Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

They answered to how you trolled the thread, completely ignored the question.

An answer you dislike is not trolling. What did microsoft tell you btw?

IDK, what did XBox support tell me? Doesn’t feel good when people dodge questions, does it?

Ah, so they told you what everyone else told you. And you still think it’s everyone else that’s wrong and not you?

Telling you what you don’t want to hear isn’t trolling. The Blues there generally won’t answer thread if the information is correct. You just don’t like it.

Reporting posts as trolling, pretending the question is something different. I added Charming’s thread, ticket’s still open and under investigation.

The players on this game think that blizzard customer support is the normal across the industry kek.

In fact blizzard customer support is actually the worst square enix ubisoft name a company and most of them have better customer support. Blizzard has started just automating tickets most of the time.

Not exactly surprising though given that every mass layoff took huge chunks out of the cs department.

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daaaaaang you two are still going at it?

It’s a little like two boxers in the 12th round with round one energy, because they slept.

If you ticketed the GM, over it, you gonna be a little disappointed. Forum infractions are handled by reporting posts. The forums moderators are separate from the General GM staff.

They will respond you need to report the post using the report function on the forums.

My post was never flagged btw cause there was nothing flaggable in it. as much as im sure some people really wanted there to be.

Instead they just resorted to “only the almighty faceless dev’s can give the answer to your question and they never answer questions so”

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You mean the audience that has only ever shrunk over the past 20-30 years? good business strategy.

I understand that the entire conversation around climate change and the like is a hypocrisy fest you remember that time the “climate czar” gave a long winded speech about how everyone needs to cut back on their personal emitions and then proceeded to hop on a plane that releases more emitions in a single round trip than 500 peoples cars would in a year? Cause he’s just more important you know.

Are you still mad about that?

Every answer they have ever given is usually playing the middle ground even vrak’s post was “if they are using other means to do so then it might be” alluding to even him not fully endorsing premades as much as some people would like to think so.

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That’s just not true. WoW grew from Vanilla to the end of Wrath – before ANY solo play was really supported.

Moreover, it’s more profitable now than it was before.

Do you just make everything up in your responses? Do you have an factual basis for anything you say or do you just make it up as you go?

No, you don’t. You don’t understand anything even tangentially related to science.

Describing the impact of something =/= mad. Please read things correctly.

Nope. Every answer is crystal clear. If you still don’t understand, that’s a you problem. Noticing a trend here?

I just remembered a ticket I opened over this issue in April of 23.

Dear ,

Issue ID: #91348178

Your ticket has received the following response:

Greetings ,

This is Game Master Agecmor. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

I just got the chance to read over the case about some concerns with some players who seem to have been able to make full raid premades for epic battlegrounds. I can understand how this can be quite discouraging to go against, especially since you can normally only queue for battlegrounds with a maximum of 5 people.

In this case, the best option would be to submit a bug report for the World of Warcraft games team to investigate further. If there is any exploits or bugs being used that allow them to queue with more than 5 people in a group, the only ones capable of investigating or making changes to the queue systems would be the developers.

Thanks for your understanding, and let us know if there’s anything else we can look into!

Blizzard Support

Even in this response, they do not state that raids in epics are allowed. They do not state that they only care if a bug or exploit was used and that raids in epics are allowed.

They reiterated that the que system is capped at 5 players.

Also this:

If there is any exploits or bugs being used that allow them to queue with more than 5 people in a group, the only ones capable of investigating or making changes to the queue systems would be the developers.

Why would they feel the need to go after bugs or exploits that allow it, if the end result is permitted? Not the method, but the end result. Why would you being able to get your raid into the epics ever be a “bug” or “exploit” if that is intended for you?

If it is intended, why would they waste their time patching holes that allow it?


FFXIV’s pvp has never been more popular. I’m not saying Blizzard should just 1:1 copy what FFXIV did but Square Enix did a lot to engender support for their flagging PVP system by making it more appealing to a casual audience.

And Blizzard should absolutely do that. Poop sockers are going to sock no matter what it is, Blizzard should do what they can to make BG’s appealing to casual players, not the dude who legitimately has their rank 14 title from '04 WoW.

Asmongold has 80% of all PVP achievements. He has more substantive, more current Arena achievements than you do. You don’t need to like the man, god knows he’s a little sociopath, but you should probably stick to information that wouldn’t be easy to verify. The only people that’d be more qualified than him to weigh in on the state of PVP in WoW are people who actually played in a professional capacity. Many of them have, they all tend to agree, WoW PVP is an over-complicated mess that enables the absolute worst people.

Then why isn’t raid queuing turned back on?

Targeted abuse is a violation of the CoC.

Win Trading is a reportable offense. It doesn’t need to be organized, or explicit, if your behavior leads to the other team getting an easy win, it’s win trading.

Because these people don’t like having an honest conversation about it and at best can only articulate that it sucked for them at one point so it should suck for you. It’s the, “WHY SHOULD THEY BE HAPPY!?” Ted skit from Scrubs.


So those saying it’s not an exploit agree that I could take 40 players and all day Queue/Drop queue and never join. Sending hundreds of players into incomplete instances repeatedly. Use Merc mode to do it on both faction, just Queue all 40 characters at once and drop.

… and that would be fine, and I’ll be safe from ban because thats an expected non-exploit behavior.


In their minds, yes. Entry level, casual PVP is supposed to suck, after all.

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It would be an expensive experiment to pay for 40 (700$) subs and do it during prime time. I know Blizz would get with me and ask me to stop because I would be breaking the queues.

so there’s 12 people playing it instead of 10 lol? that’s what you call a success?

if what they did was so great, why aren’t you playing ffxiv pvp instead of complaining about wow’s?

it’s hard to take you seriously when you wont even play the game you’re vouching for lol.

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This may be strange to understand but I actually play both.

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“working as intendud”