Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

But if it disrupts enough other games because they start empty that is a bannable offense.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Not even via discord, most of our countdowns happen across a number of community channels.

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Ah, Okay.

It’s using the word as it’s intended.

exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

You acknowledged that it’s pug stomping.

Are you going to start redefining words now.

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less .”

Okay Humpty Dumpty.

A group of 5 yes. That’s it. These premades are stacking multiple groups. sometimes as many as 40 people.

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Yeah, but they change their minds, all the time.

The same way they said that one multibox program that replicates one’s actions wasn’t exploiting. Now, you can’t do that, anymore. Which, I always agreed that program shouldn’t exist, glad it’s not allowed, anymore.

If raids were allowed to be under 1 BG que, why didn’t Blizz make it so, already?

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I wish I could share what it looks like in my chat, but for community privacy reasons, I can’t directly share the countdowns, Blizzard can see them though.

You can’t use multiboxing software, but you can still multibox.

Just like they broke premade addons, but you can still countdown manually.

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Not the same thing.

Multiboxing is largely pointless now. The broadcasting was the issue. You’re dishonest, so you can’t admit that.

I went from seeing those players everyday to never seeing them again… ever.

Yes, the automation was the issue, which is why addons like AVenabler were disabled.

Those addons weren’t the issue. The issue is getting stomped, which you gladly do.

Yes, they do. We are going on statements by Blizzard that was made a few years ago. So far, nothing was said to contradict what Blizzard has said, and threads that where asking on the CS Forums, about this was locked and shut down, due to people getting snotty and other things. Also, Blizzard generally doesn’t respond if the information is correct on the CS Forums.

This is pretty much my perspective on the matter.

Blizzard can state all they want that they won’t take action on premades queue syncing, but their statement is in clear contradiction to a system in the game that explicitly prohibits premades from queueing under a single queue.

So either Blizzard needs to allow premades into randoms or they need to enforce the system they have in place better.

From Blizzards PoV, they clearly were.

This is your PoV.

But Blizzard allows it.

By doing nothing, they already do.

I seriously hate players like you. Only think about yourselves. It’s only about what you want. You don’t get that you’re ruining the game for others.

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PvP hasn’t or never was fair. Even if Blizzard changed their minds, you guys would kvetch that other team was cheating because they outgear you. No excuse for poor playing. You don’t pay my sub, you don’t get to dictate what I do.

Yep, when you pay for my sub, you can have a say in the way that I play.

We all pay the same sub. You’re not special lmao

No, actually, we can say whatever we want because that’s how feedback works lol

We’re not on the CS Forums.

The GD Forums is a place of discussion.

No matter how many times Blizz said the Multibox program that replicated your abilities wasn’t cheating, I disagreed and continued the push to get rid of it.

'Cause Blizz can be wrong (they usually are). I find it interesting that they say it isn’t exploiting, yet don’t give us the tools to do so.

Either, allow raids to que for BGs or do something about those bypassing Blizz’s system to do so.

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Poor playing? What?

No one is expecting fair every time. We expect it to be random. Sometimes you get good teams and sometimes you get bad teams. Premades remove the random aspect of random teams to get easy wins.

I’ll tell you right now that you’re a bully and you ruin the game for other players.

For me, I’m a decent person and I think about others. You don’t.

No, you pay your sub. You don’t pay my sub.

Yes, you can shout into the void for as long as you want.

Until Blizzard changes their policy, I’ll continue to play in the way that they allow me to.

I’m aware of that. But the CS forums are for policy questions.

Yes it is, but do you see a Blue post or Dev commenting here?