Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

IMO the surest ways to put a damper on this issue would be:

  1. Combine all bg’s back into the regular bg que
  • With this one, it could create a problem in that some people hate epics and some epic players hate the regulars like seething shore. Bring back blacklist. Allow a choice of up to 3. 2 wouldn’t cut it anymore. Blacklist is a feature I see many players wishing would return. It is better to allow players to avoid those bg’s they hate(looking at you Seething Shore) than to protect the ego of someone that wants to force their bg design onto players even if they don’t like them. This design choice will also be a good bandaid fix for the shrinking que pool that has been happening. It’s a reset for that in a way. Everyone together again. Que times should become more acceptable. As we have it now, everyone is divided and raids are dominating the epic pool.
  1. Cross faction
  • This could be a disruption for people like myself that really don’t want to be swapped over but if it limits premades, go for it. I don’t like the idea of breaking up parties, so keep the 5 man together. But stagger the faction placement rather than by when they qued. What I mean is this… 5 players que pop, they go alliance, next 5(whether solo or partied) are horde, next 5 are alliance, etc. until the game is filled. To prevent the raids stacking up the bg, prioritize the solo’s over the partied when organizing the 5 for faction placement. Prioritizing the solo’d deals with click queing and considering it is meant to be casual and not full of organized raids, this system and the fill priority should keep it as originally intended.

  • If the problem of raids vote kicking the solo’s comes up, mass reporting needs to be hindered in a way that would punish those abusing it. Or just remove the feature that will auto kick a player if enough people vote. Just have it only relying on the inactive countdown. Due to bg’s like AV, where if they do it at gate opening, the players wouldn’t have time to get into pvp combat, this countdown should be longer.

  1. Stacking debuff for leaving
  • This punishes those that leave if they didn’t end up with their raid. And it also deals with those players that always leave after their team loses the very first fight. So 2 birds with one stone. But with this, you have to account for those very unpopular bg’s that players do not want to end up in. And this further reiterates why blacklist is necessary. One without the other would create new problems.

While we’re at it, Call to Arms would be a good thing to bring back into rotation. In slightly different ways. Weekly instead of just weekends. If it were me, I would even research to see if it is possible to have a voting system set up through the calendar or something so the regions can vote for upcoming CTA weeks and also make it so the prior winning weekly bg is not in the vote list.

The CTA weekly would have a reward system of specific queing that 1 bg gives you the CQ and honor reward as if it were random. This system would hopefully increase engagement in the bg’s and the option to choose. If I were to go one step further, I would have the system remove that CTA weekly bg from the random que rotation so those that do not want to be in the CTA weekly can avoid it with random ques. Allow the players to feel in control of the battlefields and where the “call” to arms is really coming from.

There are several specific problems with the bg’s, the rate at which they come up in the rotation, issues with premades, and the fact that we can’t blacklist those very unpopular bg’s(>.> Seething Shore). These several ideas could hopefully solve them.

As an aside, you can gather the data of which bg’s are the most popular and the least popular so the que rotations could be refined and improved.

I’m sure more ideas could be added but these changes could address multiple problems we have now and hopefully in a way that increases engagement and satisfaction.

But I know this is pointless. Blizzard seems to only want the maximum reward from minimal work while sitting back and claiming we aren’t giving them solution ideas. So whatever. I was just scratching my problem-solving itch.


Until we hear an official statement of intent I think we’re spinning our wheels some. For me I feel like a bigger question is what can we give the communities as a replacement so they don’t just leave if that’s the direction that they go. I think the sync queue community should really define that, I can give them ideas like rated epics or maybe weekly tournaments but I don’t know what they’d find acceptable that doesn’t involve an unfair advantage against pugs.

I gave one of the community leaders who was organizing community vs community a pair of ruby shades to use for the prize pool if they could organize some type of tournament. If we want action we should consider how we can have something where everyone comes out somewhat happy with the solution. What would we give up to make sure everyone has a place?

Similarly if it is deemed intended we need to consider its effect on progression and new players, I think maybe they see BGB in that role and I do really hope it’s successful but I don’t think it’s for everyone. I hate dividing an already divided and diminished community. Then it’s a question of what they’ll give up so we have a place.

I thought y’all would spin wheels up to 4k posts. I’m a little let down some of the blowhards in this thread couldn’t run their mouths another couple hundred posts. :confused:

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There’s still time.

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It capped out at 12 million players. there are games with 100 million+ as we speak so in comparison the mmo genre at its absolute peak was 12 million.

Wow thats great the game is more profitable cause of so many people buying wow tokens to buy carries to suck any meaning out of any achievement in the game. incredible.

Global warming in particular has happened and will happen naturally no matter what we do or what i do so again im not going to stress about something i have no control of.

And also i can spot blatant hypocrisy and call it out when i see it.

Wouldn’t of been so bad if people washed their hands.

Far from it actually if you look at the posts. “if they are using other means to do then it might be…”.

I think unfortunately that there isn’t really much to offer these people. They don’t want a challenge or a fair chance, they want to stomp pugs. I’d say they could add some type of 40v40 option to wargames, but I doubt any of these communities would have anything todo with that.

Instead of focusing on what they want, I’d focus on what we can to bring regular players back to epics. Like balancing Isle and making WG more competitive if you’re not on defense.


One of the big issues, I think, is it gatekeeps conquest so maybe they can bolster that in some way like giving conquest if you get pulled in late then stay until the end. It may just be shutting the barn door after the horses bolted, unfortunately. pvp really needs some McLovin. EDIT: Also, add back tier to crafted and honor sets to reduce power gaps. They can make it pvp only so it doesn’t interfere with pve which is why I think they removed it.

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Yea, I think there is an argument to be made about winning and losing relative to honor and conquest. I would assume the fear on Blizzards end is to prevent people from afk’ing, but I think currently the system makes it so winning is everything. Maybe there is a happier mid point in there?

Yea, I think the crafted gear would be good, but I also think PvP gear just needs to be more relevant overall. The Dragonflight system was awful and really prevents PvP players from stepping in to PvE. Less barriers in the game the better, though the PvE players have complained in the past about need to PvP for gear that’s used for PvE. While I wouldn’t want that, I think PvP gear just doesn’t get the needed life after its worked for.

Overall though, I think they just need to focus on making the maps better and actually introduce some new content. The fixes needed to make most of the epic bgs better are so incredibly trivial that it’s frustrating they haven’t been dealt with.

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I personally don’t think someone that sidesteps the intended method of play is deserving of anything more than the rest are getting. They already had their days in the sun while casting shade on many others’ days. Break even.

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In the 2000s… when gaming was less popular… and it had two expansions + a subscription cost.

The games that have 100 million+ now, in 2024, where gaming is much more popular, do not have subscription or expansion costs.

Another terrible comparison that lacks even a modicum of analysis and depth. Would you like another go?

Right, so you don’t understand science, got it.

That’s a reading comprehension issue on your part.

Sounds like a overdose amount of copium.

Wow should probably go free to play not very many things in this game that actually justify a 60$ box price and 15$ a month so that you can get minor content patches every 6 or 7 months. And increasingly have those content patches be broken and unfinished.

The wow token sales alone would probably more then make up for the subscriptions i bet.

I cant take people seriously who say that everyone needs to cut back on what little they already have as they procceed to get on a private jet and release more emitions in 1 trip than i or 1000 other people would in a year. My pov is very simply “practice what you preach” its never let me down in discerning a hypocrite as compared to someone who actually believes what he is saying.

Nope, that’s called using your brain and doing an indepth analysis on data. I know, to you, someone who just fumbles through whatever and just says whatever, it looks like “copium”. To the rest of us though, we’re able to see exactly why that comparison is awful.

I can’t take people who don’t understand science seriously, I’m afraid.

I don’t understand the point here. Global warming naturally occurring doesn’t mean humanity hasn’t greatly exacerbated the problem to such a degree that we’ve near passed the threshold of no return.

I mean, I understand that we personally have no contribution or sway in global warming, as most emissions are generated from companies and not the average consumer.

But you should 100% be concerned about global warming unless you are just nihilistic and have nothing to live for lol

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git gud.

The Epic BG queue was started because people would just dodge whichever BG’s they didn’t like, which was almost always the epic bg’s.

We will find a way. I did get laid off so most of my time is split between shuffling more job applications out the door and making sure this thread stays alive.

Statistics is more math than science.

Although you’re correct that concurrent subscriptions are being compared to total download base, here.

Something like 10 companies are responsible for over half of all anthropogenic GHG’s. The government’s solution is to tell us to stop eating hamburgers and buy electric cars. It’s not that you shouldn’t be concerned but that it’s a waste of time to be concerned. Take logical steps in your own life to minimize your carbon footprint, sure, but there are very real limits to what you can do.


All BlizZard has to do is stagger the queue system so then if people want to try to time it with small groups like 7-10 players that is unavoidable but not game greaking. But large premades of 20+ would have to face large premades.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So you dont know, considering you are trying to falsely equate it to win trading. Got it. Glad I made sure to ask if either the one I tried to ask, or someone else tried to push them over to reply to me, were serious in asking.

Personally, since most of you are just spinning your wheels in the ground at this point without anything being constructive and when you aren’t doing that, you’re trying to personally attack those who disagree with you, I’m not going to contribute to this thread any longer.

Stay losing or whatever.

Not long after I started in Wrath a friend messages me, I found out how other players win so much and they need a healer. Intrigued I joined group and the lead is explaining about countdown queuing and I’m thinking, nah, that’s cheating but my friend guilts me that I would make him look bad for bringing me. It was really fast, they’re counting down and I want to leave but I don’t want to mess up my friend.

So I delayed a second and the RL announces don’t take the queue because not enough got into the same instance, it was my chance to get away so I quickly accepted queue and said whoops! I think a lot of them got into it like that, new players being told by older players it was the norm. My friend tried to convince me again when OQueue came out but, nah. If we try to punish we’ll catch some innocents and lose pvp players that are needed for the health of the game and maybe delay change.

It’s kind of the opposite, people just use it incorrectly and draw wrong conclusions but some very advanced physics like statistical and quantum mechanics are based in statistics. Math often relies on things that don’t really exist in nature, it’s more how the brain works than physical reality but it’s such a broad subject that’s not a universal truth. I’d rather calculate a pde (we used to call them pdq’s when I went to school) than a pdf, personally.

Yes this starts to disrupt more than one game and multiple games.

Like I said upthread. Streamers that overwhelm a server or start to disrupt multiple instances have been banned or punished before for doing a lot less.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Blizzard banned an entire heroic raid team (before Mythic) back in Wrath because they accidentally discovered a way of bypassing a mechanic on Heroic 25 Lich King.

Good, you didn’t have a dog in the fight anyways and struggle with basic questions like, “If Blizzard wanted you to raid queue for an Epic BG, why is it disabled? Why do you have to sync your queue timing to get in?”


I’m not saying to punish them. I am saying them being brought back to the intention of the game mode isn’t a punishment. They could still do 5 man.

I lean more towards the health of the game rather than their feelings.