Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Isn’t “someone” meant to say 1 other person?

What if it’s 25 someones? That doesn’t sound correct.

What about the addon BG commander that automatically accept the queue for all the party?

So the “someone” is ALL other party leaders + and addon to automate all party member’s queue?

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Never argued they didn’t, but if you read the rest of the sentence, you’ll actually get a full understanding of what this meant lol

All of our subs give us the privilege of having a say in how each other play. That’s part of what this forum is for lol. This is a feedback hub.

You may not like what we have to say and you can disagree with it, but you are in no position to tell someone they can’t have a say in how you play lol

Thanks for the permission lol

Wouldn’t be the first time they changed it, and I sincerely doubt it would be the last :man_shrugging:

Why, exactly?

If there was only 2 people, why wouldn’t they just group up together?

And the question from that quote was specifically…

Codswallop. Your sub gives you the privilege of accessing wow for your own entertainment.

You can make suggestions via the correct channels on how you would like to have the game played, but Blizzard doesn’t have to accept them.

It doesn’t give you any say in the way that I play the game. Only Blizzard can tell me how to play.

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You just said:

Making what the Blues say on the CS Forums as gospel for this GD thread.

I’m taking the OP’s opinion, into consideration, even though I hate PvP.

And, Blizz should do something about their conflicting message. They say one thing, but their design says something else.


It’s also worth noting that they have taken issue with queue syncing in the past. This was admittedly over a decade ago (MoP era), and the action was against an addon that automated queue syncing.

HAVING SAID THAT, the purpose behind taking action against the addon was because Blizzard believed premades to be a critical detriment to the health of randoms. They even suggested people with premades use the rated BG queue instead, where it is allowed.

So their messaging is all over the place. They really do need a more holistic revision.

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Tell me about it.

I still don’t think people getting together to do BGs, is a bad thing. This game is meant to bring people together. As long as they do it within the system that Blizz created.

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We don’t know the exact context. It seems to be a broad comment that a customer service rep said.

They’re talking specifically about Old AV.

Also “one, two, click” isn’t what is happening. Most communities do a 3… 2… 1… go.

That is 1 more step than allowed by blizz.

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Actually, I’m fairly sure my macros start at 5.

If Blizz did allow raids to be under 1 BG que, would that still be a problem?

Im gonna report you!

Agreed. I wouldn’t personally agree with Blizzard allowing for premades into randoms, because I do think it would harm the health and fun factor of randoms (since the queue is primarily pug-driven), but it would certainly be more respectable of them to just outright state as much and allow for it to occur under a single queue than them beating around the bush with non-committal answers.

And it would certainly cause less annoying arguments with people running in circles to justify why their exploitation of the system is okay lol

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It would fix queue dropping and BG starting half empty.

It also gives us access to the forums to give our input about certain methods of playing this game.

Never said they did, but Blizzard does take feedback into consideration, and they may very well decide to take action on something if enough people raise concerns about it. In those circumstances, other players do, in fact, have a say in how you play the game lol

Blizzard tells you how to play through both their own observations and player observations.

Just ignore that person. I have.

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And that’s exactly what you get, a random opposing team. Just because you don’t like the random team you were randomly matched with doesn’t mean it wasn’t random.

it’s funny that there are actually players who have an issue with friends playing the game with friends. This game was designed for team play, this isn’t a single player game.

Sometimes I have issues with people who have opposing views also.

Yeah, I think it’s a bit much much to discourage group play.

However, it is odd that raids can’t que for BGs under 1 que.

Not what’s happening, but I guess I gotta ignore you, too, if you wanna twist what’s going on.

I don’t know why it would be odd.

I suggest Blizz allow raids to que under 1 BG que or punish those sneaking them in.

Either way works, for me.

Yup, gotta keep that echo chamber going.

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Hirav doesn’t have an opposing viewpoint. He has a contrarian viewpoint that doesn’t actually answer any of the issues raised by everyone in this thread and instead ignores valid concerns by regurgitating the same blue post over and over again.

Personally, I don’t mind if people want to disagree on the matter, because I completely understand that WoW is a multiplayer game, and multiplayer should be allowed rather than restricted, but there are legitimate concerns to be had. OP made good points as did several other people. Diluting the conversation down to “Blizzard makes the rules, not the players” is not only reductive, but assumes that Blizzard is an entity that can do no wrong.

Which, as any WoW player should be (un)comfortably familiar with, couldn’t be further from the truth.

None of this even begins to address how contradictory Blizzard’s messaging on the matter has been.