playing with friend in the past was pretty fun. Kinda miss those days. It’s really unfortunate that the game has just been taken over by these abusive players.

I don’t even care that people cheat to win EBGs. I don’t play them anyway.

I just find the universal dishonesty of EBG sync players making absurd excuses for it to be annoying. I had a Game Genie for NES as a kid, I never used it to beat games and was like ‘you know, Game Genies aren’t really an advantage since Nintendo allows it.’ Lol


I said bad players as in general. I didn’t specify anyone.

Yea, reminds me of the one time I ever cheated in a game and it was the very first Diablo. They had this client side app that allowed you to make your own gear since everything was stored locally. I played the game for one more day after I realized that tons of players were also using it. First and last time.

And yea, you’re spot on. I don’t get the dishonesty. It’s plainly obvious what happening and what these people are after. It’s not about winning, it’s about ruining the game for other players. I mean, the biggest guild is named Ruin Gaming. Why not just believe them? They are saying exactly what they are aiming for… to ruin the game. Blizzard continues todo nothing. I’d assume it’s because they simply don’t see it as a problem and are honestly that out of touch with the players.

When these players sit in an AV for hours farming the GY, it has nothing todo with HKs, wining, PVP… it’s all about ruining the experience for other players.

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Amen. It shows a lack of character as well IMO.


That’s a huge reach even for you. I didn’t know you read people’s minds.

I’m not aware of blizz weighing in on this topic officially. I know they did for multiboxers. But I don’t think they have for this.

Unless a blue is willing to comment in this thread? Pokes the blues in the CS forum.

Which is pretty self explanatory, it means that they don’t see this as an exploit.

Not really. It could also just mean that they’re just don’t give it much priority to be worth getting involved with. But yes, I’m sure they’re aware of it and the fact that they haven’t done anything about it for many years now would definitely lead credence to that belief.

Perhaps they just don’t know how they could deal with it without causing even more problems and so just gave up?

This has been a thing for years, if it were an exploit in their eyes then it would have been addressed given the fact that it’s been a complaint for years.

Blizzard doesn’t allow exploits.

Yes, that’s basically what I said. Although it is still a flawed argument as there are very obvious exploits that have remained unpatched for many years like the wg door exploit or the Ashran horde tower exploit etc, none of which negates the fact that those are still very clearly exploits.

Sometimes blizz just never gets around to fixing stuff. Hell, they never fixed the 7 year old SoO Galakras skip exploit or the Firelands Alyszsor flying skip exploit either (and that’s from cata lol )…I’m sure there are many other examples.

A huge reach? You mean a guild called Ruin Gaming isn’t trying to ruin the game? lmao

There are many exploits that go years without being fixed.

I’m sure their guild name is trolling and clearly it’s working.

So me watching them grief isn’t actual griefing? Got it. I’ll just deny what my eyes are seeing.