Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It only didn’t work cause you rerouted around it.

Solo players just arent blind to the fact that you have gone around it.

Always hillarious when the same people who didn’t like the verdict given by greg street 12 years ago on premades and why they were broken who immediately disregarded that verdict and found a way around it.

Are the very same ones to jump on the “the blue post is divine law” bandwaggon when it somewhat suits them.

if you could take things at face value, instead of trying to read between the very clear lines…

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2-5 players are not solo ques. A 5 man in Wsg is a premade.

It was forbidden a long time ago with the accompanying text from the blue I have posted here a dozen times now. Their motive was clear but you want to dismiss that with vague paraphrasing.

I’m sure you take a lot of things at face value without thinking any deeper about it.

You are the favorite kind of person of someone trying to spread propoganda.

If you think a 10v40 game was ever intended idk what to tell you. I guess you may want to stretch before reaching that far i guess.

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Let them sync click. In their own premade ques. The erosion of the player pool is getting pretty bad to the point where nearly every game is against a premade raid now.

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Which is allowed.

And sync clicking multiple groups is allowed.

This would only hurt you. Premades wouldn’t notice. If premades are so prevalent, then we are the largest population mass. Your queues would never pop. Which we saw when Blizzard separated the queues in SoD.

5 man is yes. Now we’re almost there.

Never stated and we’re back to ground zero.

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factual statements made by various employees, over a period of years, isn’t propaganda.

you are the target audience for “fake news”.

it can happen for various reasons… to either team.
slots fill fast

No… it really cant cause the que wont pop without 40 people. I’m sure 25-30 people just were afk and missed the que. get real

And you also had some employees who said premades were terrible so.


Don’t tell me how I should play my game. Your words, right?

Forgive me for calling bs on your assumptions. You can’t even comprehend the dev’s basic sentence enough to see how general of an answer it is. And that it is clearly answering about your method of getting by the forbidden group size limit.

Yes you would. You’d drop the group and leave like you do now when you face another premade(which itself shows you aren’t as big as you think. It’s just that the que pool has shrunk that much).

Read above.

SoD problems go waaayyy beyond that. They unclassic’d classic and created a huge imbalance.

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So you recognize that when they separated the queues, queue times for solo players skyrocketed?

Answer this question that you keep trying to ballerina dance around…

Can your premade raid que into the casual bg’s?

Cmon, you can do it. Simple yes or no.

No, you cannot. Groups larger than 5 are unable to click the button.

But multiple groups are allowed to communicate via voice or chat that they intend to click their button so that other players can click their buttons at the same time.

with how long queues take sometimes, this isn’t unlikely, or unheard of.

no, just some people who twisted words to suit their own agenda.

There you go.

There is your direct answer on blizzard’s official stance. It’s right there.

And you are allowed to communicate with other players to sync click your button.


but… raids AREN’T queueing.

You know… the most interesting thing about watching people argue pointless semantics, is it’s not accomplishing anything.

if you have ideas on how the queue system could be changed for the better, THAT is what you should be fixating on.

Cross faction queues. Faster queues for everyone. Better healer ratio balancing.

Assumed without any evidence. It is shrugged off because they have no logical way to recognize it and combat the sync clicking. That much is something clear and obvious.

“They won’t let my raid into the bg but they are ok with my raid getting into the bg because they said nothing is wrong with sync clicking and never has been.”

^ That is your entire argument summed up. Yet, still you can’t que your raid into the bg’s despite you believing they are fine with it. The stance was/is clear.