Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No. Blizzard gets to define whether they action on it. Try reading the ToS. They use the word exploit and then say what they’ll action on.

The word still means what it means.

Spamming is making a post a month a part?

You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.

Translation: You can’t engage with any of my actual points and arguments so you’re just looking to scan my pet collection or something, right?

That’s how children argue. If you can’t engage with ideas, then it’s no use having a conversation with you.

Blizzard doesn’t allow exploits. Therefore premades are not exploits. If they were an exploit then I’d be banned.

Blizzard outlines different instances of what exploits in the ToS. That is not all encompassing.

The word will continue to mean what it means whether you like it or not.

It sure will, unfortunately for you, premades aren’t an exploit. No matter how much you want them to be… they aren’t. You’re just going to have to deal with it.

Welp, you’re wrong.

They are clearly selfish and unfair. I.E. an exploit.

Oh F. Am I the only one who has to say it, they don’t care because you are wrong. get your gear up go out there and win. If that fails go and get people to help you like they did. Give it a rest

So you exploit, got it & that makes you a cheater in my book.

Good 2 know.

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Exploits are bad, but no one needs to win. In fact they tend to take way more time than need4ed… And hopefully noted by any team as wrong

and a well equipped team doesn’t need something so lame

Yeah, that’s correct.

I know you’re trying to be reductive about this sort of thing by employing arbitrary concepts of competition, but doing so isn’t doing you any favors here lmao

Yeah, so every form of competitive play is just a thunderdome in which everything goes and no rules are enforced?

I do.

I just tend not to dispense those thoughts towards people who clearly have no interest in engaging with them and would rather play games of semantics over what qualifies as competitive play because they have an extremely narrow view of the matter lmao

And if you have to proclaim yourself as being correct about this discussion, then you aren’t actually correct. You’re just playing pretend to make yourself feel better about your first grade argumentation skills :man_shrugging:

You’re right. You’re not a troll.

Trolls are actually good at what they do. This is just someone desperate for a forum W lol

The truth is what it is. When you start debating a single word instead of the whole idea of premades it is pedantic. Argue the virtues of what you think should be done. Don’t argue the meaning of words or dig through the records to prove what Blizzard has said. It doesn’t matter at all. The whole point is we want a change so if Blizzard doesn’t then we want to change their mind.

So stop being pedantic and argue for or against premades in randoms. All the rest is lawyer bs.

I mean yeah if I’m arguing with someone about the game I usually look to see if they’ve even played the game in any meaningful capacity.

If someone is talking about arenas I’m going to look if they’ve even done arena and have any experience to speak from.

Just like I wouldn’t take someone’s opinion on a potential purchase I want to make if they have not even tried it themselves yet.

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If a small group of players does something that harms a large group of players by using timing tricks, it is not good for the game.

The idea that we should protect them to keep them happy when they are ruining the game mode for far more people makes no sense. Go play rated. It’s what it is there for.

edit: also let’s face it, they don’t enjoy premades, they enjoy roflstomping pugs. That is the whole problem. if they just liked doing coordination and having a good time in pvp they would do rated.

There are a lot of people who enjoy griefing and ruining other peoples time, that doesn’t mean it is good for a community to protect and support those actions. That is the definition of a race to the bottom.


The PvP devs have explained they don’t want premade raids in random bgs.

Unfortunately, even after Blizzard made their stance clear, premade raiders still don’t understand.


And there goes anyone taking this seriously.

Nope, just pointing out your arbitrary comparisons between apples, oranges, and flying pigs lol. “Well, they’re all things…” is what we can distil this down to, which is why no one takes you seriously.

Are you sure about that? Blizzard seems to be listening to me more than they are you.

Ah yes, the false dichotomy where there are only two binaries and nothing in between. Does you brain not comprehend nuance?

Doesn’t seem like it, which is why Blizzard isn’t engaging this.

I’ll accept your concession, it is a forum W isn’t it?

That’s because you can’t engage with ideas.

Of course not. They have that one blue post they keep using. It’s their Bible lmao


Nobody here arguing for queue syncing in randoms was taking any of this seriously from the start. They’re all acting as contrarians operating in their own self-interests without offering any additional insight that would contribute anything meaningful to the conversation, so I sincerely doubt any value was lost lmao

Whatever will I do now that Bloomsday won’t take me seriously?

Spewing out a bunch of technical verbiage doesn’t make you look smart here. This is just a word salad you threw together and doesn’t even explain or refute anything I’ve said. You’re just floundering now lmao

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Probably because people are comparing random BGs to sports.

Not just me, my friend. Blizzard and everyone else too.

Sorry, let me simplify it for you:

Do you not understand that there are things in between thunderdome and the olympics? Are these the only two options in your brain?

Always comical when people can’t even follow their own ideas lol.

You’re the one lost at sea unable to follow your own ideas. I’ve literally had to simplify things for you so that you can follow. But sure, whatever you need to protect yourself.

To be fair its actually 3 blue posts for que syncing and 0 for against que syncing.