Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

why? if ffxiv is objectively better why not play that instead of subjecting yourself to what you deem an inferior pvp experience?

They need to make it so when the queue pops, everyone has to accept or it sends back everyone in the queue. Like Blitz and LFR and dungeons…

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Criticism exists because you want to see the better version of something you already have.


better 2 just make it xfacshun


Yea that’s my main recommendation. biggest fix.


Just get rid of Unrated BGs.

They should get rid of the new player bracket for those under honor level 30. So instead of trolling these threads they can experience what we’re talking about.

this doesnt answer my question.

why do you play a game that you think is inferior to another game that you play?

here are your options:

  1. you’re a liar and you dont actually think ffxiv pvp is objectively better than wow’s

so, how should we proceed?

if FFXIV was that good, you wouldn’t be here wasting your time on WoW lol. This is why it’s hard to take anything you say seriously, especially when it’s unanimously agreed upon that ffxiv has garbage pvp.

it’s great that you like garbage, but dont force it on the rest of us. please, just enjoy that one all to yourself.

It can have garbage PVP but a great queue system?

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it could, but it doesnt :joy:

Well I gotta find who brought up FFXIV and figure out what they were saying was better in PVP…

Whoever said that should apologize. FF has HORRIBLE PvP. Good PvE (but WoW is generally better gameplay wise but there is something cinematic about FF bosses that is appealing) and a VERY good story (current expansion aside).

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Agreed on almost all counts. I do think their version of telegraphs is much better for boss fights. Hate not being able to see a damn thing on a lot of WoW stuff.

Two very different things in general, but I do feel like FF does better with trying to squash issues with their pvp. It’s very simplified and flattened which fixes a lot in a competitive sense, but…also makes it more boring. There is a big wide middle ground between the two that really seems like the best option.

I agree though, their pvp has always been bad.

Thanks for posting this. It really seems like they are saying two things.

  1. it is not intended for premades to exist
  2. they won’t do anything about it unless there is something they deem an exploit or a bug.

The issue is…why is something that is not intended, and that hurts others experience not automatically labeled as an exploit by Blizzard? Seems like going around the intended gameplay and screwing up someone elses day fits the term pretty well.

I think in the end they are just not saying the truth. We can’t easily stop it, so we are not going to try to stop it, even though it is bad for PVP. Then they just haven’t engaged because they don’t see a solid ROI on it because it’s not hurting overall numbers enough. They don’t care about PVP numbers unless they lose subscriptions.

It sucks. We should keep making noise to try to shift that ROI. It is an issue that they have said privately is an issue…said it in the response to your ticket in fact. Just something that is happening via a path they are labeling as not an exploit BECAUSE it is not something they can police.

That idea, that something is not an exploit because it is not policeable, is idiotic and Blizzard needs to address that.


FFXIV is superior for four big reasons-

1: There’s no question of premades and pugs, you either solo queue for PUGs or you do organized PVP.

2: Gear and stats are standardized so what distinguishes between a good and a bad player is skill, not time invested.

3: Everyone is functionally a DPS class so healers and tanks can’t completely wreck the experience. You’re never screaming internally because someone decided to queue as a prot paladin.

4: Games afford you opportunities to catch up. One team won’t just snowball.

If you think it doesn’t you suck at reading.

Again, I play both? FFXIV’s PVP is better than WoW’s. Which is why I play FFXIV’s PVP, and have barely touched WoW’s.

I repeatedly said that I don’t think WoW should just 1:1 emulate FFXIV’s PVP. I just said that it’d objectively be better if Blizzard did that over maintaining the status quo, because WoW’s PVP at the moment is an insanely insular community that most people hate.

Timing queues to get an entire raid worth of players into epic BG’s when the raid queue feature was turned off is an exploit.

When was the last time you played?

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This is extremely rude.

And yet, extremely true.


But, so that you don’t feel singled out…

And the list goes on and on and on…

This is exactly why cherry picking one sentence and replying to it doesn’t work.

Blizzard isn’t treating it that way and that is the issue. It is because the ROI isn’t high enough for them to work on it…which I also said. So we gotta keep making noise until they take it serious. They are not managing it well and need to no matter the meaning of terms or any other minutia we argue.


If you think it does, then you suck at answering questions.

Again, why? If FFXIV is so much better, why not just play that instead?

I know you won’t answer this question though. We all know that and that’s why you are not being taken seriously.

Nope, it’s not objectively better to make everything garbage. Just because you like garbage does not mean the rest of us do. So again, please enjoy your garbage while the rest of us have something else.

I’ve tried FF14 PVP like 2 months ago now and it’s awful in almsot every way.