Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Thank you and you’re welcome, one special Bloomsday cookie for you!

Different people have different friends, who would have thunk it?

I’ll just respond to this since you seem really butthurt about your friendslist and how it is an accomplishment to you. And that because you’re que’ing up with premaders it somehow means you’re a successful person and I’m not because I’m not bypassing the raid restriction.

Strange, I didn’t realize that it is either full raid on my team or completely forever alone. I need to ask my wife if she’s a ghost when we que together. I’ve been so alone and didn’t know it. “It’s 40 man or die, beh beh.”

Anyways, outside of your fantasy world. I would know how they interact with each other by how they play together when I would end up on their teams. Crazy, right? IoC specifically. Watching the chat complaints because half the team went docks instead of hangar is a trip. “Friends” lol

You’re always recruiting for more players to que with lmao

You don’t start with friends in a community, you join it first, then you make friends.

Same with any mutual activity.

Were you friends with your wife before you met them? Or did you hang out as strangers, wherever you first met?

Yes, having close connections to others and maintaining a healthy community of friends is something to value.

This is considered very healthy and fulfilling in life. You really should try it.

No, having a community of friends is what makes me a successful person, and you’re not because, well, I’ll let you fill in the blanks with whatever is troubling you.

Well, given that you seem to not understand that people have friends in life and why that’s a good thing, I’ll safely assume you’re mostly solo queueing.

You think friends don’t complain to each other? You think friends don’t get frustrated with each other?

I don’t think you have the social awareness and/or experience to really comment on whether or not people are friends. I don’t think you have a satisfactory grasp of the concept.

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The point was that most are never friends. It’s just random people trying to gain an edge.

Just look at these types of discussions in the BG forum. So much drama and dirty laundry every other day. Those aren’t friends. They are just people with a common goal. Just like you may be friends with someone at work but once the paths separate, you never speak again. “Friends of convenience.” And the convenience here is a need to pugstomp.

Did you become friends with everyone who was in the area where you first met your wife?

Wtf are you even talking about?

Is your wife a friend of yours?

She goes to a different school in Canada.

Silly angle.

Seriously, go watch the dirty laundry. And check out the new recruitment threads every week. Those friends sure seem to part ways really fast.

Asking whether or not I was friends with everyone in the area before my wife is just very strange and out of left field.

Only because it shows your argument to be ridiculous.

If your wife is your friend, and you met at a mutual activity, why aren’t you friends with everyone else who was at that activity?

Is this actually making sense in your head?

So, you can make friends by joining a club.

I have many friends in the communities that I am in.

Some of them I would even call good friends.

You are literally comparing pugstomper communities that are only there to pugstomp to real life relationships.

The point about my wife was to point out that just because I don’t que with 40+ does not mean I am queing alone.


And if 40 people queue at the same time as me, doesn’t mean that I’m automatically friends with all of them.

But I’m in a club and friendships can grow from that.

No, because this isn’t real life. You need to separate the two. Do you also believe your social media friends list are your actual friends?

All in all, I’m not queing solo as was claimed. That’s the only point. How it came to a point of whether or not I am friends with the world that happen to exist at the same time as us is strange.

No, I am sorry to tell you but for most in those communities, it’s not friends. If you were, you wouldn’t always be recruiting for more like-minded pugstompers.

I think I’ve had it wrong the entire time. It’s just one big discord family reunion where 100+ people are hugging and cheering each others’ farts. Coincidentally, under the banner of the pugstomp community.

My apoligies.

Yes. I don’t add people to my personal friends lists who are not friends.

You aren’t friends with everyone in the world, yet you live in the community.

You make your own friends list (even if you don’t actually list them) out of the people who you enjoy being around.

So were YOU friends with that whole pugstomping community when you joined? Of course not. And that’s the point. You aren’t all there for each other. You’re whole purpose is to pugstomp.

You really have to try a different angle. I will say at least you’re putting in more than trying to flex bought achieves so cheers for that.

Your sole purpose for being in that community is to pugstomp. The friends are obviously a byproduct. It’s backing up my point of what these communities are truly about. Pugstomping, not friendship as it is constantly claimed.

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