Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I think that would work well. To that, they could just limit the amount of premade groups that get into the same epic bg. For 10 and 15 man bgs, they could limit them to a max of one group of 5.

Basically, if you want to queue with a group, you might have a very slight increase in queue times.

I remember that. There was a lot of weird stuff like that. While there were no shortage of guilds doing shady stuff, I recall some getting stopped from the world first chances because they came across a bug that they didn’t know was a bug.

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No. They didnt. Please stop just outright lying by omission. This mess is over a decade old. They didnt ban them because they just did an oopsie and did it once, wiped immediately and reported the bug.

They banned them because they kept doing it and boasted about killing it when it nullified an entire phase of the fight AND the mechanic after the phase ended. If youre going to twist the truth this much no wonder you cant make any actual headway in this conversation.

We have told you multiple times. The struggle seen here is you dont like the answer and thus dont consider it the answer. The good thing about verifiable history with things like this, is it literally doesnt matter whether you like it or not. Its answered and has been answered repeatedly by blues.

No matter how much you cry that it isnt fair, its allowed and is not bannable.

You can advocate for change sure, always advocate for change where warranted.

But to say its an exploit when it isnt is not correct.
To say blizzard hasnt answered you is not correct.
To demand more clarification like directly stating that whats occuring isnt against the rules isnt enough is not correct.
Insulting anyone outside the echo chamber of people who dont or refuse to do anything other than solo queue the quivalent of normal pugs is not correct.

for you specifically, no. They didnt mean “a few people”, if what they meant was a handful of people getting into a bg, they would have just said that.

They explicitly and directly stated the EXACT method that multiple groups use to get into the same bg IS COMPLETELY FINE

It doesnt matter that you dont like it, and it doesnt matter how many times you try to make your own version of events.

Queue syncing, in its entirety, is completely 100% a-okay per blizzard right now. Saying it as anything but, is just lying.

Kay, muting you now.

Better than you.

:wave: :troll:

Keep up the good work, captain.

They had no way of knowing they were doing it. Engineer grenades are part of a min/max rotation, it was completely on Blizzard’s end.

Again, it doesn’t mean what you think it means.

And you didn’t answer the question. If Blizzard wants you to queue for epic BG’s as a raid…why don’t they let you do it normally? Why the weird go-around?

It meets the definition of an exploit even if you- or Blizzard- think it doesn’t.

Motte and bailey. Find a new argument.

So you’re not actually done with the thread.

Hiding behind an alt says you’re not.

It’d be a thankless task if it wasn’t so much fun.


You’re a 1x challenger who’s never broke 1550, I think it’s safe to say… EVERYONE here is better than you.

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The funny thing is back when greg street who made the previous post about premades in randoms the people running premades immediately disregarded it and sought out a way to continue running premades.

And are now the same people now that they have a diferent blue with a diferent opinion declaring it as divine law. Lmao hypocrisy at its finest.

They said something about the process of simply counting down and queing… they said nothing about the uncomfortable truth that none of them want to talk about of que dropping.

I don’t see how a process that makes other games start 30 players down by extension griefing the players in and the ones who join that game is considered ok by the players premading and by apparently some blues. That tells me that nobody cares about competitive integrity in this game anymore or integrity in general.

Cause that is peak selfishness not caring at all about the players your screwing over by que dropping because it benefits you and your ‘friends’ at the expense of everyone else.

I mean my bad i thought randoms were by and large considered the area where new players go to try and learn pvp not where coordinated premades in coms go to feel better about themselves.

And then they’ll probably wonder why pvp participation is either staying stagnant or shrinking. Its probably cause if thats true they’ve just given the greenlight to sweaties who have been on the game for 15 years to run over people trying to get into it with no impedement.

Why would anyone ever put up with that when they could just go play any other pvp game that respects itself and its players enough to have half decent matchmaking that disallows things like that (because most people outside this game can admit having veterans plow over newbs is cringe gameplay). In the same vain as someone in titan weight fighting someone in feather weight in ufc it’s not enjoyable to watch at all.

I can already tell what kind of person you are just by these 2 quotes alone and also why you think premades in randoms are ok. And that is a condescending narcissist unfortunately a type of person increasingly commonly found in this game.

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While some people target “premades” the underlying issue is a negative attitude shift towards the BG mode, especially if it’s unrated.

“Doesn’t matter”
“I don’t care about winning”
“Top damage”
“Top KBs”
“Don’t tell me what to do”
“Lose fast so we can get into next one”

This kind of attitude gets worse and worse when blizz indicates they couldn’t care less about a game mode and fail to adjust/tune it as needed and modify the reward structure in a direction encouraging positive gameplay.

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I think the current system creates a class of players not meant to win but to serve as a benefit for other players as a way to motivate grind. It’s exactly why I refuse to do rated, they try to force it by saying do it or be fodder but someone has to be fodder for their systems to work. SLands showed it was intentional and not accidental, they created a whole gearing system around the idea.

Until they fix that we’ll keep finding ourselves in similar situations of people seeking advantages outside of skill. No one wants to serve as a benefit for other players. That’s why we need to find them a home, not just for their benefit but all us players Blizzard currently wants to treat as fodder.

So you’re not actually better than me because you’re invoking a nebulous ‘everyone.’ And we were talking about FFXIV, not WoW. Strangely enough, I don’t actually care that much about arenas and was never that deeply invested in it. I’d be the first to admit I’m pretty mid. Hence me playing Solo Shuffle, getting to 1550, getting bored, and quitting. I wonder why I care about the state of battlegrounds over arenas?

Ask him why Blizzard intends for raids to get into epic BG’s if Blizzard disabled raid queuing for epic BG’s and instead expects you to sync party queue times.

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We’re talking unrated and there’s always some geek trying to tell us how our opinion doesn’t matter because we don’t no life rated, a different part of the game.

Sounds like a bunch of cope from someone who is dreadful at PVP.

h ttps://
h ttps://

English isn’t a strength of yours either I see… :scream:

Defending your boyfriend after he started something with someone? Maybe you should tell your boyfriend to slow his role and not talk trash to his betters, which is EVERYONE here.

Maybe you should post on a character with ratings if you want to ratings shame.

Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s. We’re not actually talking about Arenas.

No, I mean a vague, nebulous ‘everyone’ in the sense that 1550 is still above the 50th percentile. Most people don’t PVP and even fewer do arenas.

It’s not 1985 anymore, homophobia isn’t the insult you think it is. And yes, if you’re going to insult someone for having bog standard arena rating after they got tired because the rating system is silly and solo shuffle is an exercise in patience, you should actually post on a real character. The fact that you haven’t leads me to believe that you actually suck at Arenas more than I do, and I barely even play them.

Otherwise you’re the posterchild for why Blizzard should just throw out their existing PVP system and incorporate FFXIV’s pvp system. Just throw out arena rating entirely because it just encourages the most anti-social weirdos to engage in hysterically anti-social behavior.

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Don’t engage the trolls, attention is what they want.

While the discussion is a little heated at times, this isn’t an acceptable response.

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:+1: is that some hidden swear word people get offended by?

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It makes them look bad and it demonstrates exactly why we absolutely should just shut down arena ratings. For some odd reason back in '04 WoW Blizzard looked at the state of their PVP and instead of ironing out problems with BG’s and making them more fun they instead said, “Hey, lets make end-game PVP revolve around those guys who spend hours in goldshire spamming duel challenges, that’s what the hip young folk want, right?” And then the arenas in BC were an unmitigated disaster from one season till the next till the Sunwell patch dropped and druids completely broke the game.

These people are bad for PVP, they’re bad for WoW, period. These people can’t behave for five minutes on a message board, where they went through the effort of posting on an alt that they made private, without reaching for harassing, discriminatory language so I can only imagine what they’re like in-game.

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My guy, I have agreed with a lot you have said here, but let’s not be grouping everyone who enjoys arena and achieving ratings into the same group now.

There are outliers, but the majority of us are just regular players and enjoy competition and ratings are a reflection of that. There are elitists in every aspect of this game. PvE is no different. WoW is one of the very few games to have arena style play and do it pretty well. While it has its good and bad seasons, it’s easily one of the most enjoyable things about the game for a lot of us.

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you starting up a PvP Bingo card