Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

you know what?

i think i may finally be onto something.
40s love AV.

when a BG opens up, and the queue is accepted, it’s MUCH easier for players to see and report the afkers in the starting area if the game has already started by the time the rest of the team arrives.

why not care about all the afk cave protectors who are ruining the game for everyone?


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If Blizzard wants you to queue as a raid for epic BG’s why is it not allowed? Why is the intended method to form 3+ parties and sync your queue times?

This is another problem that could also use a fix, yes.

I mean, why shouldn’t they AFK when you got a bunch of “people” who need a premade to get a dub? They don’t deserve the extra honor, they’ve not earned anything.

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I did some solo epic BGs today. All pug vs. pug. In AV all they want to do is rush. Whichever team does it better wins, meaning horde won all. lol

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can you try speaking adult?

i don’t understand what you’re attempting to convey.

I did not know a word had an age-range… sorry if my millennial speak bothers your boomer mind, a dub = a win (say “W” outloud)

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what was the point though?

you could have used the appropriate word, with the correct meaning, in as many letters.

they can.
if that’s what they want to do.

just like people can 1, 2, 3 queue if they want to.

however, non-participation is deemed as cheating.
1, 2, 3 queue … isn’t.

You taking a portion of what was said and using it as a quote instead of taking the whole thing into context… seems to be your thing.

Not saying they can’t… but it only proves they need a premade group of people to get a dub.


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i didn’t do that though.
i took the snippet which made no sense, and asked for clarification.
you clarified, i responded to the whole thing… in context.

can’t even take you seriously when you want to talk like that.

Feelings mutual.

Then what don’t you get about what I said in my original post? I’ll post it again, it’s pretty clear.

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How exactly does the ability to sync queue, prove that the sync queue is required?

i already responded to that.

they shouldn’t afk, because it’s against the rules.

Then the conversation has concluded.

I don’t care if it’s against the rules, if these players who need to do premades to get a dub… they have every right to AFK and take that fun away for the people wanting to farm. No reports should ever happen there.

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actually, i take that back.

they do have the right to AFK.

…they just don’t have a right to complain about it when they get actioned for non-participation.

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I feel you’re wrong and they have every right to complain, especially when a bunch people are premaking a group… bad behavior meets bad behavior, don’t have a right to complain about ppl being AFK either if you’re in a premade.

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I mean, if you can win without the premade, then what do you need the premade for?

If you actively participate in using premades in randoms, there’s probably a larger-than-zero chance you do so because you can’t win without it lol


For enjoyable games.

I’m a healer main, I enjoy games where the majority of my team is trying to play PvP, rather than trying to get the fastest honor per minute.


And why are the games more enjoyable with premades lol

remove your “feelings” from the situation.

rule breaking behaviour vs something which hurts your feelings?

yeah sure bud.

Playing with people who are there to play PvP is more enjoyable than playing with people who want to do arena, but don’t have the gear.