Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Probably the same reason you start spam posting when people call you out for hiding in base in Ashran and trying to lead from the back.

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People actually care about achievement points? Rofl.

Because I swapped to this hunter mid tier.

People actually care about pushing mplus in a meme season?

I was focusing on farming crests.

Lucky for me I have CE and 2200 achievements.

Should have snooped harder.


Argue it all you want. My stance is I don’t care about any of that pedantic bs. It’s bad for the game and whether it is currently against the rules or not it should be stopped.

I also believe you are not debating in good faith and will shortly put you on ignore because you pull bs like this. Just blatantly ignoring changes they made and coming up with totally sideways things to get around it. That automation line is complete bs.

If you really believe this is best for the game then defend it. Stop trying to lawyer your way into Blizzard’s mind and act like any of these things make sense. Just defend premades against pugs or go away. All the rest is indeed minutia.


I mean they are a indication of things you’ve actually done in the game so yeah. I actually put a lot more stock into that than insert current season achieve here that can just be purchased with a wow token or two.

I’ve seen people with cutting edge and glad who can barely play the game… no keybinds backpeddling all the rest of it.

Sounds like a typical excuse

You were focusing on farming crests to do what exactly with the gear?

Oh wow i do to 2200 thats really impressive.

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This x 1000

If one wants to disagree it is harmful and explain why it isn’t, fine. But most of them argue in bad faith. They don’t even consider the other side. They can’t argue merits. They have to resort to semantics(“cheating” vs “exploiting” definitions), ad hominem(“everyone we stomp are just bads and so you’re bad!”), and failing to address the headline concern… it’s hurting the mode we all want to play.

A pissing contest here will go nowhere and just leave everyone all pissy.


Never actually seen people base skill off of achievement points. More like focusing on the achievements they do have /shrug

You don’t sound half as smart as you think you are.

It’s a fact whether you like it or not. My focus is PvE not PvP.

Raid mythic? Hard concept im sure. Not everyone takes a meme
Mythic plus season seriously.

Never said it was super impressive.

I just said I have it which is higher than most people in this thread.

You could have just said you’re wrong and moved on.


So did you think the awakened raid season was not a meme? LOL people plowed through those in the first week.

I’m sure you reroll to meta a lot as a crutch for your gameplay.

And why exactly are you trying to flex strictly pve achievements as a pve player in a thread about pvp?


Why are you bringing up achievements or anything in a thread that wasn’t discussing them until certain folks got angry and had to fluff up their bad arguments?

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I think horde lose all bgs is bcs there are full of suck horde players or babies just queue horde bg and do no dmg or even do nothing for winning. I have played lots of 5 men premade in horde side but still lose many games. I still have no idea why the trolls or low-gs babies tend to play horde side lol. You can change to alliance and enjoy your high win rate.

If we lost many bgs in horde side, we go ally side and “take the revenge” to horde :stuck_out_tongue: .

The issue isn’t that you are wrong. The issue is you are not actually attempting to debate this topic. You are trying to win a debate rather than honestly debate a topic. You are searching for anyway to score points, not to be honest with your opinion and then discuss fixes or middle grounds. Intellectual dishonesty has become a hallmark of internet discussion but you are pushing it even for the WoW forums.

So again, I will give you another chance to debate the topic honestly. I believe that premade raid groups formed in any way in a random is bad for the game. It makes randoms less fun for most of the pvp population, and breaks the intended competition by massively favoring one side. Randoms are meant for quick drop ins, rated is meant for coordination and planning. Having coordinated premades in randoms breaks the mode by making the only option either to quit, or play a premade to have a competitive chance.

What do you think?


Nerfed fights? Of course they did.

Nope. I rerolled Hunter because we had 4 warlocks on roster and I like both classes.

Didn’t flex anything. You asked.

Also when is 2200 a pve achievement?

Wdym you were not flexing.

Also the theme of people who don’t even participate in what they are trying to speak on and usually speak the loudest is increasingly more common.

“I don’t do pvp so i don’t see what premades cause but i’m going to defend them anyway!” thats you in this thread.

Saw the same thing in a comment section of a m+ channel some random guy saying the creator was wrong and then went on a wild tangent about how “healers wont be able to carry bad players anymore in tww and if you have even 10 deaths you shouldn’t be able to time a key”.

Which would make you believe he is some top end player but then at the end of the arguement he said “and i’m not even that big into m+”. So basically he was just speaking out his rear end on a topic that he has the bare minimum knowledge on.


There is zero to debate. You and others can beat this dead horse as much as you like, you can brigade threads and flag as many posts as you’d like but Blizzard has made it clear that nothing premades are doing is against the rules.

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Nothing in that is a flex rofl.

Just because I don’t premade doesn’t mean I don’t do BGs.

Minus the fact I do pvp.

Keep coping though.

2290 achievements and doing BGs say otherwise.

Even I was clueless it doesn’t change what the blue posts state so cope harder.

Like I said.

Thank you for confirming that you are not here to debate, just to dunk, and are unwilling to state or defend your opinions. I will now put you on ignore and move on. I hope you have fun dunking on people but more than that I hope you decide to become a more productive person on the forums rather than just someone looking to dunk on people. It doesn’t help and just hurts the community.

Good bye.


What you call “dunking on people” I call correcting misconceptions. Best of luck in life with that attitude.

You are still clinging to some random 2200 achievement to say you are actually half decent at the game.

You’re not and the first look at your account from the outside shows that. Anyway stay relying on premades for everything it’ll keep you where you are forever.

Akatsuki said he’s still using that bluepost from 4 years ago as a shield like he’s link from zelda lmao.

What is the difference between a post from 4 years ago and 1 from 12 years ago? mhm the opinion of the individual cs rep thats all so its not defenitive. Anyway i can see why you’re desperate to defend premades given your HL.


It’s not an “opinion”, if a Blue quotes it, it’s policy.

Ok and so if a different blue posted about it longer ago then does that make that policy as well?