Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I am a healer main. I’m in a community to have ally players who are worth healing.

I couldn’t care less about who the enemy is.

So instead of it being a guild, or any other community, it just so happens to be a gathering under the banner of pugstomp teams. I see.

Good Lord, that is quite a sad, miserable outlook. I feel really bad for you.

This is an unfortunate byproduct of the nature of PvP.

I wish we could queue as a raid, where the game would match raid to raid, and fill in gaps with pugs.

But it doesn’t work like that.

So you DO believe they’re your friends.

I am genuinely not trying to insult here as this always goes but get some real friends. Out in the world. I guess it’s possible I put more value to that term than you but stop trying to pretend like you just happen to be friends with people in a pugstomp community.

This would be like Tony Soprano saying, “We aren’t in the mafia, we’re friends that just like gambling, shooting people, and racketeering together.”

So, people are only allowed to be friends if they participate in activities which you agree with?

And I would compromise to that. Make it easier for people to connect IN GAME to que as a raid if it is intended play. If it isn’t intended play, then we need to end it. What we have now isn’t good. Even if it works for you and the others in those communities.

The whole pvp community is affected by the behavior.

Rather than slot a level-capped player into a leveling BG, why don’t they slot the leveling player into a level-capped BG?

When you’re ruining my and others experience and then trying to blow smoke and say it’s only friendship, I find issue with that and apparently others do, too.

And as you stated:

You’re saying you only heal those you like in pugs regardless if it is borderline gameplay sabotage? Very powerful feeling and friendly.

The avenue for organized teams greater than 5 was wargames and rated bg’s. But strangely, those have died or are being replaced. It seems as though this “gathering of 40+ friends” are only able to que for casual bg’s.

Wargames requires both teams to be of equal size and organize beforehand. Both raid leaders must already know each other. And it is a forgotten mode, Blizzard have left glaring bugs in it.

There are no epic rated bg’s.

I know there are some communities that run normal bg’s, but I’m not discussing them, I’m not a member of any of them.

Ya know why it’s forgotten and history? Because these communities that publicly bicker on the bg forums avoid each other. They know each other, talk smack, but rarely ever seem to face-off. And the reason is because they only exist to pugstomp.

So then that makes it ok? It’s cool to bypass the clear raid que restriction because blizzard hasn’t supplied rated epics to you?

By default, your time is automatically of more value than the rest of the community. Who cares if people following the supposed intended play of epics are of no importance when YOU and the large group of besties have to scratch that epic bg stomp itch.

Yeah you are, don’t be coy.

I do a meet up with up with them every couple of months, we spend the weekend drinking, swapping stories and haaving a great time. There was about 30 of us. Plus we socialize outside the game, I have known some of these people for a long time.

I linked this post on our discord, and we are have quite a laugh at you and your antisocial loners expense.

I’ve been in many wargames. You don’t know about them, they don’t show up in the normal queue.

I’ve had more than enough pugs tell me “you don’t pay my sub, don’t tell me how to play” to know that my time is more valuable to me than the time I spend trying to heal pugs.

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How so? I’ve brought them up repeatedly. I assume the figurative you? If so, tell your other friends about them. Simple.

And then tell the other communities that try to flex their supposed dominance over pugs. There is the organized competitive play that blizzard pointed to before. But they won’t join you because it’s not about competitive play. It’s about the opposite.

So because you couldn’t dominate a pug a few times, the only choice is to bypass raid restrictions and stomp them. That seems pretty resentful.

“They didn’t do what I said that one time so I’m going to ruin their whole experience!”

Whatever the excuse is, the behavior is just as bad if not worse.

I’ll rephrase. You are not aware of the wargames which are run. Because they don’t show up when you are not in the community which runs them.

It’s not one time.

Healing pugs is like herding cats.

Pugs no longer get my heals (except in rare circumstances).

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Wargames are quite fun. Good practice.

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Yes, they are. But it’s a lot to organize, 80 people need to be on at the same time.

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Oh yeah, but when it happens it’s a blast.

And? You don’t want to start your own so the only option is to bypass the casual que restrictions as a consolation?

And so you join pugs to refuse to heal them? That’s a dark cycle.

It doesn’t look like these decisions are healthy for casual pvp.

That’s my point. I don’t join pugs.