Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There is no such thing.

The pug bg’s. And if so, when all of your team fails to get in, you just refuse to heal the non-friends?

I join epics as part of a community. Are you ok? Are we going too fast for you?

It’s very rare that when we queue, we don’t have at least 20 players from the community in the same instance.

This is the ‘rare circumstance’ which I mentioned ealier.

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I’m setting up the foundation.

And what I am saying is you’re just another selfish bitter premade pugstomper regardless of your excuses.

They were rude to me before so “TIME TO SCREW UP EVERYONE ELSE’S TIME!”

You don’t pay my sub, don’t tell me how to play.

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That’s basically it! You nailed it! /points at nose!

Blizzard already has and you disregarded it because someone was mean to you.

Try again.

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You would think with the amount of people complaining about premades they would organize and make their own.

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Full circle:

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

But that wouldn’t be fair, they are casual pvpers, and doing things with others is ick.

We saw with Remix, that players would prefer to complain about the status quo than make their own groups.

For instance:

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Completely kills the enjoyment of doing random bgs with random players. I mean, we have rbgs for a reason. Being able to hop in a game without waiting on anyone or organizing anything is nice. Imagine needing to stack random bgs so you can win. Weird.

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Blizzard already said randoms are not meant for organized pug stomping. Going full circle back to “they said counting down wasn’t cheating” doesn’t dismiss what has been established before.

If they changed their mind, you WOULD be able to que your team into epics. There is zero evidence that blizzard’s position has been reversed. You still can’t raid que and you also still can’t use the addons that made it easier to raid que.

The only thing that changed was your method of getting in. By your own design.

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But you can countdown queue. Weird. You’d think it would be against the rules.

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How would they ever regulate it?

Who makes rules that are impossible to enforce?

And it’s a general question of if people happen to que at the same time together, not clarification on the raids getting into epics issue.

I’d like to see where they reversed their position on whether organized raids in casuals is cool now.

Cross faction queues.

Debuff for dropping a queue.


people queueing together to stack the queue

to make a premade

I realize it doesn’t fit with what you want. But the question and answer is very clear.

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Already happens with the current system and it’s not just dropping que that’s the issue. Que pops for both sides, ya know? Many times players that were placed on the other side will drop as the gates open. Typically leaving no healers and the pug severely outmanned. The debuff there already exists yet it still happens. They would rather wait the 15 minutes than fight against their own.

And those same teams will drop after entering if they see their against another team’s premade.

Then show me where they said getting the raid into casuals is fine. Should be simple or does one need to infer it first? Which subjective stance does one need to take to see it your way?

The answer is very clear. Are people clicking “join” at the same time breaking the rules? The answer is no. That was it. Everything else you want to infer by proxy.

The same way groups of 3 can join 3’s games instead of SS, which is meant to be a ranked casual mode, you should have the option for you to play the way you want without ruining the experience of other players trying to play the way blizzard openly said they intended. Then casuals can actually have a casual bg without this selfish need to punish that player in the past that was mean to you so you need to get a bunch of other bitter people to slide their way in and get revenge.

Separate the ques. And let’s see how long the fallback claims hold up. Good luck getting 40 to click at the right time, they still stand in fire when they aren’t buying achieves. Or we can just look at how they act today when going up against another premade. They split.

Just create your own pugstomping team, bruh

And that mindset is how we got to this dwindling sad state of pvp. It’s clear you think you’re the sharks, but what happens to sharks when they have nothing to feed on?

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You misunderstand.

Cross faction queues, as in, you queue up, the game places you (and your group) into either faction. You don’t get a choice. It would make queues faster and allow the game to better balance healer ratios.

Debuff for dropping a queue. Dropping a queue causes a stacking debuff which prevents you (and your group) from requeuing within a period of time which increases the more you drop.

And ‘no show’ to apply for both rated and unrated content, and prevent queuing for PvE as well as PvP.

Separating the queues is no longer an option.

The reason you see premades so often is because we are now the largest population mass queueing for epics.

Pug queues would blow out to hours long and premade queues would remain quick, you would essentially be preventing pugs from ever playing epics at all.

This was discovered in SoD, where Blizzard tried it.

I don’t know how many time you need this to be linked before you actually read it, but I’ll keep linking it till you do.