Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Same for anything you might want to insert about the actual question:

“other means” kind of like que dropping.

Like i said this blue post only popped up magically a month ago after some guy with way to much time dredged up a 4 year old post that doesn’t even really validate them but they just needed any kind of ammo they could find.

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Like I said, you’re trying to paraphrase your own inference.

What did he say. The words. The English words in this sentence?

Not, “what did you want him to say or what do you think he was thinking.” The words.

The only portions of the issue that were never forbidden is sync clicking. That was his clear subject. Nowhere did he say that raids in casual bg’s is fine or never has been forbidden.

No amount of “you’re insane” or “you’re another pug boogeyman here to tell me how to play my game” will change it. I am going strictly by what is said, not what you want it to mean.

No, dropping a queue is allowed. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a button.

Good thing premades are just sync clicking then, isn’t it?

For a single player.

When groups of 5 does it and starts a game 10v40 its not.

Where does the game say this?

Well if you could read inbetween the lines and use common sense.

Do you need every single little detail in fine print?


Bad thing they removed the option for you to que the raid in-game, isn’t it?

Bad thing they openly stated in multiple paragraphs exactly what THEIR stance was on it, huh?

So, the game doesn’t say it.

You just wish it did. Got it.

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That’s nice, no one is queueing as a raid.

If you find anyone queuing as a raid, be sure to report them. That’s an exploit.

This guy’s pov… “oh i didn’t kill the person my car did cause i ran into him you see”

I didn’t kill him my gun did you see.

Like bro even irl this kind of stretching isnt taken seriously.

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In some vulgar way, it’s like saying, “They let me walk into the restaurant so they clearly have no issue that I just cropdusted your food.”

If you are in control of your vehicle and it hits someone, that is against the law. Words are actually written down about it. I don’t have to guess.

Oh right so you do in fact need in writing every single little detail of what you can and cant do.

Of every part of the game.

Maybe if the games tos was like the law where you need to go school for 7 years to understand it they could fit all of it in there.

Yes, of course.

That’s why the solo players keep pestering for ‘clarifications’.

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Apparently, unless you’re 40 man queing, you’re solo.

Don’t try to lump in the 2-5 players queing together with yourself. They aren’t doing anything wrong.


You many not be solo, but you’re not a premade.

Premades are sync communities.

If you have 5 or fewer players in your group, you don’t need to sync click, only your leader has to click the button.

Well yeah it would be pretty nice if they would give a concrete answer.

But they wont ever do it cause solo players make up a huge portion of this game now. And of course you still have the people on group content clinging on to the old ways. They don’t want to drive away either one.

And they’ve stated as much in venruki’s pvp interview “we understand there are a lot of people who just like to play by themselves and we want to cater to that… but we also understand there are some people who like playing together”.

Obviously. But what seems to escape you is WHY they don’t have to sync click.

Oh, no, it doesn’t escape me at all.

It was to appease the solo queuers.

It didn’t work, solo players still blame everyone else for their losses.

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