Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Then why are you comparing random BGs to sports?

But if random BGs are not sports, why would we follow anything that they do?

Wow, just silly. Hey they are not the same things exactly, or not on the same level so you can’t learn anything from them!

Yeah that’s just too silly for me. Good bye.

Edit ugh hidden profile, and a troll I am sure an alt will pop up. God I hate how hard they make this for no reason.

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Yes, it was silly to compare random BGs to sports.

That’s the problem with using awful analogies. They’re awful.

Still better than awful people. Now to copy paste you into the ignore bin. Just a ridiculous post.

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Thank goodness.

Sorry that comparing BGs to sports didn’t convince anyone. Better luck next time I suppose.

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You guys keep saying that even though facts say different.

You guys do this a lot with people that prove you wrong lol

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Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hopefully, we can raise enough awareness about these worsening problems to catch Blizzard’s attention.


Pretty sure the point was that both are a competitive form of play and that there are certain rules in place to make both as fair as possible

But I guess if your sole purpose in this thread is to be a contrarian about everything, then I suppose it makes complete sense why the comparison didn’t register with you lol


Bloomsday is the single worst thing to have any interaction with on this forum. It’s the very definition of a bad faith poster. It’s annoying enough that I have to see its replies when people quote it. Hopefully one day all the anonymous trolls will be outed.

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They know, they’re just unwilling to admit that they know. Someone will be upset whichever side they support so they’re doing nothing as long as they can.

Oh, I’ve been everything from an ultra-casual to a super hardcore. I’m one of the few people who actually set foot in Naxx 40 and killed a boss. It’s nothing to write home about.

Modern day Mythic Raiding isn’t very compelling for me because they have a nasty habit of leaning on repetitive, “Everyone does this thing perfectly or it’s a wipe” style mechanics. And that’s roughly where I get off the fun boat.

Ask him why they don’t allow raid queuing if they think it’s OK to bring an entire raid sized premade into epic BG’s.

You can be super hardcore and still be awful at the game.

That’s fine but you haven’t even done much in PvP either.

Wait… you think BGs are a competitive form of play?

That’s not even remotely true lol.

My sole purpose is to be right and you’re making that easy for me.

You get a special Bloomsday cookie!

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I don’t buy into the narrative that continues to be pushed that no pvp content outside of arena matters at all.

If it isnt true then thats a crying shame cause if there is no system in place to keep things as fair as possible then what you have is a circus that nobody can nor ever will take seriously.


BGs matter more than arena, or at least should. BGs are what got me in to arena. Players having a good experience in world PvP and regular bgs is what drives participation in rated PVP.

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PVP outside of arena can still matter without being competitive. I know though, it requires critical thought to arrive at that conclusion.

They’re random BGs. They’re meant for fun above everything else.

If you’re not having fun at the circus, then don’t go to the circus. Period.

Really? how is that cause bgs right now have no rating system and they couldn’t be any more dead so clearly at least to this playerbase something has to be competitive for it to matter.

Isnt that what the whole game is supposed to be? given its a video game product all of which are created first and foremost to be fun?

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Do you think something only matters if it’s competitive?

Please, think about this before replying.

Correct, and there are many avenues to have fun. Go find yours if random BGs is not it.

Yes, by the very definition of what competitive/competition is, BGs are competitive lol

Except it is lol

Unless you just have no inkling as to how competitive play works.

The point of trolling is to make it seem like you’re not trolling, sweetheart.

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imagine thinking my comment was pedantic, while also pretending that blues haven’t clarified blizz’s position on this manufactured drama.

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