Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I understand that, but there is a specific reason WHY this makes it more enjoyable and it seems as though you’re not willing to answer it because you know it would prove what the other person said lol

I don’t care if I win or lose. But I want team mates who will stay beyond the first fight.

Then why not just play the mode where premades are actually allowed lol

Premades are allowed in epics.

If you have to queue sync and bypass the system that hinders premades from naturally occurring in the BG, then they aren’t allowed. Blizzard just doesn’t want to do anything about it lol

This, by the way, doesn’t answer my question. You can queue up with premades in other PVP modes. If winning is not the outcome you so desire, then why insert yourself into the mode where you have to cheat the system to play with your premade lol


It is allowed.

And not…

I just had a wonderful win in Ashran, as a solo, I had top heals defending. a team went and did their boss. it was great. I don’t need premades to get wins, but the team mates in premades are more enjoyable to play with.

Yes, we understood what you were referring to the dozen previous times you linked this post lmao

But sure. Let’s go ahead and assume that premades, in spite of the hoops you have to jump through to make them possible in randoms and epics, are allowed.

If winning or losing doesn’t matter to you, then why not just play the mode where premades queues are actually enabled?

I play all the modes, except for RSS. I even play PvE.

There aren’t that many hoops. You literally only have to do 3, 2, 1, Q.

It doesn’t even need to be precise.

Just knowing when certain people are queuing is usually enough.

You’re still not answering my question lmao

But it’s fine. I understood what your answer was the first time, regardless of how unwilling you are to outright state it.

Well, there’s also the fact that people may not even get into the same BG, resulting in people having to leave and/or play in the match without their premade lol

So yes, it isn’t a ton of hoops.

But it’s still more than literally just queueing up with your premade, so :man_shrugging:

Yes, I did.

You asked…

I don’t just play in Epics. I don’t just play in RBGs. I don’t just play in Raids.

I play in all of them.

It really isn’t.

Some communities are more stringent, they only go when they are full, I don’t play with them. Because I don’t want to play queue simulator.

The communities that I play with take whatever queues they get, for the most part.

But this doesn’t really answer my question at all. I understand that you play all modes, but if you want to play with premades, why not just stick/play the mode that allows you to queue up with premades?

I’m asking you “Why don’t you like the color blue” and your answer is “because I like yellow.”

Which is like…a fine answer in and of itself, but doesn’t really address the question at hand. I’m not asking you what other modes you play. I’m asking you why you insert your premades into randoms when there’s a mode for premades that already exists.

And at this point, I think it’s clear what the answer is lol

Yes, queue syncing is more effort than pressing a single button lol

It’s not that much more effort, but it’s still more effort by the very definition lmao

Premades are allowed in Epics.

There is a hoop to jump through, but we are allowed to jump through that hoop.

It really, really isn’t.

I mean, I suppose there are macros and maybe a bit of set up, but there isn’t much more than letting other people know that you’re queueing.

Some communities go to absolute extremes when it comes to who can and can’t join, but the ones that I am a member of will accept anyone.

The macros just makes for less typing.

Once again, not addressing the question lol

It’s okay. I think we all understand, sweetheart lmao

Yes it is. You just don’t like the answer.

Why should I stay in other modes, if I’m allowed in Epics?

What gives you the right to demand that I don’t join games that you play in?

It’s more like it’s not really an answer lol

You don’t care about winning or losing and there’s a mode where you can queue up with premades without having to queue sync.

So, why not stick to that mode?

If you’re not answering the why, then you haven’t actually answered the question. You’ve given me a bunch of non-committal answers lmao

You can join any game you want. I just don’t think you should be allowed to do so with premades in randoms. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable ask lol

I think there’s more diversity in reason than people give credit. There are good players in the sync premades though they tend to be jerks. There are people that premade because there are premades. There are premades whose purpose is to fight other premades, that’s why some of the communities send in 1 player to see if they’re present because they don’t want done to them what they do to pugs. My favorite are the 5 man teams that go in to mess with the queue syncers, they’re the real heroes.

There are also newer players that can’t contribute otherwise that join them. I had a friend that started at the same time as I did who synced, when it came time for arena some years later he was still clicking his spells and moving with the keyboard. It’s not just the new players that try pvp and leave with the impression that it’s an imbalanced mess, it’s also the people that are never really challenged so they never improve.

But we are allowed.

You might not like being filmed in public, but that doesn’t give you the right to demand that I delete the footage.

Yes, yes. I understand lol

That’s why I said “I think”

Because I like Epics.

I like the large scale objective based PvP mode.

I also like playing it with team mates who actually want to play for the objectives.

As I’ve said in the past, it may be different from my healer PoV, it’s about my team mates, not about the enemy.

Everyone who has objections to premades talks about crushing pugs as the goal, but that is not my goal, because I’m a healer.

It may be a byproduct.

But there is nothing which is really stopping pugs from fighting back effectively, except themselves.

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There’s quite a lot of contradiction and hypocrisy to unpack in this statement.

Like, you’ve recognized time and again that pugs don’t coordinate as well as they should, and I think you know that they never will which is why you’re circumventing the “random” part of BGs by bringing your premades into it.

So why is the answer to premades in randoms for the pugs to just “get good?”

More to the point: Why can’t the same be said of you? There’s nothing stopping your pug from fighting back effectively except yourselves. Why do you need to drag a premade into it? Just get good lol