Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

This isn’t a new problem and if the arena community was willing to police their own we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

We don’t need a frat house in WoW. I’m not saying do away with arenas, I’m just saying they need to remove the rating system. It’s clearly caustic to the community and it’s most consistent users are it’s worst proponents. Arenas should feed into a wider PVP system that includes BG’s and Epic BG’s. Because there are way too many arena players who seemingly climb the ranks just because they think it’s an open ticket to make other people’s life miserable.

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The majority of players doing arena are good and decent players. I know, I play with tons of people. There are some vocal people that are elitist, but they are by far the minority.

Sure, then let’s get rid of M+ and remove all raids but normal. Ratings are just a way for players to play against others of similar ability. If it’s just the number that bothers you, than we could go a bracket route… I’d be fine with something like bronze, silver, gold, diamond, etc.

Not quite sure what you mean here.

This is a very small segment of players and it’s no different than PvE. Unless your aim is to get rid of all competition in wow. Have seen that argument before.

I mean, I’m not against simplifying our current system to level the playing field some, but those players will still exist. =/


Someone brought up a good point in the bg forums over this issue.

If the sync queing and raids in bg’s is intended due to the unpoliceable nature of the que’ing, then surely it will be fine for people to do the same in bg blitz, right? And you can bet players will try.

The argument used to excuse bypassing the restriction for epics or even regular bg’s will not apply to bg blitz. The que limits obviously set the standard soooo…

No more than 5 = no more than 5.

NOT: No more than 5 unless you coordinated your raid group to click the button at the same time to get them all on the same team.

Just because their method of queing isn’t considered cheating, that doesn’t mean it’s a complete free for all for those that game the system.


I don’t think his behavior is reflective of decently rated players but as someone that worked at Wendy’s in high school I did appreciate the jab, don’t get me wrong.

There’s a new sheriff in town named Marshall Microsoft, he isn’t looking to sell his reputation to bolster his stock prices. Let’s not behave in a way where an outsider might think we’re provoking them. We make them aware of what’s happening and eventually they’ll need to start cleaning house or else move us to a better neighborhood under more direct control of Microsoft Corporation who won’t put up with that sort of behavior.

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Sorry but I totally disagree. They just need better communication on the rules and to actually enforce them.

Random bg side is meant to be uncoordinated light and quick. No prep just hop in. Just like random dungeons.

Rated bgs/arena are supposed to be coordinated and planned out. Lots of prep, work to get a team together, hit it hard…just like high end raiding and high end mythic to some degree.

The problem is they incentivize grinding honor and they incentivize winning in random bgs instead of playing. Really number of games actively played would be a better system than the honor system right now. Keep the reward for winning more on the rated side. Would need ways to fight AFKs but that is an issue either way.

There is room for both, but the bleed over is an issue.

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You can queue for random dungeons with a full team.

So ‘random’ clearly means the map, not the team composition.

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It is already happening in BG blitz but at a smaller scale.

So at some point BlizZard is going to act because when it starts to disrupt rated games they take it a bit more seriously.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Just wanted to let you know I wasn’t talking about you or most queue syncers, you have at least 50 IQ more than that guy in question and your arguments are welcome.

Are we back to arguing what the word ‘random’ means?

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Only if you continue to try to apply it to team composition.

Or do you think the game should split up a full party if they queue for a random dungeon?

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Just pointing out this is your personal opinion.

Can you queue for a ‘Random Dungeon’ as a full team?

Why would they call it ‘Random Dungeons’ if your team isn’t ‘random’?

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I can also queue for a specific BG. It’s still a random bg because the team is… wait for it… random. Random encompasses more than just the map.

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Except it isn’t. The UI changes from Random Battleground, to, wait for it… Specific Battleground

Spot the difference:



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Delves cap at heroic ilvl from the vault and drop champion track from the delve. Whoever told you otherwise isn’t being truthful.

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Yes, we get that. It’s still random. While you can queue up your group of 5, the system clearly isn’t meant to have… more than one group of 5 working together. This has already been settled.

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Yes, it’s random maps. Like in dungeons where you can queue as a full team…


Yes yes. You can keep posting this and I can keep pointing out that the blue response is specific in addressing the issues of queues. That’s it. We have other posts that CLEARLY highlight exactly what premades are. Those are groups that pug stomp.

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And yet here we are with people defending bad behavior. I’m not saying it’s your fault, I actually agree with you.

Anthropologically speaking this is a fascinating thread into the psyche of some people.

And you’re wrong. The blue that I keep linking is clearly talking about premades. The question was about groups, stacking the queue, to make premades. Communicating that you’re queueing isn’t cheating. That’s all premades are doing.

I get it, you don’t like being stomped, but we can’t prevent that from happening, only you can.