Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Well, after your thread in customer support… hopefully you finally realize that queue syncing is in fact not against the rules.

I’m not sure how many more times this needs to be stated.

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Listen bloomsday the world is moving away from community and other people.

Just look at all the division and all this is a good thing. so you need to get with the times and stop living in the past.

It’ll continue going in that direction wether you like it or not.


could you please make your second post this post again but understandable? thank you.

Don’t project your isolationism onto others. Many of have friends and loved ones.

Do you need to be reminded that this is in fact an MMORPG?

Are you sure about that? So far, Blizzard and most of the player base disagrees with you.

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I’m not talking about this game with its measly 5 million players.

I’m talking about the overarching world many people are not concered about other people they are concered about themselves. and this is a good thing.

Has not really been like that since wrath.

Statistics say your wrong.

Wether this game gets on the solo and individualism train or not it cant stop it.

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No. Again, you are projecting your own lifestyle onto everyone else. Not everyone is selfish. A lot of us do care for others. A lot of us do have friends and loved ones. A lot of us are very social and likeable.

For you maybe. But again, not everyone plays an MMORPG by themselves.

Please show us these statistics. I’ll wait.

The global TFR has more than halved over the past 70 years, from around five children for each female in 1950 to 2.2 children in 2021 —with over half of all countries and territories (110 of 204) below the population replacement level of 2.1 births per female as of 2021

Record low births record high social and political discord. Record low marriages record high kids out of wedlock

Fights more common both in the streets and in schools now.

It’s all across the world to not just the u.s so yeah an increasing number of people are interested in themselves more than other people. And there is nothing wrong with that.

It’s a big enough segment that blizzard keeps adding solo que content.

And you think these have a connection to people wanting to be alone and wanting to play WoW solo?

I shouldn’t even dignify this with a response, but I will simply because it is very easy to:

This is due to economic reasons, people having more options, etc. It has absolutely nothing to do with “people wanting to be alone”. This has been very well-documented lol.

That is a complete misuse of statistics. You don’t just read a random statistic and hamfist it into your narrative. You actually have to do some analytical work and use your brain.

Again, absolutely nothing to do with “people wanting to be alone” and not everything here is even true lol. You should stick to BGs.

And yet, the end-game remains group oriented, doesn’t it?

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I do those are common traits among young people. And of course if you ever want this game to grow or just not die in general you need younger people in the game like me… I’m only 20.

And I think blizzard has realized this and that’s why solo content keeps being added slowly but surely.

Even when the economy was good it was still low.

Isn’t it though? Those are traits of people who don’t like other people.

Like the assass thing most people now instead of trying to talk or something like that it’s “I should beat that person”. And usually this is a very good thing.

They have delves as another form of solo end game. Along with m+ and raid pugging and solo shuffle/ blitz for pvp.

Ah yes, generalizations without any evidence and speaking on behalf of others.

Again, not everyone is like you. Most people in life do have friends and loved ones.

You haven’t actually looked at the statistics, have you? You just clicked the first link of google?

Nope, there a dozens of well-documented reasons for this stuff happening and it has nothing to do with people wanting to be alone.

You are just projecting your feelings and your behaviors onto everyone else. That’s not how any of this works.

It might be helpful to read a book.

And the gear progression for delves pales in comparison to M+ and raids. Why do you think that is? Please, try thinking for more than 2 seconds.

Actually in the interview Morgan day said that if you did level 8 delves you would get a piece from the vault higher than what you would get from a +10 chest so.

And somehow even with all the incentives countries are giving out to get their abysmal birth rates up it isn’t working.

It’s not really a generalization if you take one look at them. If you were to go on a bus it’s just everyone on their phones. No interacting going on or anything.

They even had a a whole required class when I was in school 2 years ago called “professional communications” or pro com because people were so bad at talking to other people.

Absolutely pointless.

The issue won’t be solved if focusing on how they get in. That’s the semantic debate that feels… stupid. They’re focusing on their workaround not being actionable instead of whether the result of those actions is the unintended gameplay. It’s just a cat and mouse game. The issue is that they are getting in and there needs to be something done to address it. On one side or the other. Either take the time to state their stance on those raids sliding in around the que restriction, NOT the way they do it, and if it is fine, then get rid of the damn restriction so everyone can easily do it, too.

Just because I can press the accelerator to the floor does not mean I should be doing 90 in a 35. Governments can regulate the consequence of the action but cannot regulate that particular action itself. Big brother cannot sit in your passenger seat and slap you every time you push the accelerator the damaging way.

And in this case, these people are doing the 90 in a 35 and arguing that because they can press it without governance, every subsequent consequence is totally fine.

“Well, if they didn’t want me to do it, they would govern my accelerator foot. heh heh”

If it were fine, there wouldn’t be the speed limit(raid que restriction).

If blizzard intends for it to be so normalized, THEN GET RID OF THE LIMIT.

Focusing on how they do it in this problem is a dead end. There is no getting around the fact that it is not healthy for the game. If blizzard is fine to sacrifice some existing players, and the new players that would try the mode but get stomped, and move on… fine. Just get some intestinal fortitude and stand.


You’re comparing vault gear, which is timegated to once a week, to the chest gear which is spammable?

Of course it’s going to be higher lol. Do you just fumble your way through every conversation with lousy logic?

The basis for comparison would be VAULT gear from the highest delve vs. the highest raid boss vs. the highest keys.

And delves are the lowest, rightly so. Try harder.

Because countries aren’t fixing the economic crisis, the climate change crisis, etc. which are well documented reasons that people no longer want kids. You’d know that if you read beyond the first fox news google link, but you didn’t.

That’s exactly what is it. It’s a generalization typically made by people that are out of touch and have no idea how the modern world works.

Yeah because m+ is increasingly designed for people who play the game full time and they would never stand for delves giving better gear.

They took an already tedious gear system are made it even more so.

Because they don’t need to be fixed.

If you ask any teacher now kids are far more socially underdeveloped than ever before. At least whatever they consider socially underdeveloped.

Just once would work. Having a bunch of people troll and derail a thread then the CS agent says nothing isn’t confirmation at all. Why don’t they say anything if it really is as kosher what you’re saying.

Not sure why you guys are interacting with that troll. They are easily one of the worst on these forums.


Your opinions of m+ are irrelevant. Fact is that m+ is group content and that is why it is more rewarding than solo content.

The reason for that is because Blizzard prioritizes group content. Period.

Oh dear… you don’t believe in science. That explains why you have zero clue how statistics work.

This has nothing to do with people wanting to be alone. That’s just you projecting once again.

They have and continue to. You just dislike the answer so you throw a tantrum.

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And if they decide to stick to their guns the game will shrink even more than it already has.

I think just like in the game you have the new playerbase of solo players and then have the old playerbase of people who care about group content. Probably the same dynamic in the company you have the new people and then you have the remainder of the old gaurd.

I do believe in science but i couldn’t imagine stressing about things completely out of my control like climate change lmao.

Well how you develop socially is by interacting is it not? So the majority of kids not being very socially developed means they never interacted all that much probably cause they never wanted to.

Their response is silence. And that silence speaks loud volumes for some of you they just like playing the middle ground cause they don’t want to upset the solo base or the group content base. Blizzard like the people in these threads just dodge the question like neo thats all.

Could explain why an increasing # of people who care about pvp content at all are going to other games that do it better and actually have transparent dev teams and what they are intending.

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They don’t say anything, just a bunch of self motivated players derailing threads. I’m surprised, usually I get great customer service from Microsoft. I understand it’s just a division but it does reflect on the customer service department overall. Allowing customers to troll and derail any question on a certain topic is probably not intended by Microsoft based on my interactions with them.

That’s fine, Blizzard should cater to actual MMORPG audiences.

No, you don’t. Not only do you not believe in it, but it seems like you don’t understand it well either.

Or because of things like COVID, which forced them into isolation for over a year?

You pretty much learn things exclusively through streamers, which is why you have a very limited grasp of any of these concepts. It helps to think and read if you are want to avoid giving misinformed takes.

They’ve answered it multiple times. You just don’t like the answer and so you throw a tantrum. That however, will not change the answer.

They personally answered it for you. There’s no other way that this can be explained any simpler to you.