Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Oh, no! Please, I beg of you!



Welcome to the forum, people have opposing views.

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It’s not random. They are removing the random. Premades will actively target pugs and actively avoid other premades.

You don’t understand the problem, so why are you commenting?

Groups of 5 are allowed. Teams of 10 or even 40 random players are still teams. In the past, I met and made a lot of friends from BGs. That experience is unfortunately gone these days.

Of course I do. You don’t like it, I get that.

That’s because there is no need to answer the complaints of serial complainers.

Except they aren’t valid. Players don’t like facing premades, well, who’da thunk it?

But premades are allowed. But serial complainers have to complain about something.

I do understand your “problem”, I actively participate in premades.

So make some new friends.

/thread tbh

Thanks for confirming that you’re not here to participate in discussion but instead be a contrarian with no coherent argument lol

Hang on, I have the perfect rebuttal for this:

Then you understand it’s not random.

Thanks for sharing.

You are randomly matched with other players, all at random. Do you not understand what random is?

Of course I’m here for that.

Here’s my solution:

Cross Faction queues.

Reduces queue times. Allows for better healer distribution. Queue sync would be a thing of the past.

Simple. Like, really, really simple. No need to punish people, no need to add deserter to dropping queues.

Just permanent Mercenary Mode.

It sounds like “premades” of a group of 5 players is allowed.

But “premades” of 6 or more players is not. If it was, we’d be able to do it under 1 BG que instead of across multiple ques.

Queue sync doesn’t happen because it reduces queue times and instigate better healer distribution. Having access to another faction’s healer pool doesn’t change anything either, especially when you’re greatly opening up that queue to the rest of the faction and not just their healers.

Queue sync happens because people like to pugstomp and they’re tired of pugs not coordinating as effectively. You yourself admitted to that lol. Your solution solves nothing.

Blizzard stated it was allowed. If it wasn’t allowed then it would be considered an exploit. Blizzard bans exploiters. Also, if you want to be technical, it’s impossible to queue with more than 5 players in a bg. We’re just lucky to end up in the same bg.

If I queue at the same time as another group and they get put on the other side of the battle, do you think syncing will continue?

Yes, I do.

Because the likelihood of your groups getting placed into separate BGs and/or having queues pop at different times hasn’t deterred you. Not exactly sure why you think this would either if it just means eating a deserter buff for 15 minutes and then requeueing lol

Not separate battlefields, on opposing sides.

I don’t play to sit out of a game for 15 minutes.

I’m not sure if anyone in the communities that I play with would accept this willingly, constantly, just because they end up on the wrong side of a battle.

I get that you’re probably used to /afk in a battleground, but my policy is that if it’s red, it’s an enemy.

It’s funny. I hate PvP, and I’m more of a Solo Player than playing with groups.

Yet, I still support my fellow WoW players who are interested in these things.

Perhaps, it’ll take Blizz 10 years to realize they should allow raids to que under 1 raid group, for a BG que or punish those sneaking them in.

It’s very simple.

But, Blizz (and their shills) are just too proud and egotistical to admit their flaws.

I can see it as clear as day, despite not being a part of this gameplay.

Good luck my PvP lovers. There really isn’t much more that needs to be added.

Muting the thread.

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Either allow raids to que together or put the foot down. The former could help and allow new players to also find groups in-game to premake a bg themselves. The latter could add clarification and help the longevity of the game mode.

The current stance of “do nothing and say nothing” while having the in-game restriction isn’t a good thing.


Just make it so you can only solo queue and factions don’t matter problem fixed forever.

There are more premade random battlegrounds then rated right now. We can fix that.

Of course, because to make a 6+ group, you have to convert the party to a raid team. Which the queue system doesn’t allow for.

Yes, I know. The point was that there are already potential variables at play that could result in a mismatch. Those things haven’t deterred players from queue syncing, so I don’t expect the addition of another variable to do much deterrence, either. If there’s still an opportunity for them to queue sync into the same BG on the same side, they will do so, and they will continue to do so until Blizzard fully commits one way or the other.

And so long as they continue doing that, the health of random BGs will be harmed not by just the existence of a premade, but rather the absence of a full lobby as well.

If Blizzard fully wants to commit to premades in BGs, then they should allow for a single queue. Or, they should put their foot down and say “No, we’re taking action against queue syncing because we believe premades are bad for randoms.” Either approach would be far more healthy than the current system, and OP isn’t wrong to call attention to how flawed and how abysmal the state of randoms currently are for pugs as a result.

Nor have they been wrong to call out that Blizzard’s stances on the matter have been wildly contradictory.

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