Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Well, tried making a CS post, but this company doesn’t care any longer. Man I miss the old days when you actually got feedback or trending topics were responded to. The hall monitors on the forums are as bad as the people doing the premades.

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Feedback isn’t what they want. They want praise and assistance with their jobs. Max reward for as little effort as possible.


They’re likely the same people, a number have even posted in this thread in support of premades.


Keep the thread alive boys.

It’s still collecting likes and views. We just need more and to keep it in the open maybe include the 10v40 games in your op post as well just to really put it into perspective for onlookers.

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Yea, sounds good. I’ll update it and clean it up some to make the issue more clear.

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So is hopscotch with 4th graders lol.

It isn’t, and that’s why this very thread exists. Do you think about things before you post?

Always funny to see people pull out the troll moniker after they get made to look like fools. Do you have actual thoughts for people to engage with?

This topic has been responded to already. Throwing a tantrum in the CS forums will not change the already well-documented response. That’s not what the CS forums are for.

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Call out posts are against the forum code of conduct. Just because you don’t like what a player has to say or because they have an opposing view doesn’t mean you are free to run them through the mud.

The irony.

Call out??

They have posted in this thread. I’m not calling them out for anything other than their responses IN this thread.

You bullies will do anything to keep ruining the game for other players.

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Naming someone in a public post specifically to trash them is NEVER allowed. That is harassment.

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You’re full of irony.

Some players play this game specifically for premades. You want to take that away from them, essentially ruining the game for them. But you don’t see it that way since it’s not something that YOU want.

Let me fix that for you.

“Some players play this game specifically to ruin the game for other players.”

You’re a thug and a bully. You can’t win fairly so you have to stack the game in your favor.

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You’re angry that some of us play with friends.

You’re here acting like every bg you join is a premade, seems like you just can’t win.

40 people stacking a BG isn’t playing with friends.

Yes, I can’t win against people actively exploiting the game to stack a bg.

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And that’s really what it boils down to. If premades disappeared tomorrow these players would just complain about the next excuse that prevents them for winning.

The next “exploit” will be add-ons or consumables or something equally ridiculous.

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Says who?

Blizzard has openly stated that this isn’t an exploit, if it were we’d all be banned since exploits are not allowed.

Yep, just like they did with twinks. Twinks were removed from playing with regular players and players still screamed for months about being stomped by these pretend boogeymen that weren’t even there anymore. Hilarious.

Me. I have joined these communities. They aren’t groups of friends. They’re just randoms. These groups spam Tich chat all day. That you need to lie to make your argument is the funny party.

You can say you know all 40 people and everyone here, including you, will know it’s a lie.

It’s an exploit in every sense of the word.

YOU don’t get to define the meaning of a word.

exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

It’s obviously selfish. It’s obviously unfair.

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It is amazing how some people are fighting against what words mean in order to achieve their goal like this was congress, senate, or a parliament.


Just because you aren’t friends with anyone doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t.

Neither do you, champ. Blizzard defines what is and isn’t an exploit, they have deemed this to not be an exploit. Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t make them not right.

I surround myself with people who care about others. I wouldn’t be friends with someone who actively tries to ruin the game for someone else.

You do it and take joy in it.

I’m not defining the word, champ. That’s the dictionary.

The word has literal meaning. I’m using the word as it was intended. This is getting to be painful.

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