Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s not that I want it to be. That is your answer.

Okay, why is the game more enjoyable with a premade?

Okay, why is playing with people who are there to play PvP more enjoyable than those who aren’t?

Okay, and what’s the end goal of playing for objective in PvP?

Like, do you get it yet? Your answers are basically non-committal “I like to win” answers without outright stating it lol

Is there an addon or program that bypasses Blizz’s system that gets groups into BGs, or something?

There is not. Addons are unable to interact with the queue window.

I explained earlier, you don’t like my answer, this is a you problem.

Would that be a bad thing?

I’m wondering where the “exploit” is occuring.

In their heads.

They don’t want to have to fight premades, so they’ve made up this construction where chatting to other players is somehow an exploit, even though Blizzard says that it isn’t.


Round and round we go.

Being able to read between the lines of your answers isn’t me asserting that I know what you want better than you do lol

Yes, that answer being: “Because premades coordinate better.”

And why do premades coordinating better make it more enjoyable?

Does Blizz’s own system not allow groups to que for BGs?

You don’t have to read between the lines. I’m not being coy or vague. I am telling you outright.

Trying to read between the lines means that you don’t like my answers, so you’re trying to twist things to where you’re comfortable.

You can’t bring premades into randoms through a single queue. You have to queue sync, which basically means having multiple different groups queue up at the same exact time to get the same queue to pop.

Aside from the fact that getting premades into randoms largely stacks the BG in the premade’s favor, there’s also several other issues, like the fact that BGs will start with half of the team missing if the queue popped doesn’t align with the queue of other groups a part of the premade. It creates an unhealthy environment and unpleasant experience for pugs in randoms.

It is technically “allowed,” but the argument here is that it shouldn’t be, especially since Blizzard has gone on record in the past to state that premades were somewhat of a detriment to random BGs.

Sure, sweetumz :rofl:

No there isn’t. Addons that did that were disabled by Blizzard.

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Back up.

Can a group of 5 players be under 1 BG que?

It doesn’t need to be exact. You can actually queue up within a minute or so of others, the margins are quite large.

Yes they can. You just can’t join as a Raid mode.


OK, so a raid can’t que under 1 BG que, then.

I can partially see the OP’s point on the “exploit” argument.



So instead of a raid group of 15 people, it’s 3 groups of 5 people.

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40 players can’t queue as a group, no.

8 groups of 5 players can though.


Correct. What people are doing is coordinating via discord, and clicking the queue button by going “1, 2, 3, click the button”. Which Blizzard already says it’s not an exploit or cheating and it allowed.