Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No one is doing this, since random means the map, not the team composition.

If you can queue for a ‘Random Dungeon’ with a full team, why call it ‘Random Dungeons’?

But they could. The only thing stopping them is themselves.

Because it’s true. If pugs were better than the premade, they would win.


I’ve just explained why I play with a community, did you not like the answer this time either?

But you know that will never happen.

That’s why you play with premades lol

If pugs could coordinate as easily as you think they could, then you wouldn’t need to insert premades into randoms. That’s your reason for bringing premades into randoms, is it not?

See above.

Right, and I’m telling you that your stance on the matter is hyprocritical and contradictory lmao

But it does happen. So, I know that they can.

Sometimes they bring really tough games, I really enjoy it when pug groups rise to the challenge.

I explained why in a previous post, remember?

I explained in a previous post, did you not like the answer?

Brother, I’m literally applying your logic to the matter lol

Is your logic so nonsensical that even you are struggling to follow it?


There is no my logic, there is no your logic, there is only logic.

Here, I’ll spell it out for you:

You said:

And then you also said:

So I pointed out this bit of contradiction and hypocrisy by saying:

Make sense?

Your reasoning doesn’t make any sense because it’s contradictory and hypocritical lol


No one is circumventing the random part of BGs, because random means the map, not the team composition.

Otherwise, why are ‘Random Dungeons’ called ‘Random Dungeons’, if you can queue with a full group?

And what do you mean by, my pug?

That’s really the only takeaway you had from that, huh lol

You highlighted the particular phrases. Why did you do that if you didn’t want attention drawn to them?

Look at the rest of the argument and use the context to understand the point being made lol. I shouldn’t have to spell this out for an adult

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You aren’t making a point.

You’re trying to redefine ‘Random’ to mean team composition.

When it obviously means the map.

You’re getting upset that I won’t just accept your redefinition.

And you still haven’t explained what you mean by:

Who is your pug? Are they my pug? Do you mean games when I solo queue?

I’m not trying to redefine anything. You’re being extremely nitpicky about one thing I messed up on and are now zeroing in on it because you can’t actually address the point lol

That point being: You bring premades into randoms because you know pugs don’t coordinate as well as they should or as often as they should. You don’t like fighting an uphill battle, so you force the odds in your favor by bringing premades into it.

And then you turn around and shrug when people who do pug raise issues about it and say “just git gud lol.”

It is hypocritical of you to say “pugs should just git gud” when you yourself won’t even put forth that effort, and it’s contradictory because the advent of premades in randoms is an acknowledgement that pugs can’t be coordinated as well as premades.

Make sense yet, or do I need to dumb it down even more for you lol

Yeah, I’m crying all over my keyboard rn lmao

Your point is that you don’t like my answers, so you assert that you know what I want better than I do.

These people don’t care about the health of the game, they only care about their need to pugstomp which they try to label as e-friendship. They don’t argue in good faith. And they bob and weave around very simple points. It’s toxic logic to go along with their toxic play.

Let them kill it. Just like lazy blizzard is doing. Stop queing. Blizzard clearly wants pvp to die so they have even less work to worry about. They only do enough for pvp to satisfy the pvp streamers and the awc. Everything else just seems to overwhelm the developers.

Just let it die then

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You’re right. I don’t like your answers because I don’t think they’re actually answers, but instead deflections and non-committal rebuttals about things I never asked lmao


That’s your mistake. Not mine.

Never play random BGs again just play BG blitz and if you want to play epics just don’t its not worth dealing with the premades.

I’ll remind you that this conversation started by me explicitly asking you what it is about premades that made randoms more enjoyable, and we’ve now ended up at a point that has nothing to do with the initial question asked because you can’t seem to say “Premades make randoms more fun because they increase my chances of winning.”

Instead, you’ve given me a whole lot of different answers that are basically adjacent to that answer and have presumed they are different answers, because outright stating as much would prove the other person correct lol

Because that isn’t my answer.

I don’t care if you want it to be my answer.

Not even close to the same level of impact.

Some truth to that for sure.

No one here believes you.

Again, you keep pushing this, but most groups are picking a specific map.

This is an opinion or which many here disagree with.

Different types of play. For me, Blitz was boring. I don’t like the random power ups and to be honest, regular bgs were more competitive.