Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

If you think premades make the game better, argue they should be left in the game one way or the other.

If you think they are worse argue they should be removed, one way or the other.

Arguing anything other than that, or how to do that…like the meaning of words, or trying to read every pvp devs mind, or dissecting their comments, is completely pointless.

The debate should be about the best course for the game. It should not be about the technically allowed conduct or the interpretation of the damn constitution. It’s such a ridiculous lawyerly way to go about something that nobody does in their normal life.

Game have problem fix problem vs game fine as is no fixy. That’s it!

No. I disagree. It’s pretty clear. Sorry not sorry. You can keep saying this, but the response is about queues.

Thank you for continuing to make it clear exactly who you guys are and how you’re bad for the game.


If you don’t want to be stomped, work out how to communicate amongst yourselves. Learn to do more strategies than rushing to the other end and waiting on noob hill.

Don’t keep running to the forums to complain, that isn’t getting you anywhere, Blizzard will just keep ignoring you.


Thank you again.

I appreciate your thoughts.

You’re welcome, I’m happy to give useful advice.

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Asmongold doesn’t even have an understanding on how to wash his body or clean his house. The live streamer who is infamously known for having live cockroaches crawling all over him.

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No, that’s a specific BG with a random team.

Right, he’s a slob. You can also look up his PVP achievements.

It would be good to note that he bought carries for gear in BC and later for achieves.

Blizzard says queing as a group is okay.
Players argue that que dropping and having games start with loop sided teams makes them feel bad as they lose in the beginning.

How would you like Blizzard to approach this?

If Blizzard takes action, citing that player actions that create imbalance/team losses are an actionable offence, doesnt thst open the doors to much worse cases?

Couldnt under that law, not following directions from the raid leader in an epic bg constatute actionable offence since your inability to follow directions was player actions leading to a loss?

The only way to address it would be to stop thier ability to que, which Blizzard has already stated is okay.

If not accepting ques is griefing your team, since you make to harder for your team to win/make them feel worse, does that make any player action that makes it harder for your team to win/feel worse fall under the same umbrella? Does playing badly then fall under griefing your team?

Admit there is a problem, and begin taking simple concrete actions one at a time until they find a fix for it. That’s it.

We don’t know the answer, we do know that Blizzard has stopped talking about it and stopped appearing to fix it. Maybe behind the scenes they are trying things but it isn’t working.

Only if they can show people are doing it on purpose…that is called griefing or sabotage, which are both reportable offenses.

The simple answer is for there to be a no accept penalty that builds up to block you from pvping. That and a number of other ideas have been put forward.

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The ones he was carried too? Dude can’t even pve anymore.

If Blizzard stopped talking about, if they arent doing anything to change it, ontop of saying its okay to countdown and que, wouldnt this all point towards them not believing its an issue? Dont fix whats not broken mentality.

If intent was all it took, then playing bad would still be an offence. Not wanting to “try-hard,” trying to play casually would lead to worse play which would lead to eventual losses vs teams listening and working as a team. Still player actions that lead to a loss, which would fall under “griefing” your team.

That is why I dont think Blizzard could take action agaisnt que dropping. No matter how they word or phrase it, more innocent players woild get bit compared to the number of players people complain about.

Alot of the issues suggested would have to target after accepting ques, such as merc mode. You cant target the que function as blizzard stated that its not a problem.

This is silly. If someone can play better and plays poorly on purpose that is intending to play poorly. This is another pedantic bit that is just not worth going over. I have a feeling I have blocked your alts before.

If you don’t know the difference between failing, and throwing a game you are not going to understand any of this conversation.

One queue drop for pvp a day, or you start building delay would barely hurt anyone that is not abusing it.

That made no sense.

That’s not the issue here. No one has said group queing is a problem. The problem are raids que syncing to bypass the 5 man limit to get their full raid into the same bg.


If someone is playing poorly, with intent of playing poorly which leads to the teams loss, i argue that it would also fall under the term griefing as it mets the same criteria as que dodging would have on the team.

If the reasoning behind punishment for que dodging is a worse player enjoyment and unbalanced teams, then players playing badly with no intent to try to win leads to unbalanced teams (team of 40 trying to win vs team of 30 trying with 10 off in no where) and a worse player enjoyment for those trying.

This is why Blizzard wont punish for que dropping. Player enjoyment is not strong enough grounds to discipline on, and if they did open that box, more problems than answers would come from it.

Hahah, dont think youve blocked any alts. This is the only toon i post on.

OG Vanillia Twink, Scout Gah

Pedantic and silly.

Do you think premades and queue drops are good for the game?

Sorry, forgot the “s” at the end of groups.

If Blizz is on record saying that 3, 2, 1, Go is okay, and that it is not a problem. the only way they could make changes is post que. Such as Merc Mode or something like that.

Queing at the same time as another group is okay and not cheating according to blizzards most recent quote on the topic. They are okay with it.

If you think they are bad, why?
If your why is based on player experience, then anything making that experience worse falls under the same rule and should be met equally.

You first considering I asked the question and have answered that many times in this thread.