Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

They’re paying customers paying just the same as you that are leaving the game mode because you think you own it.

Better to not label your fellow players as animals. It’s not very friendly.


I’m a paying customer, as well as all the members of our communities.

Pugs don’t own the game either.

Says the person who sees ducks everywhere.

According to blizzard, random bg’s(and epics) are for pugs so you may want to check with blizzard first.


Not everywhere, just you.

You have the same toxic hatred as those you don’t want to be labeled as. You have the same insistence to avoid points and attack others. Why should I play nice with you if you can’t do the same?

I don’t know, why should you? Did I say that you should? Am I telling you how to play?

You don’t pay my sub, you can’t tell me how to play. Why should I be able to do the same?

Telling? Sort of. But surely, you’re forcing it on everyone outside of your “community.” Hello, that’s what this discussion is about.

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That is describing PvP. There is always a group who wins. And always a group which loses.

In this case, the only issue is that blizzard has told you in certain terms where your raids do and don’t belong.

It’s not me telling you. It’s just me reminding anyone with the ability to address this issue that MAY read.

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And Blizzard has also said, repeatedly, that sync queuing is not cheating.

I get it, you don’t like it. Boo hoo for you.

I don’t particularly like rogues who use stealth, but I don’t make countless threads about it.

I think they somewhat said it once btw. From a single employee.

And another employee also denounced it sometime previously so.

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At least twice…


So, once in 2007, again in 2019, and the message was exactly the same…

Queuing via voice or chat using a countdown is not exploiting/cheating.

Mhm ok what about que dropping. Once you don’t all get the same que.

Hang on let me go to their thread and ask them real quick.

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Clicking a button labeled “Leave Queue” in game, which causes you to leave your queue, is not an exploit.

Just like clicking the “Stealth” button, in game, which causes you to enter stealth, is not an exploit.

Use of in game mechanics to attain an unintended result can still be exploiting. It falls back to Blizzard but they’ve deemed similar processes as exploiting. A recent one was something like join group, go to fight, drop group, kill loot dropper, rejoin group, loot. Each step was allowed but the end result was deemed an exploit.

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Until Blizzard says that the button which says “Leave Queue” is not allowed to be used under certain circumstances, I’ll continue to use the button.

I’m not saying you can’t I’m just saying be careful. Hey, at least you don’t just keep saying the same things over and over even if you do harp on a few points same as us. I respect that, it means you read the comments and engage in the discussion.

No one should play like that. Being careful not to use in-game buttons incase things are deemed cheating in the future.

Blizzard really screwed up in Remix, by retroactively punishing people for using a mechanic where Blizzard made a mistake.

I hope they learnt from the experience, but I’m not going to change the way I play, just because things might change in the future.

If I get banned over it, fine, I’ll move on.


I don’t want you banned as I’ve stated previously and I think based on some of your links they’d have to give you warning before they take action, assuming they do deem queue sync an exploit which is debatable as can be seen throughout the thread.

Fk hordes are full of trolls in random Bg after maintaince. Let go queue ally and destroy this horde dumbs

guyz dint u kno wen blzz disabulled raid q 4 randums they secretely wanted ppl 2 qsink in there raids insted workin as intended