Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

5 people in voice in a wsg game camping gy doesn’t count as a premade?

These people don’t play WSG, they don’t have a 40:1 advantage there.

I asure you they do, and they queue frequently.

It only counts when its an excuse for them getting smoked apparently lol

Different people, same brain issues.


Yea, that’s the issue with AV. You just get stuck in there. Literally no point in staying because they eventually corner you in a GY and just farm you. Have left AVs only to queue back into the same one.

A single seal is clapping somewhere.

Eh, how you define is on you. For me it’s groups of 6+. A 5 man group in a lot of bgs can still be managed.

Personal insults are proof you dont have an argument.

My guy, I will clown you all day because you chose to attack people’s experience when you’re lacking it.


Sorry bud but q syncing in 5 groups of 5 is not how epics were meant to be played


a bold claim for someone who regularly dishes out personal insults.


Best part is you q up with an alt and end up in the same dog game with the same people. Even more so if its long as hell like AV

Bro 37% at 1400 will always talk crap. This is why if you look up any of the failures that sync q they are like 1800 max shadow lands season 2 kek


Yea, I usually just call it if I run into one of them. No point in dealing with it. I’d assume lots of players do the same which is causing the issue to exacerbate.

They should just make all the weeklies available and you just get to finish 2 of them so I don’t ever have to get into an RBG Epic or normal bg honestly those are the worst weeks or skirms too those are terrible.

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You don’t even have an achievement for stepping into an arena kek.

My favourite is when a premade will pop into IoC and make sure to never cap ref and quarry to keep the opposite teams tickets from starting to get too low. Then proceed to cap all but docks. Then gy camp docks for 3 hours to farm backfills. Good times…:crazy_face:

Skirmish weekly is a complete waste of time with BG Blitz in the game.

Yea, have seen it.

A few weeks back I had the opposite happen. 20 or so people joined and then all left. Our side never filled up and it just ended up being 15-20 minutes of killing time until we lost. Isle is such a trash bg.

The funniest thing is you think you are actually clowning anyone.

I dont resort to personal insults. Questioning someones credibility isnt an insult.

Your inability to read the room and press forward is comedy.