Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

… you realize ffxiv has the worst pvp in the genre right? and this isnt even contested?

Not exactly a high bar lmao.

And ffxiv is renowned for its amazing community. And it’s because everything in the game encourages players to do the right thing.

Equalized pvp

Bans people for harassing streamers and just other players in general.


yeah so you’ve never actually played ffxiv.

i promise you, you can have your own opinions you dont need to just regurgitate asmongolds opinions lol.

I do have opinions.

So does asmongold and I can appreciate his opinions mainly cause he can give a concrete reasoning for each and every one of his opinions.

It is true that if this game punished toxic and childish behavior both the developers and the players instead of enabling and encouraging it we would be a lot better off.


They used to. Then they massively overhauled it and introduced the Crystaline Conflict game mode. Now it’s actually fun.

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Until you make a criticism of something in that game or saying you don’t like something, then they turn on you like rabid wilderbeasts.

no you dont, literally everything you say is just something asmongold has said lol

lol no, streamers are farming money from people that cant think for themselves. dramatic facial expressions and silly voices are not concrete reasoning my friend.

they still do and this is unanimously agreed upon. wow should not follow anything that ffxiv does in regards to pvp.

If you dragged and dropped FFXIV’s PVP into WoW, it would objectively improve the PVP community and drive interest where there’s been none for years.

I don’t think you should actually do that, but FFXIV’s PVP is objectively better than WoW’s and arguing otherwise- claiming you know what the entire community thinks no less- just demonstrates you don’t know what you’re talking about.

lol so focus your efforts on ffxiv pvp and stop playing wow? if its so much better why are you here at all?

you’re literally the only person that thinks this.

That would be hard to do but that might happen.

This is because queue times would be very high for all three brackets.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m sure glad WoW isn’t like that…

It’s a given that the wow community is garbage, it doesn’t try to hide it. Blizzard is trying to clean it up. FF Fanbois are about as bad, their community is garbage too.

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Imagine how bad they could be if they were allowed to troll the other players with premades. ouch


I remember when I started it was awful. Even the slightest wouldn’t it be better got attacked terribly.

All he has is PvE achievments. Which I have season 3 CE? lol

Yes you did.

Heres that L.

I have read it. I even wrote a post explaining the one from 2012 is discussing ONLY the addons that are agaisnt the rules. They specify that while they would PREFER organized premades go into rated BGs its not against the rules.

This is also CONFIRMED in the 2019 post.

SO go play FFXIV since you need easier rotations and be rewarded for being solo

Are we supposed to really believe they are really “friends” in these communities? I doubt some of them really have any friends. Very aggressive and bitter. Combative over any and everything. Constantly on the defensive.

The traits of an awesome host!


People aren’t friends in these communities. I know, I have joined them to see what they were doing. They spam Tich chat all the time. Invites go out and almost anyone can join. Some have some ilvl requirements, but for the most part, it’s just random players.

While there might be some groups with friends, the majority aren’t.


How to make new friends

  1. Meet other people. Joining a club, online forum or getting involved in an activity you enjoy is a great way of meeting new people. …

Pretty much any site you get from searching google with ‘how to make friends

I have many new BTags since joining a community. We help each other in other areas of the game now and often sit in discord sharing funny stories and play music for each other.

So, you joined a couple of communities to spy on them and not to find people to play with, and you’re surprised that you didn’t find any friendships?

You’re the minority.

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I am many minorities, but there are lots of friend groups in the communities that I have been a member of.

I can see why you didn’t find any friends in them, you weren’t there to find any.