Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You have it wrong and are arguing from a disingenuous vantage point.

First, we have made it clear the end goal isn’t to outright stop it from happening, but to fix the known issues it’s creating.

You have argued that…

  1. You don’t leave bgs
  2. You choose random maps
  3. You don’t farm gys

This topic mostly isn’t about you and the fixes suggested would also mostly ignore how you’re playing with your group. The MAJORITY of premades, the ones this topic is about, do all of those things and more.

I don’t want to make friends with anyone who actively ruins the experience of this game for others. In the end, that is what ALL premades do, including yours. These communities aren’t about making friends. They are about stomping pugs and they are VERY explicit about that.


Maybe your particular fixes would not change anything for me and my friends. But there are plenty of other posters who are advocating for fixes which would directly affect the communities that I play with.

Which would impact you?

Well, yes, of course.

So none, got it.

Regardless, I’ll address the items you specifically keep bringing up. You keep saying you are X while we are talking about Y.

So, are you against premades that…?

  1. leave early
  2. queue specific maps
  3. farm gys
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I don’t agree with leaving a battleground after clicking the accept button. I believe that the ‘No Show’ mechanic should be applied to unrated content as well as rated. And that it should prevent the player from joining any queue in the whole game.

I am not against communities who queue for specific maps.

I would leave any community which farmed graveyards, for HKs. If there was some strategic reason to keep players in a graveyard, I’d be front and center.

That’s where DJL messes up, it’s not just the 40 they camp it’s getting pulled into the camp when people leave so it feels like camping is more common than it really is.

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If we could remove people leaving, that would be a good start. And by that, I don’t mean preventing people from leaving, but stacking punishments over time for repeats. Same goes for dropping queues after they pop. I’m fine with people leaving the occasional queue or missing it, but doing it multiple times in the same sitting has a heavy impact on other players.

This is what I see the majority of the time. The AV mid map GY farms should be fixed somehow.

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I can break it on my hunter by mining the bridge but I need to be on my healer to bust the bunker. I think they should give conquest to people pulled in late if they contribute in a small way and stay to the end, with HK farming being a thing I don’t think we should force them to stay. I stay regardless, I don’t want to pass my burden to someone else.

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Interesting that you will play with a premade if you’re winning though…

I’ll drop if I see a premade on my team (healers = healers - 1) but I usually don’t realize until the end when I look at the scoreboard and realize they were probably talking in discord so I didn’t see chatter. I used to be real guarded with it but now I’m so busy healing I’ll miss it in chat. Well, same post but more past tense; I haven’t played epics since mid season 4 and I don’t plan on playing them again.

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This does not denote a premade.

And the one which Wráth was just playing with are very obvious.

I don’t have any issue with the fact that they were playing with them.

But they think the rest of their team was cheating.

So they’re quite happy to accept premades if it benefits them, but decry it as a problem when they’re against it.

Which is hypocritical.

Ahh the salt, I expect no less. So because I somehow get thrown into the side with the Premade I should have become a leaver? I don’t afk out of games, I play them win or lose. Hypocrasy at its finest is coming from you. And yes, I did take your insignia twice as an undergeared, PvE and PvP green player. :wink:

Not salt at all. I’m glad you had fun.

But don’t be hypocritical, if I didn’t like premades and thought they were cheating, I’d leave if I was on their side.

Not alone, you didn’t. Remember that Fire Mage with you? And I’m a healer.

So you wanted me to leave. Interesting as I had no control over an alliance led premade mercing to horde. I think that is the first time I have been on that side.

There was no fire mage :thinking: or maybe there was…Idk I was busy spamming buttons in my greens and trying to hit my dps numbers.

But after that game, I got full honor gear, so now I can start into BGBs. Enjoy the EBGs :sunglasses:

That’s not what I said.

So because you aren’t great at making friends that means that no one else has friends either?

And yet, they’re able to have a constant amount of people to play with while you queue solo.

So when I que for the casual bg’s, I’m doing it alone? :sad I didn’t realize there were already separate ques

Queing with someone doesn’t mean you’re friends lol. Let me guess, your social media friends list are your bff’s?

They aren’t friends. Most of them don’t even seem to know each other. It’s just a group of people that got tired of being stomped on so if you can’t beat em, join em.

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No, but being in a community, talking everyday, playing other games, etc. all means you’re friends. Is this concept perhaps a little foreign for you?

Just because you lack in the friend department doesn’t mean everyone else does too.

And you would know this how?

Bloomsday has 11602 posts worth of pure gaslighting. Thats impressive

I’ve heard the “friends” they are talking about in inemia’s stream cracking so many degenerate sex jokes it would give Robert Boratheon a run for his money lmao.

Not the people i’d be around thats for sure