Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I don’t really care if you don’t understand what ‘it’ is.

Right after you just typed:


Already have. Multiple times. I’ve even made compromises for a solution. You’d know that if you read the thread. The issue is that in your minds, you’re not doing anything wrong because the method is impossible to regulate(as it was then and currently).

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As far as I know, Nobully doesn’t play in any community, I’m not even sure if they play PvP.

Codswallop. I’ve even shown you solutions. In this thread.

From what I can see, he is arguing your position. Whether or not he is part of a pugstomping community is beside the point.

Ah, so you are from the same school as Thaedreu.

Are you baiting or something.

In 2019, the post you like to quote and pull garbage conclusions from, there was and is currently no way to regulate who is sync clicking or just coincidentally clicking at the same time.

No one is referring to your future solutions. We are arguing reality as it is now, not in your head.

There is no regulation now. Not that it is not possible. Cross faction queues were possible in 2019. Just because they aren’t there doesn’t make it impossible to regulate.


Yeah? Then how would a developer regulate such a policy that could sweep up a bunch of innocents in the net?

How would you differentiate between sync clicking raids and innocents?

I wouldn’t. Everyone would be cross faction. Permanent Mercenary Mode for everyone.

in your alternate reality, maybe.
words have specific meanings.

the issue is, that in your minds, you are the one who gets to decide what the rules are.

(i haven’t done any voicecom bgs since… maybe Wrath?)
…so don’t aim your angst at me, i’m not the enemy.

and yet instead of keeping suggestions at the forefront of the conversation, you seem to think it’s more important to rabble on about some old posts you don’t understand.

not for a long time.

so… whether i’m part of the “pugstomp” community is irrelevant, the only thing that matters is whether people side with you?


Ah yes. You’re trolling for sure. My mistake. I actually thought you were being serious with serious thoughts.

But in this dance of an answer, you admit that until your solution is in place, they had no way to regulate the sync clicking method. Thus blowing up your own:

I know how the super-anti-premade people can best appeal to blizz, but they don’t approach it that way. They’re approaching it wrong and have since the beginning of the xpac because they’re tunnel visioned on the same, incorrect angle.

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The anti premaders were not the ones who dredged up the 4 year old post btw.

And also how is the post by greg street denouncing premades not a blizzard employee? fairly certain he was and he was not just “twisting words”.

As you said the premaders ignored street’s post on premades and found a way around it immediately and then once another blizzard employee gave them any leeway at all they rallied around him like the 2nd coming of christ bringing divine law again.


What’s trolling about suggesting a solution which would decrease queue times for everyone and balance healers, while eliminating premades?

But it was possible for Blizzard to regulate it. They already had Mercenary Mode.

No. What matters is that you argue with good faith. Not semantics. That which you condemned others for but engage in.

Again, if you had read, you would see that I have already brushed off those I feel are arguing in bad faith and I proposed solutions, agreed to compromises, and addressed those I THOUGHT were arguing the other side genuinely.

You should always read a thread before jumping in.

There are sometimes BGs where individuals spam commands. This makes a random group work in a coordinated way. Is this confused with premades?

If it’s all over /rw and lots of players seem to agree with the direction, you’re probably in a premade.

Clarification would protect you if it’s intended all activities involved in queue sync like dropping queues are included in their statement about countdown queuing. My best friend in game ran with queue syncers for years, I call some people that queue sync friends, I’m not trying to hurt you guys with that question.

They’ve had cases where people claim they were caught up in bans because they were unknowingly teamed with people that were cheating, don’t know if it’s true but that’d mean I’m obligated to drop if I know there’s one on my team or I risk account action. Do you trust Blizzzard? I think they’d toss me under the bus if there was an advantage to them faster than you can say what bus.

No. That is using the in-game system as intended. Bypassing the 5+ man restriction to get a full 40 man raid into casual epic bg’s is what is considered the premade here.

sure they were…
they tried using it as “proof” of something which it doesn’t actually say.