Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Couldnt read anything over the constant whining from mostly people that cant break 1750.

But hey keep using the word exploit incorrectly as its pure comedy.

exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

The literal definition.

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Considering everyone has access to the premades its not unfair.

So again wrong and again another L for you

please go again, I am enjoying the laughs.

That makes no sense. Legitimately one of the dumbest things I have read on the forums in ages.

Whether people do or do not have access to it doesn’t make it fair or not. That’s a completely separate matter. The aim of doing a premade is to be unfair. That’s the end goal. When they aren’t able to create that circumstance, they leave and try again.

The entire point is to have an unfair advantage. If it wasn’t, no one would do it.

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He’s talking about epics lol

It makes perfect sense.

Thats your opinion.

The entire point of BGs is to win. You sound like a sore loser.

The point is to win BGs as easily as possible.

These responses are getting more and more pathetic. That you can’t even admit just a basic thing that everyone here understands is just making you look more and more like a clown.

People wouldn’t do premades if they didn’t have an unfair advantage. That’s self evident. There wouldn’t be any point if they didn’t.


Lol you where 2200 in 3s in 2011 sit down. Maybe go q sync some epics or go do mythic plus.

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Because its coping.

Yes they would. People do premades to make farming honor easier.

Nah. You know the achievement only does it the first time you hit that rating right?

Also 2200 then was harder.

Why would I que epics? Id just be afking in them

Thank god Blizzard believes that it’s okay for friends to play the game together.

Not the problem.


According to your post it is.

Than I suggest reading.

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But, anyways, it’s okay for friends to play with friends.

I’ve literally read you call people bad dozens of times in this thread. Lol

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No one is saying groups of 5 are the issue.

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Who are you to say that I can’t have more than 4 friends and play with them?

Who are you to exploit the game so you can get easy wins?

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If it were an exploit then Blizzard would action us for it. Blizzard doesn’t allow exploits.

They have allowed many exploits to go unchanged for years.

Anyways, the troll responses are good for this topic. Thank you for keeping it alive.

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