Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I don’t need clarification. I can read the post. It’s very clear.

Because the question is whether or not they could have addressed it at the time of the post you cling to. Instead, you keep speaking to future solutions which only serves as an admission that you know they had no way to regulate it.

Merc mode was voluntary plus that alone is not addressing where they are to put the sync clicking groups.

You understand that you can use in game mechanics to attain an unintended result and it’s considered an exploit? Let them say it’s intended, if you’re right and it is it only strengthens your cause.

But how is that possible?
I couldn’t even manage to do that with 10 people for Arathi basin (for Resilient Victory)
And we’ve used a countdown.

Then, yes, they could have made Mercenary Mode permanent.

I haven’t prevented Blizzard from saying anything. I’m just not going to pester them over and over so that they can reiterate a rule that they’ve already spoken about.

You said how. They get into their discord servers(not the main issue) and the 8+ leaders countdown click.

If the whole raid doesn’t get the que pop, they all drop que. When a portion of the raid gets in on the wrong side, they wait until the gates open and the scrap raid people drop the group and leave the pug team heavily undermanned.

I’ve seen them all join a game and then all leave if they see the enemy team is a premade.

Leaving the pug team also very outnumbered.

Just goes to blow up the narrative that premades like fighting other premades if they are willing to blatantly dodge that hard.

I’ve seen premades in regs a couple of times, it’s hard to tell so it’s probably more common than that. One time it was a multiboxer, the other a YouTuber whose content was to get a full team of ferals into a BG. The multiboxer was AB.

Just like I’ve seen pugs leave games after they lose the first fight. Whether the other side is a premade or not.

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It should also be pointed out that they really seem to have a big issue with the idea of being put into premade ques.

If you’re wanting competition, there you go.
If your premade communities are as highly active as believed, your ques will be fine.

All evidence shows that these premade communities will go the way of most twink communities. They will stop trying it and play as the devs stated a long time ago when they implemented the block (that still exists).

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You will make up anything you want in order to tar all premade communities with the same brush.

When you quack to me, and waddle around the points, I see a duck.

You’ve already admitted that you hate pug players. That you will intentionally refuse to heal them because of something some random said to you. It’s the same mindset despite your different avatar. A duck is a duck.

I could be a witch.

I never said any such thing. That’s you reading between the lines again.

Then tell me the power of 3, 6, and 9.

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We are here between these lines. What do you see ^ here and v here?


I don’t queue solo.

Except on rare cases when I do, late at night, when the communities that I am in are not running.

I don’t join games and then refuse to heal.

2-5 players using the que system as intended aren’t solo.

Rare because you only want to que when your full raid can get in.

Right, you just refuse to face a balanced game.

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Pugs are not balanced. In any way, shape or form. If you want balance, go play rated.

Not when your communities are side-stepping the restrictions to pugstomp.

If you want organized raid play, do as blizzard instructed you and follow your own advice.


Not ever. They never will be. They’re unherdable cats.

Happily, as soon as they open epics up for raids, I will. Because I want to play epics.