Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There are quite a few ways actually…

Soft mmr

Factionless teams

Setting an ilvl floor to mitigate onesided matches, in turn mitigating exploitative activity

…to name a few

It’s all it really does, in any forum

That should tell you something… your thread isn’t of value since it’s taking “troll responses” to keep it alive.

Thank you for the bump.

‘They aren’t punishing people for it’ doesn’t mean people aren’t actively circumventing game design to gain an advantage, which is by definition an exploit.


You’re welcome. Lemme know if you wanna farm some hk’s.

Blizzard doesn’t allow exploits. Blizzard will action players who exploit. You don’t get to define what Blizzard believes is an exploit in their game, only Blizzard gets to do that. Also, if you wanna farm some hk’s lemme know.

I mean that isn’t what exploit means. We are not talking about your personal definition like how someone who plays 60 hours a week calls themselves a casual.

I would argue randoms no longer are serving their purpose. Make it so you can only solo queue for them and simply make conquest gear free. Make the visuals for honor gear unlock after x amount of honor.

I think they should just let people q up as raids. They will have to fight other raids of the same size. We all know they would prob stop because q syncing is just to have a bunch of 37% players win. You see it on the bg forums all the time. If you can’t beat em join em. Also a lot of the leaders of these don’t actually want it to be hard because they will insta leave if there is another premade on the other side.

This clearly wont work. The goal is to bully newbies. Its why twinking died when xp came in and the degens who did it had to fight other degens who turned off xp.

exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

That’s not a personal definition. It’s obvious to any honest person that the point of these premades is to have an unfair advantage.

Blizzard defines what is an isn’t an exploit in their game.

No they don’t… its a word it has a definition. We wrote a book of word definitions for that very purpose. We call it a dictionary

Yes, they do define what is an isn’t an exploit in their game. They don’t define the word. lol my god.

No,they don’t lol. This is the laziest troll ive ever seen read a book. A dictionary to start with.

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point, I get it.

Clearly they must.

I don’t recall speaking for Blizzard. I recall quoting the definition of a word and how it applies to something. Blizzard could call turtles rats for all I care, doesn’t mean I’ll take to doing it. Lol

Anyways the solution is to just make it solo queue. With rated random bgs isnt a reason not to do it.

Blizzard says what is and isn’t an exploit in their game, not you.

That’s a good way to make people quit the game. Many players play this game with friends.

It’s people dropping queues and dropping matches constantly that’s the issue. If they address that, the issue would go away.

Pff its people who wanna bully new players its a 100 at best. These lads cant even rank.

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